An old friend has gone batshit crazy on Twitter. Talking about how killing bin Laden was no big deal because everyone knew he was there. How America is hated more now than during the Bush years. That too many people died in Libya and there was some magic way for us to have stopped that without getting into a decade's long debacle.
WHO CARES ABOUT THE FUCKING FOREIGN POLICY? They already said all there was to say. Do you want them to talk about hypothetical WWIII? Zombie invasion?
And Obama made a mistake by pivoting to the economy. He clearly was winning on foreign policy. Not sure why Obama put the debate back on even ground in the economy instead of staying on the high ground in foreign policy.
Obama doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to education. Romney, while he was governor, spearheaded a fantastic educational system is Massachusetts. Among the best in the country, if not the best.