Season 2 Episode 13 - FINAL
That was a pretty good ending. The idea that Hakumen can't sense the Beast Spear if it's embedded in Tora makes sense and does explain things, though I'm not fully convinced it was necessary to stab through Tora to kill Hakumen. The part with Hakumen revealing that it really wanted to become a baby the entire time was weird.
With the ghost stuff, in general, I thought it was handled really well. I liked that the ghosts only ever appeared for a few seconds and then faded away, so it didn't feel broken.
I usually don't like "the magic goes away" endings, but I thought this worked out well, particularly with how the Beast Spear had negative effects on Ushio and how the yokai allowed several to stay behind. The very last part with Tora maybe coming back, I was not a fan of, though.
I could have used more in the epilogue, though. I mean, all of that last battle should have had huge repercussions in the world.
For the series overall, it was really enjoyable, though it was was boring at points, while at the same time being rushed at others. The second season especially was very rushed at the start, and I felt like Guren in particular got the shaft because of that. If it comes to Toonami, I'll definitely rewatch it, even with the Sentai dub.