Edag Plata
That creepy Raz guy? It could always be a placeholder price because they haven't decided anything yet.
It's that Kureshima ruthlessness.Damn, this episode of Gaim was intense.
Mitsuzane is one cold dude.
Go-Buster was one of those shows where the elements I was excited for added up to a lackluster show. Leather suits, some impressive choreography, and an interesting mech added up to... eh.
Wizard has an absolutely amazing Rider design, wasted on a boring show with a drab lead.
So, yeah... downgrade to Gokaiger.
red xl. thats how men roll.
(would have gotten blue if GS had one but w/e!)
Really at this point, can we expect decade to get a new form? Bigger shoulders for all the new riders.
We need some final form rides.
From the filming of the new Superhero Wars:
Decade playing 3DS.
i love how dancing is now completely second to the entire plot. MORE RIDERS SOON!!!
"This new K-Touch is all weird. I see things like eShop and Activity Log, but where's the Kuuga, Agito, Ryuki, Faiz...?"
I love the voice of the Energy Lock Seeds (it's Shinichiro Miki doing his best Wakamoto impression).
[spoiler]No, it's not.[/spoiler][/QUOTE]
Michelle will never give up, never hide, never be defeated, never accept evil.
Usually I'm not fond of the simple bland cliche "I'm a rider because I want to protect people", but Kouta pulls it off well in this episode.
Guys, is the woman playing Souji's mother a veteran Sentai actress? Kinda like I have seen her face somewhere.
Guys, is the woman playing Souji's mother a veteran Sentai actress? Kinda like I have seen her face somewhere.
She was DynaPink, and his dad is DynaBlack.
Had a chance to sample the first episode of my first sentai series and man do things move quickly. Is the pace set in the first episode kept up for a majority of the series? Seems like a fun bunch of characters and I know I'd be joining this party a bit too late with Tokkyuger in the near future, but I think I'd rather start with this sentai season.
Kamen Rider Den-O
So a little update on my toku watching habits.. watched Onigashima Warship and Episode Red with my friend. Due to the holidays and conflicting schedules, we're not quite sure when to fit in Episode Blue and Episode Yellow. So close to the end of Den-O I can feel it! One thing about Onigashima Warship, I feel like I missed something plot-wise. In the movie,Is this something that gets explained in Blue/Yellow or did I miss a line somewhere?Ryotaro is younger and they never seem to make a big deal out of it. It also continued into Episode Red.
The show does not slow down at all. It's worth it.
I believe it's simply explained in Decade as "a result of the timeline being screwed with", and never given a decent answer.
In reality it's because Takeru Satoh retired as Ryoutaro because his agency didn't want him being stuck as Den-O. He'll probably never play Den-O again.
until the Den-O crossover with Tokkyuger BELIEVE!
>You guys wont believe the story for the Rider movie that I'm filming now... Ahh, I really want to spoil it. lol
>今撮影中のライダー映画のストーリーも凄いことになってるよん あー、、、言いたい。笑
Immediately followed up by this tweet:
>Ultraman has nice, smooth skin. I wonder what product he uses on it.
>ウルトラマンって肌がツルツルで綺麗。 どんな手入れしてるのかな?
No one cares about blatant cash grabs like that. We're discerning fans who only watch genuinely compelling stories, like Super Hero Wars Z.
surely theres been a comic series or something wacky out of japan where the president of america is a costumed hero no?
Super MegaForce spoilers
according to this:Silver ranger inherits the Q-Rex from the Quantum Ranger.
I was working on that exact concept at one point as a painting project.