As I said in the other thread, the disappointment for me is that it's such a fucking shitty way to end an otherwise phenominal ARG. The whole cross game content, treasure hunting and puzzle solving premise was utter genius. I wasn't an active player in the ARG, but I loved following the story and enjoyed the content that was made available in the games I own, as well as of course potato hunting.
Then, as has been said, Valve went and turned a game into work. Monotonous, grinding, unstimulating work. All the cleverness of it's structure and community involvement has been significantly devalued, entirely because of this abysmal ending.
It's not even about the payoff. If it were about the payoff, then yeah that sucks too. A few hours early unlock really means sweet fuck all. But even if it's about 'the game', the actual discovery of challenges, and the sense of reward and accomplishment when solutions are found, they've screwed it up by having the final part nothing more than a grind.
I dont know what Valve's intentions were here. Maybe they expected stronger involvement and thought everything would go faster. In that case they fucked up. Maybe this was a means of encouraging people to play a bunch of great indy games. Well, they fucked up there too, as people are just idling, or rage quitting from the monotony of it all. The 'taters were actually doing a better job of this. Or maybe this is all just one big scam on Valve's end, and they're full of shit in claiming that there's genuine community drive input and math going on. If that's the case, then obviously they fucked up there too.
Valve done fucked up. It's their own fault people are upset with this, for better or worse reasons, and I hope they're taking notes.