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Vancouver's Guide To Behaving During The Olympics (No, seriously)

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Staff at Vancouver City Hall are being told to make sure their socks match their pants, avoid gossiping about their personal lives and to remember to smile, but not too much, as part of their protocol training for handling Olympic dignitaries.

About 600 city staff have been reassigned to Olympic duties during the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, and the protocol guide was recently issued as part of their training on how to conduct themselves while dealing with the world's elite politicians, royalty and business leaders.

The 120-page booklet was posted online by the popular civic issues blog CityCaucus.com and offers tips on a wide range of protocol issues, including seating arrangements, proper conversation topics and personal grooming.

City employees are urged to keep hair tidy, yet stylish, cautioned not to wear socks that are too short for fear of showing off bare leg, and advised to carry extra clothes because dress shirts stain easily. They are also advised that tight clothes make slim people look gaunt and a large person look heavier.

While it's clear the city is serious about putting on its best face forward for foreign dignitaries, the protocol guide seems to have a lighthearted tone, including an introduction with excerpts from a U.S. military publication called Air Force Wives.

Under a section titled "Humility" in the introduction, the guide says, "You never say, 'That's not my job.' There is nothing too demeaning, too demanding, or just plain beneath you. … If you are not comfortable opening car doors, holding umbrellas or pitching baggage, then you need to find another job."

A section on facial expressions urges employees to smile gently and with sincerity, but notes that false smiles can look artificial and never-ending smiles can invite suspicion.

"And remember that 'Protocol Smile.' It ought to get larger the worse things get from your perspective. Let them think you are in complete control," says the guide.

There's also this tip that nodding usually means you agree, and it can also you mean you understand, but to be careful because too much nodding can be seen as insincere.

And for those assigned to dignitaries, the manual advises protocol officers to stay hydrated, take bathroom breaks whenever there is time, avoid jangling the change in their pockets, and avoid talking about politics, religion or personal marital problems.

But perhaps surprisingly talking about Vancouver's weather seems to be acceptable, despite the trouble unseasonably warm temperatures have given organizers of some of the Olympic ski and snowboard events.

City officials have not revealed the cost of the staff training or the protocol guide.


The 120-Page HandBook

Anyone else in the area concerned their hair isn't quite stylish enough to welcome the world? I for one am looking forward to this ... epic train wreck.
Well it's not unexpected. Vanoc has gone mad with power. They tried to restrict the clothing of presenters at a library if they have logos other than Olympic sponsors. Even though obviously none of the sponsors money is going towards libraries.

They are full of shit. Every single person on that committee is despicable.
Wormdundee said:
Well it's not unexpected. Vanoc has gone mad with power. They tried to restrict the clothing of presenters at a library if they have logos other than Olympic sponsors. Even though obviously none of the sponsors money is going towards libraries.

They are full of shit. Every single person on that committee is despicable.

Agreed. This whole fiasco would be 100% without any gain for us if not for the transportation infrastructure upgrades. At this point, even those don't cancel out the hassle.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
I just want this gong show over with. I'm happy that the thing got us some public transit improvements, but it's also racked up some impressive expenses that will need to be paid back eventually. Didn't it take something like 25-30 for Montreal to pay off their Olympics? Meanwhile there's fun stuff like reduced library hours, and a decent chance public school teachers will start getting laid off because the city is strapped for cash. Fun times ahoy!


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Tell me one modern Olympics which doesn't have a guideline like this ? Besides, nobody really follow those guidelines anyways so it's just same old same old. As for the finance, we will have one of the best financial record because everything built for the Olympics will be used in the future. Montreal got into a huge financial problem because they didn't have a good plan on the future usage of those Olympics venues.

Most importantly, you should have posted this in my official 2010 Olympics thread.


will gain confidence one day
But what if the homeless people can't find grey socks to match their dirt stained trousers? What will we do?!
Mr Nash said:
I just want this gong show over with. I'm happy that the thing got us some public transit improvements, but it's also racked up some impressive expenses that will need to be paid back eventually. Didn't it take something like 25-30 for Montreal to pay off their Olympics? Meanwhile there's fun stuff like reduced library hours, and a decent chance public school teachers will start getting laid off because the city is strapped for cash. Fun times ahoy!

