Mitt says 2014 now?? Two debates ago he said there's no timetable!
How long until CNN declares this a close tie.
Its always been his plan to take Afghanistan nation building funds to nation build here. So this makes sense.Barry going off topic. C'mon, you had this one.
Romney looks like he's going to cry.
Romney looks like he's gonna cry.
Quoting myself because welp, here is my answer.
As a Brit. I can't understand how the man is even in the running.
He must've forgot to smileMitt lost his smile lol. DEFEATED.
Yeah I heard it. bad slip...Obama Bin Laden?
I can't vote for Obama Bin Laden!!!
Can't wait for Mitt to talk about China and Russia.Will this debate ever transition out of Middle East issues?
"obama bin laden"
come the fuck on now.
I just got home, what's the status on this debate?