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Vamola! TokuGAF 2013 | 20 Years of Teenagers with Attitude


Posted in Comics-Gaf. Thought I'd share.





Cliff Chiang said:
I was digging through the storage room here at the underwater headquarters and ran across these character sheets I did almost 10 years ago. So I slapped on a new coat of digital paint and put ‘em up for your amusement. Similar to Grant Morrison’s ideas for Super Young Team, I imagined that the DC universe had a band of Japanese superheroes inspired by their original Western counterparts. It’s basically a mix of DC, old school anime and kaiju. This got a tiny bit of interest around the offices (this was a year prior to the Marvel Mangaverse) but it never went anywhere because they already had Chris Moeller’s giant robot Justice League book in the works. Here, Batman is a wealthy but orphaned college student, the Joker is an insane visual kei rock star, and Superman is a giant robot controlled by the radio wristwatch of a young boy (the roles of Clark Kent and Lois Lane are filled in by the robot’s nerdy creator and the boy’s widowed mom). They’re really shameless pastiches, but kinda funny too. I’d like to draw some more finished versions of these at some point, just as a goof.

Aquaman = Ultraman? This needs to be a thing.

Anyone know who Wonder Woman is supposed to be a take on? (Edit: Apparently, Queen Emeraldas.)


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
It seems a waste to combine cobra and green lantern, when kamen rider works so much better


The first episode of Kyoryuger was fantastic. So much energy, really shows how different Go-Busters was in toning everything down. The whole show is really retro, right down to bringing back the eyecatches for commercials and titles for the new characters.

Here's the theme song on piano.

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
How long does it take new Super Sentai episodes to get subbed? I wanna watch Kyoryuger live, the first Tokusatsu I've done that for.

A Pretty Panda

fuckin' called it, man
The beginning of the theme reminds me of Epcot.

I don't know

How long does it take new Super Sentai episodes to get subbed? I wanna watch Kyoryuger live, the first Tokusatsu I've done that for.

Sunday night is the earliest OT gets things subbed. Anytime from then to Tuesday typically.
megaforce had a lot of new footage this eps. gotta love how the american footage got holographic cards.

Not sure what the moral is though. Is this telling kids to lift weights beyond their limit with 'belief'? Sounds dangerous.


megaforce had a lot of new footage this eps. gotta love how the american footage got holographic cards.

Not sure what the moral is though. Is this telling kids to lift weights beyond their limit with 'belief'? Sounds dangerous.

Welcome to a Saban production. Nothing makes sense and they're almost always telling kids to do stupid shit. Oh and they're lazy and do a great job of butchering Japanese Tokusatsu.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Welcome to a Saban production. Nothing makes sense and they're almost always telling kids to do stupid shit. Oh and they're lazy and do a great job of butchering Japanese Tokusatsu.

Its goseiger. Its not like its a fan favorite to begin with


Exactly. There is no where to go but up.

Its Saban, they have the ability to go into the negative scores. Its an ability only available to them.

Edit: Just watched Kyoryuger Brave 1. Now I love my serious Toku, but goddamn that was fun to watch. Winner.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Hah, Dick the Robin

Anyway the show is too hyper for me but it's not Go-onger levels of hyperactivity so I'm gonna watch it. I guess I need a pick-up after GB's ending.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
You're also referring to the ulcer inducingly annoying Go-On Red right? I hated him with a passion, he made Deka Red look subdued and quiet.

Yeah. He also looks ugly.


Anyway, Go-Onger's problem wasn't that it was hyper, it was that it was a comedy that wasn't funny. There's nothing wrong with being incredibly hyper, but it is wrong to not be compelling or entertaining in any way.

I dunno, some moments did made me chuckle, but yeah, agreed.

Anyway, Go-Onger's problem wasn't that it was hyper, it was that it was a comedy that wasn't funny. There's nothing wrong with being incredibly hyper, but it is wrong to not be compelling or entertaining in any way.

At least in my case, I think most of the Go-Onger stuff was lost in translation. When you spend some time reading into things and jokes are explained it's A LOT funnier.

The same thing happens with Carranger in a lot of cases, at least as much as has been subbed. Carranger just gets a lot of respect because its old school :p


Finished Kabuto. Fun ending. Trying to pick my next show...I wanted to try to watch a Sentai, but I actually found someone whose site has all the Blade episodes and I was digging it when I was watching it before. I stopped because the site didn't have anything else on it though.

My wife is watching Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle with me and loves it BTW. I doubt she'll ever get into Toku, but she liked what she saw of Den O and enjoys shows that don't take themselves seriously. Might be able to pull her into Akibaranger.

Anyhow I may not get to watch much of anything for awhile...I may have a new studio job. Im on my final interview with a group in Baltimore and if I land it I'll be doing animation for them from home for awhile then moving up to MD after a year. Nice thing is I can indie develop games with no worries of a noncompete clause or ownership of intellectual property riders on my contract.

Wish me luck Toku Gaf. If I land this I'll be busy, but I may finally have enough income to start developing some stuff. Better believe Toku is a theme I want to use in Indie games if I finally get time to work on things.


