I've been running Toki Tori, Super Meat Boy and Audiosurf almost continuously since the countdown began, quitting and restarting every now and then to 'bank' my hours just in case it works that way, and that just seems ridiculous. It was a great idea of Valve's to give us a worthwhile incentive to play some Indie games that we otherwise might have ignored but, seriously, who could realistically pump forty hours or more into some of these games over a weekend? Most of the games can be completed 100% in ten hours at the very outside, and they aren't all exactly keepers.
I don't want to whine, I'm happy to get Portal 2 any stretch earlier than it would otherwise have released, but I have to agree with the people who say Valve drastically overestimated the percentage of their userbase who would play along. I mean, if it really was their intent to stick to a Tuesday release they could have begun this countdown on Sunday morning instead of Friday night and lessened the number of CPUs required, or just included more games in the Potato pack so we'd be finishing games more often. Unless PotatOverdrive suddenly kicks in right about now this has been a pretty damn boring weekend event.