Yea, the tab so far's in the $6 billion range so far. One of my favorite parts is how the city, province, etc have bought quite a few tickets. So we're on the hook for that too :S

CygnusXS said:
But what if the homeless people can't find grey socks to match their dirt stained trousers? What will we do?!

Don't worry about the homeless. They'll be out of sight during the games and we won't have to look at them. We can look at how multi-cultural we all are, and how we are one with our first-nations people with all the first-nation'y stuff that will also be shown instead. Then we can bring in the homeless and show them our new lovely micro-unit suites that are only $700 a month! Affordable housing FTW

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
ManDudeChild said:
Yea, the tab so far's in the $6 billion range so far. One of my favorite parts is how the city, province, etc have bought quite a few tickets. So we're on the hook for that too :S

My favorite is the way over budget, most likely shoddily built, Olympic Village. How much did the city have to fork out for that? Several hundred million? Did any news ever come out as to whether the issues with poor insulation on the piping were addressed?


I can't wait for the inevitably awesome campus parties at UBC...Vancouver is going to be a pretty awesome place to be during the Olympics.

I'm pretty sure during the two weeks that I'll be constantly intoxicated or high, I'll definitely break this really dumb behaviour guide.
Mr Nash said:
My favorite is the way over budget, most likely shoddily built, Olympic Village. How much did the city have to fork out for that? Several hundred million? Did any news ever come out as to whether the issues with poor insulation on the piping were addressed?

Off the top of my head, I think that was closer to $1.2 billion actually. Nope, I haven't seen anything on that yet. You see all the issues with the dome leakage. I love our our green city will have that massive flame thrower happening.

Duke Togo said:
I'm going out of town during this gong show...provided I make it to the airport.

Hey, if you don't have a destination yet you might want to try the island. Victoria's getting all jazzed up, and doing a bit of marketing to try and bring us mainland dwellers over. Likely to be able to get some good deals there. Just saying.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Mr Nash said:
My favorite is the way over budget, most likely shoddily built, Olympic Village. How much did the city have to fork out for that? Several hundred million? Did any news ever come out as to whether the issues with poor insulation on the piping were addressed?
That wasn't the government's problem. It was the private financial backer who ran into economic problem due to the recession. Obviously the government had to step in and pick up the slack. Even then, the Olympics Village will be converted to residential called the Millennium Water that I'm confident they'll make money off of due to our high real estate prices here.
NetMapel said:
That wasn't the government's problem. It was the private financial backer who ran into economic problem due to the recession. Obviously the government had to step in and pick up the slack. Even then, the Olympics Village will be converted to residential called the Millennium Water that I'm confident they'll make money off of due to our high real estate prices here.

That's really assuming there's a boom from the Olympics isn't it though? Any boom, and that's a big if, would be short term. Not to mention the horrific bubble that's going to burst in Vancouv... yeah you have a point in the short term profitability. Long term, we are boned.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
ManDudeChild said:
That's really assuming there's a boom from the Olympics isn't it though? Any boom, and that's a big if, would be short term. Not to mention the horrific bubble that's going to burst in Vancouv... yeah you have a point in the short term :S
Doesn't matter the long or short term boom. Most of these units are already sold so I think the city will be paid at the market price they previously agreed to.
All they need is a 1 page handout with this picture:


Duke Togo

ManDudeChild said:
Hey, if you don't have a destination yet you might want to try the island. Victoria's getting all jazzed up, and doing a bit of marketing to try and bring us mainland dwellers over. Likely to be able to get some good deals there. Just saying.
You know, that doesn't sound half bad. If its too crowded there, I can always fly out of Victoria. Food for thought.
NotTheGuyYouKill said:
Ugh, don't remind me. I hate that travesty. Makes me a little ashamed to live here.

If you don't like the logo, then pass it to the guy on the left. Don't bogart!

I hate the logo, but I hate the torch more lol.


will gain confidence one day
I'm just pissed that SFU's going to be closed for the duration of it. It's not like I have tickets to the games; what else am I supposed to be doing exactly?


