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US Presidential Foreign Policy Debate |OT| Please proceed, governor

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i do find the conservative ability to not be objective about debates to be pretty great.

when obama lost that first debate, everyone accepted it.

this debate was a beat down of Romney and Fox can still talk about how great Romney did.
Obama should have said in his closing statement:


and then he should have broken his back and walked away.
Posted months ago, but it worked.



Middle East/Terrorism


- Arab Spring brought a great deal of hope.
- However, we are seeing disturbing events in spite of the spring.
- Reversal of hopes (mali, egypt, iran nuclear program).
- Can't kill our way out of this.
- Help world reject radical islam.
- Need comprehensive strategy to reject this extremism.
- Right course is to take out leaders of the anti-american groups/terrorists.
- Need to focus on economic development.
- Help with Education, gender equality, and rule of law.
- Al-Qaeda and jihadists are taking over parts of the world (egypt, northern mali).
Need to focus on these people.
- Obama's points about my record are not accurate.
- Have claimed that Iran is greatest national security threat.


- Job is to keep people safe.
- Focussed on capturing and killing those who attacked us on 9/11
- Working to help Afghanistan take care of its own security.
- Investigating Libya, and will hunt down those who attacked us.
- Took leadership, and liberated Libya. Did this in such a way that cost
less than 2 weeks of our time Iraq.
- Romney's strategy is all over the map. Not designed to take advantages
of opportunities in the middle-east.
- A few months ago, Romney said Russia is the greatest geo-political threat.
- Romney wants to import foreign policies of the 1980s.
- Romney is all over the map and contradicts himself (gave examples, did not have time to capture them).
- We need strong and steady leadership.
- We have to be clear to our allies and enemies about where we stand. Romney is not clear.
- Must facilitate nation building both abroad and at home.



- Have organised international community saying Assad has to go.
- Have isolated Assad.
- Continued humanitarian efforts.
- Consulting our partners in the region (e.g., Egypt and Turkey).
- Will do what we can to help the syrian opposition.
- Must make sure we know who we are helping before we commit fully (i.e.,
by providing heavy weapons to opposition).
- We are taking the lead.
- Romney opposed hunting and taking out Qadaffi, thought it was mission creep (was ok for taking out regime).
- Romney does not have different ideas of Syria. We are trying to promote a moderate Syrian leadership.


- Humanitarian disaster.
- A threat to Israel. Removing Assad is a high priority.
- Don't want military conflict. Need to organise partners in the region that will
take the lead in Syria. Then make sure that they have the necessary arms.
- Coordinate with our allies, particularly Israel.
- Make sure that insurgents that become armed are responsible parties.
- Want to see Syria as a friend when all is done.
- Obama's strategy was to let others take the lead (UN and then Russia).
- US should have taken the lead. America can help form a unity/council group.



- Think getting Mubarak out is the way to go. Need to promote democracy, recognise the rights of women.
- Egypt has to abide by its treaty with Israel.
- They need to cooperate with his in rooting out terrorism.
- Youth of Egypt have similar aspirations to Americans (good schools, jobs, and living standard.
- Need to help them build a good transparent and non-corrupt economy.
- We can't neglect our own economy while doing this.


- Agrees that Mubarak needed to go.
- Wish that we were more aggressive in helping with the transition so that it could
have been more peaceful.
- Purpose is to make the whole world is peaceful. Mantle of leadership is ours. An honour to have it (did not ask for it).
- To do this we must make sure our economy is strong.
- Need a strong military. We have the best, but we should not cut it.
- Need strong allies.
- Need to stand by our principles.
- Our influence will grow if we maintain these.

and education?


- Promote rights, dignity, enterprise and peace.
- End conflicts to the extent possible.
- To improve our influence we must be strong and we must lead.
- To do this we need a strong economy, and more jobs.
- Have to strengthen our military in the long term.
- Make decisions based upon uncertainty, will not cut military budget.
- Stay strong with our allies. Don't abandon them (i.e., removal of missles from Poland).
- Have an agenda for the future. Will create 12 million jobs and a rise in take home pay.
- 5 point plan: Energy independence (coal, oil and nuclear), increase trade (latin america), training programs, balanced budget (help entrepreneurs), and champion small business.
- This administration has made some of these issues worse.
- In Mass, 4th and 8th graders were number 1 on four measures. Bi-partisan effort. Still number 1 today.


