(Is an attack on israel the same as an attack on US?)
- If Israel is attacked, we will stand with them. They are a true ally and friend.
- Have the strongest military and intelligence cooperation with them in history.
- Iran will not get a nuclear weapon. Organised strongest coalition and sanctions in history
for Iran.
- A nuclear Iran is a threat to our national security. They are a state sponsor of terrorism.
- They have to face a united world, and all available options.
- Romney proposes pre-mature military action. This is not the right course.
- Goal is to get Iran to recognise that it needs to give up its nuclear programme.
- Glad Romney agrees with my steps. At one point he seemed to say he would do our steps but do them "louder."
- Need to make sure all countries participate (even Russia and China). Getting all countries to agree to sanctions has increased pressure.
- Need clear evidence that programme is gone so that they can regain credibility.
- If they do not meet demands of international community, all options are available.
- Did not apologize. This is not true.
- Romney was doing business with Chinese state owned oil company that did business with Iran.
- Iran is at its weakest point in many years.
- My first trip abroad was to visit American troops.
- Visited holocaust museums in Israel.
- Want our future generations to think we stood on the right side of history.
- Romney is all over the map with his positions (Obama re-iterates contradictions, pitiful oneils is not fast enough to capture them). Romney did not think we should move heaven and earth to find bin Laden. Obama administration got bin laden.
- We will stand with Israel, militarily.
- A nuclear Iran is unacceptable. A threat to us and our friends.
- Will dissuade Iran from having a nuke through diplomatic means. Agree with sanctions, would have had them in earlier. Will tighten those sanctions.
- Take on more diplomatic efforts. Indict Iranian president for incitation of genocide.
- Attack is last resort.
- Obama administration was not as strong as it could be. He met with world's worst actors.
- Began an apology tour. He criticised America.
- President said he would create "daylight" between Israel and US.
- Essential for President to show strength.
- Iranian nuclear capability is unacceptable. Need tighter sanctions.
- We are four years closer to a nuclear Iran. We wasted these years.
- It is an apology tour because the President visited region and said America had been derisive and dictative. He did not visit Israel.
- Schieffer's hypothetical is not tenable.
- Under Obama, more violence, chaos and tumult in region. Assad still in power, growing influence of Al-Qaeda. Trade imbalance with China. Russia hinting they will back away from nuclear treaties.
- Democrat senators urging Obama to repair relationship with Israel.