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US marine kidnapped in Iraq?

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GAF's Bob Woodward
Just heard on the news that there are unconfirmed reports coming out of Iraq that a US marine has been kidnapped...

Shit, I can understand maybe how they got those other guys, seeing as how they were unarmed civilians, but a Marine? Was he walking around without his weapon? Alone? Damn bastards. Everyone should be issued a tracking device, so we can find out where these asshole terrorists are.


Gold Member
Error Macro said:
Shit, I can understand maybe how they got those other guys, seeing as how they were unarmed civilians, but a Marine? Was he walking around without his weapon? Alone? Damn bastards. Everyone should be issued a tracking device, so we can find out where these asshole terrorists are.

But then you'd have a Michael Moore documentary where he spends two hours showing how the evil Bush family has a pact with Satan to produce such tracking devices. :D


So that's three Turks, one Pakistani and a US Marine up for the chop.


So are Marines going to be allowed to scour the area for the guy or are this guy's colleagues going to sit on their hands and wait for the video on Ogrish?


Unconfirmed Member
Justin Bailey said:
If you're going to do a tasteless joke that's been used over and over, at least do it right.
I almost typed the same thing verbatim. Don't know why I closed the tab.


"From AP News (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040627/D83FINDG0.html):
"The Al-Jazeera netwtork said the group claimed it infiltrated a U.S. Marine outpost, lured the man outside and abducted him. The station said the group demanded the release of all Iraqis "in occupation jails" or the man would be killed."

Huh how the fuck do you lure one guy out of a Marine base? Was all the other guys having a Madden tournament and this poor soul was the only guy eliminated so he had to check it out alone?

Justin Bailey

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ShadowRed said:
His head is going to roll over this.

PS My bad on not checking my post before hitting send.
LOL, good god man, it's heads are going to roll over this, not he's, not his head, HEADS.

Your joke priviledges have been revoked.


Unconfirmed Member
ShadowRed said:
His head is going to roll over this.

PS My bad on not checking my post before hitting send.

You would have been better off not hitting send at all.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
ShadowRed said:
"From AP News (http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040627/D83FINDG0.html):
"The Al-Jazeera netwtork said the group claimed it infiltrated a U.S. Marine outpost, lured the man outside and abducted him. The station said the group demanded the release of all Iraqis "in occupation jails" or the man would be killed."

Huh how the fuck do you lure one guy out of a Marine base? Was all the other guys having a Madden tournament and this poor soul was the only guy eliminated so he had to check it out alone?

Yeah, that is a bit odd. How exactly would they lure him away from the base, surely he knew that wasn't exactly the safest thing to be doing considering what has been going on. And how exactly did they infiltrate the base?

I don't want to dishonor this guy or anything, but for some reason I think sex is involved. I know that sounds crazy, but if I was going to lure a marine away from his troop, I would get some woman to distract him.

I guess we will have to wait for more details, hopefully things will turn out ok.


But then you'd have a Michael Moore documentary where he spends two hours showing how the evil Bush family has a pact with Satan to produce such tracking devices.

No wonder we're in Iraq. Apparently conservatives can't think logically when it comes to anything. Next thing you know we'll hear about how shit like that wouldn't happen at Miramar because they'd kick their ass.


ok im getting confuses here...i keep hearing all sorts of reports...is the marine pakistani or are these two completey unrelated?


There is a guy who is wearing marine fatigues and has proper identification however. His name is being withheld and I'm sure I should not say anything until its released.



lol if America were occupied by the Iraqi military and we saw footage of our countrymen being abused, I dont think we'd behave any differently.

Justin Bailey

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karasu said:
lol if America were occupied by the Iraqi military and we saw footage of our countrymen being abused, I dont think we'd behave any differently.
Yeah, this whole situation's real hilarious isn't it?



soulja224466 said:
Why not wait until we have more facts before making judgement?

Because its easy to make snap judgements with little to no information. C'mon man, you're not new around here! :)

Seriously though, there are a wide variety of ways he could have been lured away from people and then out of the base. These people are finding it surprisingly easy to get small numbers of hostages and raid compounds where contractors are located.


A military spokesman has confirmed that a marine with that name is missing from a military unit and has been for several days.


Fuck you assholes. Sorry if I don't find this amusing. Fuck, this war bullshit is getting fucking ridiculous. This is starting to hit too close to home. I just hope my uncle's alright. I haven't talked to his family in 2-3 weeks. ARGH I hate this shit. That thread title sent shivers down my spine. I know there's little to no chance that it would have been my uncle...but if it had been? Christ...I don't even want to think about it.

Someone tell Dubya to go fucking fight the eskimos instead and take their oil.


I feel bad for the guy and all.. but a marine hostage here and a civilian hostage there shouldn't cause so much more of an uproar than a few soldiers killed today, a few soliders killed tomorrow, right?
All this shit is fucking stupid. I really despise war not just for being wrong and very vulgar, but stupid b/c countries can't work out their differences and live in some sorta harmony. Even if there are disputes and severed relations during times. We as humans shouldn't have to go through this dumb shit.
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