- America needs to be the one indispensable nation.
- We have focussed on alliances that have been neglected for a decade.
- Unprecented cooperation with Israel.
- Need to start rebuilding America by creating jobs.
- Control our own energy. Need to develop non-renewable and renewables.
- Need to reduce our deficit. Romney's plan does not do this.
- Romney proposes wrong and reckless policies. Policies that have got us into this mess.
- Romney business policies in Mass. made his state 48th out of 50 in small businesses.
- We reformed education. Worked with 46 states. Schools are finally making progress. Will hire more math and science students. They will make a difference.
- Romney believes that more teachers will not make a difference with economy.
- Need to invest in education for a highly skilled workforce. Romney's slashes to education will weaken our economy.



- Cut 5% of discretionary budget, excluding military.
- Balance budget by getting rid of Obamacare, reducing discretionary spending, give medicaid to states to run. States can run these programs more cost-effectively.
- Balanced budget in my business, state, and the olympics.
- President has not balanced a budget.
- Navy is smaller now than any time since 1917. Unacceptable. Will build more ships.
- Need to be able to fight in two conflicts at once. Need to maintain the safety of american
people. Will not cut by 1 trillion like Obama.


- Romney's math does not work.
- Will increase military spending, when military is not asking for it.
- Spend more on military than next 10 countries combined.
- Working with Joint Chiefs to determine what we need in future to keep us safe. This
drive our military budget.
- Romney's tax plan does not work (won't rehash here).
- Need to think of cyber-security and space. Budget is driven by strategy, and not interests.
- Do have to focus on deficit as it is a threat to security.
- We are not reducing military spending, we will maintain it.
- We also have fewer horses and bayonets than in 1917 (snap!).
- We evaluate our capabilities. How will we best meet our defence needs while also supporting the troops.

(Is an attack on israel the same as an attack on US?)


- If Israel is attacked, we will stand with them. They are a true ally and friend.
- Have the strongest military and intelligence cooperation with them in history.
- Iran will not get a nuclear weapon. Organised strongest coalition and sanctions in history
for Iran.
- A nuclear Iran is a threat to our national security. They are a state sponsor of terrorism.
- They have to face a united world, and all available options.
- Romney proposes pre-mature military action. This is not the right course.
- Goal is to get Iran to recognise that it needs to give up its nuclear programme.
- Glad Romney agrees with my steps. At one point he seemed to say he would do our steps but do them "louder."
- Need to make sure all countries participate (even Russia and China). Getting all countries to agree to sanctions has increased pressure.
- Need clear evidence that programme is gone so that they can regain credibility.
- If they do not meet demands of international community, all options are available.
- Did not apologize. This is not true.
- Romney was doing business with Chinese state owned oil company that did business with Iran.
- Iran is at its weakest point in many years.
- My first trip abroad was to visit American troops.
- Visited holocaust museums in Israel.
- Want our future generations to think we stood on the right side of history.
- Romney is all over the map with his positions (Obama re-iterates contradictions, pitiful oneils is not fast enough to capture them). Romney did not think we should move heaven and earth to find bin Laden. Obama administration got bin laden.


- We will stand with Israel, militarily.
- A nuclear Iran is unacceptable. A threat to us and our friends.
- Will dissuade Iran from having a nuke through diplomatic means. Agree with sanctions, would have had them in earlier. Will tighten those sanctions.
- Take on more diplomatic efforts. Indict Iranian president for incitation of genocide.
- Attack is last resort.
- Obama administration was not as strong as it could be. He met with world's worst actors.
- Began an apology tour. He criticised America.
- President said he would create "daylight" between Israel and US.
- Essential for President to show strength.
- Iranian nuclear capability is unacceptable. Need tighter sanctions.
- We are four years closer to a nuclear Iran. We wasted these years.
- It is an apology tour because the President visited region and said America had been derisive and dictative. He did not visit Israel.
- Schieffer's hypothetical is not tenable.
- Under Obama, more violence, chaos and tumult in region. Assad still in power, growing influence of Al-Qaeda. Trade imbalance with China. Russia hinting they will back away from nuclear treaties.
- Democrat senators urging Obama to repair relationship with Israel.

(what happens if Afghans cannot make the transition).


- Will ensure that we are out in 2014. Our commanders are on track. The training programme is in place.
- What happens in Pakistan will influence what happens in Afghanistan. Pakistan is building more nukes. Al-Qaeda is in the country. We need to encourage them to move towards a more stable government. Our aid to Pakistan must be conditional.
- Pakistan is unlike others. No real civilian leadership. If it becomes a failed state, their nukes are a grave threat. It is an important part of the world for us. They are not behaving like an ally. Obama did have to enter their space to get bin laden, that is not his fault.
- Taliban forces in Pakistan will rush in to afghanistan. We need to support Pakistan to help deal with this.
- ON DRONES - Any means necessary should be used. President is right to increase this.
- But we need to do more than just kill bad guys. Need a comprehensive strategy to help world avoid islamic extremism. Current administration has not done this. Have not seen progress in this.