Medalion said:
So ashamed to be living in that Province right about now.
seconded. I mean its not some fucking Vanoc amusement park.... wait a second I hear someone at the door... (author's note: subrock never returned from answering the door)


Duke Togo said:
I'm going out of town during this gong show...provided I make it to the airport.
I might take a hilarious novelty trip over there for a day but if they think I am going to spend more than $.93 on a special olympics edition slice of pepperoni pizza at megabyte they can just go get fucked

also: did I mention that MSTRKRFT tickets are $75 because of this piece of shit. good thing they are played out as fuck.


CygnusXS said:
I'm just pissed that SFU's going to be closed for the duration of it. It's not like I have tickets to the games; what else am I supposed to be doing exactly?
Watch the games like any obedient Vancouverite would!

Acid08 said:
So basically you have to act the opposite way a normal Canucks fan would usually act? Seems fair.
In fact, Section VIII, Article 4 stipulates that Canucks fans must continue harassing dimwitted Sharks fans. Sorry, dude. :(


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
There's plenty to complain about the Olympics, but some of you guys are kind of stretching it with your complaints. You don't think the Olympics did any good ? Then what are these ?

- Completion of the Olympic Village that will be turned into residential housing after the game
- Renovation of the Sea to Sky Highway
- New and permanent lighting and art installations throughout the city
- Completion of Canada Line, the biggest public transit project in the history of Canada
- Upgrades for Cypress Mountains and Whistler Mountains
- Completion of the Richmond Olympic Oval that will be turned into a community centre after the game
- Completion of the Vancouver Olympic/Paralympic Centre that will be used after the game
- Skytrain Station renovations
- A new streetcar line that will be the testing phase for a future streetcar network in the city
- Completion of the Woodwards building in East Vancouver that will help revitalize the area
- Hundreds and hundreds of new social housing units, especially in East Vancouver
- Renovation of Robson Square that now include an outdoor ice skating rink
- Bringing in new foreign interests and investments into the city for years to come

Those are just a list of new things that happened directly due to the Olympics. There are even more things that I can argue are pushed forward by the Olympics that I haven't even listed. C'mon, I personally think the Olympics well worth it.

Oh, not to mention that CBC is very butt-hurt after losing their bids to CTV :p They've been running negative Olympic stories for quite some time now :lol


This was in the news a couple weeks ago. The newscasters mocked VANOC pretty heavily. They even polled some tourists who were in Vancouver at the time. The conclusion? Vancouver is already fine. This guidebook is a huge joke.:lol


Banstick Emeritus
Having the brand new King Edward Skytrain literally minutes from my front door, dropping me off at the brand new Downtown station one block away from my studio? absolutely luvverly :D


Man I swear all I hear from fellow Vancouverites is complaining about how much money this costed but just as the person above me and the previous above him mentioned, there are significant benefits. The normal comeback is "they could have done that stuff and had more money left over" but the fact is without a catalyst for money to be spent, it won't be spent. We would not have the Canada line if it wasn't for the Olympics.

Plus the Olympics are a once in a lifetime thing. So I'm happy to pay.

I also get to see Canada vs US prelim men's hockey game!!!


Tabris said:
Man I swear all I hear from fellow Vancouverites is complaining about how much money this costed but just as the person above me and the previous above him mentioned, there are significant benefits. The normal comeback is "they could have done that stuff and had more money left over" but the fact is without a catalyst for money to be spent, it won't be spent. We would not have the Canada line if it wasn't for the Olympics.

Plus the Olympics are a once in a lifetime thing. So I'm happy to pay.

I also get to see Canada vs US prelim men's hockey game!!!

I got tickets to see US play Norway. Reasonable prices. Also picked up tickets to see INXS.


Last time I was in Vancouver for 3 days I saw 4 street fights and a sorta-fight that looked more like a game of mercy. Probably didn't help to being staying in a hostel downtown.

Great city.


Tabris said:
Man I swear all I hear from fellow Vancouverites is complaining about how much money this costed but just as the person above me and the previous above him mentioned, there are significant benefits. The normal comeback is "they could have done that stuff and had more money left over" but the fact is without a catalyst for money to be spent, it won't be spent. We would not have the Canada line if it wasn't for the Olympics.

Plus the Olympics are a once in a lifetime thing. So I'm happy to pay.

