A Angelus Errare Banned Oct 23, 2012 #502 WaltJay said: What's up with Mitt's sweaty upper lip? Also, I have a feeling this debate is going to be a snorefest. Click to expand...
WaltJay said: What's up with Mitt's sweaty upper lip? Also, I have a feeling this debate is going to be a snorefest. Click to expand...
A Aylinato Member Oct 23, 2012 #504 what in the world did he just say.....all I heard was him naming off random countries..
G gutter_trash Banned Oct 23, 2012 #506 go after the bad guys... take them out of the picture so Bush-y
M Mr Cola Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris Oct 23, 2012 #513 the fuck is wrong with Mitt, hes stuttering all over the place, like a kid who hasnt studied for an oral exam
the fuck is wrong with Mitt, hes stuttering all over the place, like a kid who hasnt studied for an oral exam
S Souldriver Member Oct 23, 2012 #520 Oh for fuck sake, are we gonna get Moderate Nice Guy Romney this debate again?
Phoenix Member Oct 23, 2012 #522 B-Dubs said: Is he saying that HE IS FOR FOREIGN AID?!?! Click to expand... He is for whatever sounds good right now...
B-Dubs said: Is he saying that HE IS FOR FOREIGN AID?!?! Click to expand... He is for whatever sounds good right now...
C cousins Member Oct 23, 2012 #528 "The 1980s are calling to ask for their foreign policy back" oh lawdy
B Bowdz Member Oct 23, 2012 #529 Romney flippping and flopping before our very eyes. Truly unbelievable. Oh wait, no its not.
L LiK Member Oct 23, 2012 #532 jediyoshi said: Don't kill em. But really, kill em. Click to expand... He's Flip floppin already
W WaltJay Member Oct 23, 2012 #541 Obama throwing bombs! Mitt isn't attacking, but Obama said fuck it, I'm dissing this fool!
J Justin Bailey ------ ------ Oct 23, 2012 #543 "1980s called and asked for their foreign policy back." Nice.
methane47 Gold Member Oct 23, 2012 #545 I hate CNN instant polls. Obama calling out mitt on his BS and the chart goes dowwnnn
G grimshawish Banned Oct 23, 2012 #547 OUCH! Nice line Obama! Hes been sitting on that for 3 fucking weeks hasn't he?
Z Zaraki_Kenpachi Member Oct 23, 2012 #550 Obama is just going to come off as angry with Romney playing it cool.