- Afghanistan had been drifting when my Administration started.
- It is now on track. We forgot why we were there. We are back on track.
- Decimated Al-Qaeda.
- Building up Afghan forces. Transition has to be made in a responsible fashion.
- Need to now focus in nation building at home.
- Will free up resources to put Americans to work, help veterans, and create good jobs for the future.
- Changing certifications to help veterans find work. Unemployment amongst veterans is lower.
- This is possible because of the transition in Afghanistan.
- have created partnerships to deal with extremism (yemen, pakistan).
- Will work with partners to make sure they are not corrupt, respect women's rights and have free economies.
- We stood with Tunisians before anyone else. We stood with region's protesters.
- Still need to maintain vigilance, even though Al-Qaeda is weaker than I started.



- China is an adversary, but also a potential ally.
- Set up a trade task force to catch cheaters in international trade. Have fought international
trade disputes with China. These have protected jobs. Romney felt we were too protectionist in some cases, even though we protected jobs.
- Need to take care of business at home. Invest in education, research and technology.
- Romney's budget proposals wont allow us to do this.
- Romney has invested in companies that shipped jobs overseas.
- Taking Romney's advice will mean we ship less products to China (i.e., auto bailout).
- Need investments in education and research to maintain the lead in certain industries.
- US exports to China have doubled under my administration.
- America will have a presence in the Pacific region. Will organise trade relations with countries other than China - to bring pressure on them to meet international standards.


(stream fucked up here)

- China does want a stable world, and does not want war.
- Chinese need jobs, so they want economy to work. We can be a partner and can work and collaborate with them.
- However, they look at our economy and budget decisions (military cuts), commitments around the world and wonder if the US will be strong.
- US will be strong under a Romney administration.
- Will have China end their currency manipulation.
- Will protect our IP.
- China has to play by the rules.
- A trade war/imbalance already exists. We can't just surrender and lose jobs every year. We can't keep status quo. They can't steal ip, make counterfeit products, and devalue their currency.
- Want a great partnership with China.
- Not in favour of shipping jobs overseas. Father ran a car company.
- Companies needed to go through a managed bankruptcy to unburden their costs and debt burden.
- We would have provided guarantees to enable them to come out of bankruptcy. We would not have liquidated the auto sector.
- US can compete with world. But government should not invest in companies. Companies are not research.
- Romney tries to airbrush history. Would not provide assistance even if the auto companies had went through bankruptcy (check the receipts!).
- Cutting investments in technology and research is not smart.
- Can't have a tax code that encourages shipping jobs overseas.
- We are making progress, can't enact same policies that got us into difficulty.



- Have made real progress digging out of policies that gave us two prolonged wars
and a horrible economy.
- Will build on our strenghts. Improving manufacturing jobs. Investing in retraining workers for jobs of tomorrow.
- Will ask wealthy to do a bit more to invest in this.
- Keep faith with our troops and will go after those who will do harm to us.
- Need to take care of our veterans and nation build at home.
- Will work every day to make sure America is greatest nation on earth.


- Want real leadership.
- Promote principles of peace.
- Make sure economy is growing. Will balance budget. Make sure take home pay grows.
- Will get people back to work with 12 million new jobs.
- Get people off of food stamps with good jobs.
- Will work across the aisle. Have to get along.
- This nation is hope of the earth. Free and prosperous, thanks to the greatest generation. It is our turn. It requires strong leadership. Will work with you. Ask for you vote to help support this great nation.

Thanks so much for this...


brazen editing lynx
Romney agreed so much with Obama while simultaneously flip-flopping on most issues. I think that means that Obama is generally doing a great job in FP. A few missteps, but almost nothing that could be attacked from the right.
to a non-American Romney was so boring and unentertaining.. :( i wish i could've seen Michelle Bachmann, Herman Cain, Rick Perry or Donald Trump (LOL) debate Obama. that would have been hilarious.


Wait... how is something Obama said True but with context when the context is talking about whether something Romney said was true or not?
Chris Wallace:

"During the debate a marine tweeted us to inform us that the marines still use bayonets, so it may not be clear who doesnt understand what the military currently uses"



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
i do find the conservative ability to not be objective about debates to be pretty great.

when obama lost that first debate, everyone accepted it.

this debate was a beat down of Romney and Fox can still talk about how great Romney did.

To be fair, many more than just Fox are saying Mitt didn't do such a bad job, considering the topic. A sitting prez should dominate foreign policy debate.



My friend just told me Fox News said that obama's burn should actually be turned against him
because the marines still use bayonets.

Holy shit if true.
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