I also get to see Canada vs US prelim men's hockey game!!!
I can't say I'm a fan of Translink running up fifteen years worth of debt despite tripling their taxes on cars, nor the paradox that if we all shifted from cars to transit like they suggest, the system would choke and die within a week and there would be nobody left to pay the $2 billion for it's completion, let alone fix it.

But then again, this is the corporation that put themselves (read: the taxpayers) tens of millions into debt to replace all of our bus shelters with aluminum-and-plexiglass ones that do a worse job of sheltering you from rain and wind and are more expensive to maintain because they had "too much money" in their budget and didn't know how to spend it all.

But on the whole, I expect the Olympics to be a great thing for Vancouver.


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
Just got words that the ugly downtown Sears building in downtown is getting a power wash tonight. This officially seals it as being the best thing to ever happen because of the Olympics :D


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
bishoptl said:
I might just drive down to see it actually happen. :lol That building has years of filth caked on it.
Prepare to be shocked when you see it then :D :D :D
Haters can eat it now. Best news ever !!!


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I Push Fat Kids said:
Last time I was in Vancouver for 3 days I saw 4 street fights and a sorta-fight that looked more like a game of mercy. Probably didn't help to being staying in a hostel downtown.

Great city.
Doesn't really sound like my city.. it's actually kinda boring. I haven't seen one street fight and I've been here a few years.


CygnusXS said:
I'm just pissed that SFU's going to be closed for the duration of it. It's not like I have tickets to the games; what else am I supposed to be doing exactly?

They had to close it down to use all the buses. Plus its cool to have 2 weeks off in the semester, everyone gets time to relax and "enjoy" the Olympics :D Im sure UBC will have a shit ton of crazy parties during the break. As good as the Olympcis are this city cant handle all the people. Clubs are already so full, same with bars and restaurants. Its going to be a gongshow when everyone arrives. It doesnt even feel like the Olympics is so close :/


I still kick myself for not renting my apt and going to montreal for vacation. The film fx industry is pretty frozen in Vancouver right now and I dont think anything will happen during the olympics :(


Guilty White Male Mods Gave Me This Tag
CygnusXS said:
I'm just pissed that SFU's going to be closed for the duration of it. It's not like I have tickets to the games; what else am I supposed to be doing exactly?
I never thought I'd witness a student complaining about having a break from school. Holy moly :lol

Animator said:
I still kick myself for not renting my apt and going to montreal for vacation. The film fx industry is pretty frozen in Vancouver right now and I dont think anything will happen during the olympics :(
What ? The vfx industry is bigger than ever here right now. Digital Domain Vancouver officially opened up last week and Pixar Canada is opening up soon too. Other Vancouver studios are also very busy with work. Our CG industry in a much better shape than Montreal or Toronto right now.


Water is not wet!
These guidelines are for staff. Sounds reasonable to me. Events like these should be treated like diplomatic affairs.


NetMapel said:
Tell me one modern Olympics which doesn't have a guideline like this ? Besides, nobody really follow those guidelines anyways so it's just same old same old. As for the finance, we will have one of the best financial record because everything built for the Olympics will be used in the future. Montreal got into a huge financial problem because they didn't have a good plan on the future usage of those Olympics venues.

Most importantly, you should have posted this in my official 2010 Olympics thread.

Actually pretty much every olympic venue is used in the city these days. Every single one. It's just that, well, they're not making much money, so unless you have a very strong plan for how to actually make a ton of money with these venues, it'll be hemorraging money like every single Olympic city in the past 40 years.


Man I swear all I hear from fellow Vancouverites is complaining about how much money this costed but just as the person above me and the previous above him mentioned, there are significant benefits. The normal comeback is "they could have done that stuff and had more money left over" but the fact is without a catalyst for money to be spent, it won't be spent. We would not have the Canada line if it wasn't for the Olympics.
Oh hey I've got a novel fucking idea: Spend it on shit that actually matters - like schools or health care? No catalyst? How about the 600 (or is it 800, can't remember now) teacher's jobs that are on the line right now.

The only reason I even give a shit is because I've got this certain feeling that BC is gonna go begging to the Feds for some money for this. "Yeah, it was only supposed to cost like 600mill and then ended up costing $6bill, but THE INTANGIBLES!!!"
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