Finished Kabuto. Fun ending. Trying to pick my next show...I wanted to try to watch a Sentai, but I actually found someone whose site has all the Blade episodes and I was digging it when I was watching it before. I stopped because the site didn't have anything else on it though.

My wife is watching Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle with me and loves it BTW. I doubt she'll ever get into Toku, but she liked what she saw of Den O and enjoys shows that don't take themselves seriously. Might be able to pull her into Akibaranger.

Anyhow I may not get to watch much of anything for awhile...I may have a new studio job. Im on my final interview with a group in Baltimore and if I land it I'll be doing animation for them from home for awhile then moving up to MD after a year. Nice thing is I can indie develop games with no worries of a noncompete clause or ownership of intellectual property riders on my contract.

Wish me luck Toku Gaf. If I land this I'll be busy, but I may finally have enough income to start developing some stuff. Better believe Toku is a theme I want to use in Indie games if I finally get time to work on things.
Good luck. one if the reasons there was like 7 years of Den-o is women loved it.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Finished Kabuto. Fun ending. Trying to pick my next show...I wanted to try to watch a Sentai, but I actually found someone whose site has all the Blade episodes and I was digging it when I was watching it before. I stopped because the site didn't have anything else on it though.

My wife is watching Hero Yoshihiko and the Demon King's Castle with me and loves it BTW. I doubt she'll ever get into Toku, but she liked what she saw of Den O and enjoys shows that don't take themselves seriously. Might be able to pull her into Akibaranger.

Anyhow I may not get to watch much of anything for awhile...I may have a new studio job. Im on my final interview with a group in Baltimore and if I land it I'll be doing animation for them from home for awhile then moving up to MD after a year. Nice thing is I can indie develop games with no worries of a noncompete clause or ownership of intellectual property riders on my contract.

Wish me luck Toku Gaf. If I land this I'll be busy, but I may finally have enough income to start developing some stuff. Better believe Toku is a theme I want to use in Indie games if I finally get time to work on things.

Have you tried krdl.info for episodes?

Watch Da Birdie

I buy cakes for myself on my birthday it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
How's Den-O? After Kiva I wanted to watch it, but I've heard...mixed things about it.


How's Den-O? After Kiva I wanted to watch it, but I've heard...mixed things about it.

Kinda depends on how you like your Rider shows, as Den-O to me was the first one that really kicked in the comedy factor. You do have your serious moments in there, but for the most part, prepare for Imagin wankery that is pretty funny.


Kinda depends on how you like your Rider shows, as Den-O to me was the first one that really kicked in the comedy factor. You do have your serious moments in there, but for the most part, prepare for Imagin wankery that is pretty funny.

Den-O also goes for a fair number of episodes right in a row without ever developing its plot. Infact
the main villain isn't even introduced until the last handful of episodes


Den-O also goes for a fair number of episodes right in a row without ever developing its plot. Infact
the main villain isn't even introduced until the last handful of episodes

Well, it is a Kobayashi Rider show. It's a shame she copied the template onto OOO.


Made something to relax a bit.


I actually editted the old W I had to matchup with the way I did OOO's. Another fan request in Scribblenauts Unlimited fulfillled...well sort of. After doing TaToBa I found he had came back and went specific for TaJaDor (my fave) so likely OOO's is gonna get more forms done.


Well, it is a Kobayashi Rider show. It's a shame she copied the template onto OOO.

Only difference is there was actual plot development throughout OOO, Den-O's plot development was slower than a snail in the alaskan tundra during winter.


So...what happens if you steal Kamen Rider OOO's scanner disc in a fight? If he needs a combo change or a true combo or even a Rider Kick he's boned without that.


Only difference is there was actual plot development throughout OOO, Den-O's plot development was slower than a snail in the alaskan tundra during winter.

True, but not by much, and she still doesn't know how to properly end a Rider series as both TV shows had non-endings that had to be fixed via movies to get them back into play.


True, but not by much, and she still doesn't know how to properly end a Rider series as both TV shows had non-endings that had to be fixed via movies to get them back into play.

It took three or four movies to end Den-O, which is disgraceful. OOO's one after series movie is an elegant solution in comparison. I still have to say OOO is a better Kamen Rider series overall. I found the Imajin wankery and general putzing around by the Den-O cast aggravating to be honest. To date Den-O remains the only Heisei Kamen Rider series I have left unfinished, which is saying a lot since I finished the infamous clusterfuck that was Decade.
Anyhow I may not get to watch much of anything for awhile...I may have a new studio job. Im on my final interview with a group in Baltimore and if I land it I'll be doing animation for them from home for awhile then moving up to MD after a year. Nice thing is I can indie develop games with no worries of a noncompete clause or ownership of intellectual property riders on my contract.

Wish me luck Toku Gaf. If I land this I'll be busy, but I may finally have enough income to start developing some stuff. Better believe Toku is a theme I want to use in Indie games if I finally get time to work on things.
Good luck.

So...what happens if you steal Kamen Rider OOO's scanner disc in a fight? If he needs a combo change or a true combo or even a Rider Kick he's boned without that.

Well, he'd still have his sword and his armor. He'd just have to figure out how to use them to get the scanner back before the enemy escapes. I guess it also depends on whether or not his gear comes back to him when he transforms or not; If it does, he can just bail out and transform again later.
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