Suppression fire. Waiting for the cavalry to charge in with their lances.Romney just said absolutely nothing for two minutes
On CNN I saw a few people say Romney is speaking clear while Obama is rambling.
Romney just comes across as knowing nothing about what he is talking about.
Is the camera not entirely focused on Romney? He seems blurrier/less in focus than Obama.
Maybe it is just his makeup.
But they were gonna vote for Romney because he was going to be so much better on drone strikes.There is your drone question gaf. HE'S FUCKING OKAY WITH IT
Who's winning the debate so far? (Republicans only)
Romney: 92%
Obama: 2%
Undecided: 6%
Is Romney sick or something? He looks really off and more jittery than usual, he is usually more aggressive with his responses as well.
CNN snap poll:
I find their whole stance on Afghanistan weird.
So you got what you wanted, you apparently killed the guys responsible for 9/11. How do you know that 10 years from now there wont be some new guys from Afghanistan who fly a plane into a building?
CNN snap poll:
CNN snap poll:
Stop saying that! its annoying!