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Various Studios Celebrate the Release of Marvel Spider Man 2


Pretty cool to see this kind of stuff from the other studios. The studios under the PlayStation Studios umbrella share a lot of knowledge among them and contribute a lot to each others’ projects. That’s why they are such good oiled machines.


Well. I think they look cool.

Also, it’s not uncommon for other devs under the same umbrella to congratulate their fellow teams under the same banner….. and sometimes we get cool artwork out of it.

But the I love seeing artists do these kinds of crossover art pieces. Crossover shit always seems cool to me for whatever reason.


Gold Member
Nope, just gets old seeing the same self-promoting attitude.

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Gold Member
Spiderman 2 Task List

1. Story
2. Graphics
3. Audio
4. Q&A
5. Marketing push
6. Remind all the first party studios 30 days before launch to do a coordinated twitter push to promote Spiderman 2 and the games they work on on Oct 20 between 11:00 am and noon
7. Launch game on Oct 20
8. Fist party studios do marketing tweets between 11:00 am and noon
Pretty cool coordinated effort. Love the custom artwork. Shows some degree of cohesion and camaraderie between the studios.
or simply reflects the fact that they're owned by the same corporation, & doing mutual p.r. for each other...

i know, i can be just just sooo negative sometimes (i think it was the use of the word 'camaraderie' that got me)...

Mibu no ookami

Demoted Member® Pro™
Brb "Let's congratulate insomniac for Spiderman"
Brb "Let's also include a shameless plug for our games"

Just say congrats. Fucking hell.

They all do this for every major release. It's part of the culture at PlayStation Studios to show that they're one big family.

Same thing with the Destiny skins for God of War, Horizon, and Ghost of Tsushima.

It's called cross-promotional.


Their studios have been doing this shit for years and years.
Why are some of you complaining about it now, especially when it doesn't affect you in the slightest?


Look the same bunch of fools who were almost getting teary eyes about how wholesome Sony studios are at patting each other on the back with cross promotion NOW attempting to sound like the tough guys and blaming everyone else of being "triggered". :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Phill Spencer didn"t this time... strange!
I guess he finally realised that business is war. I say good for him for real. Business is competition. I work in the music biz and I ain’t patting other producers, sound engineers and song writers…. I think about what I can do better. I hope philnlooks at completion. In business the same way. Don’t congrats them….. study them and do it better.

Kudos to Sony for the consistency and eye on quality. Saying that as an Xbox gamer. 👊🏿
Phill Spencer didn"t this time... strange!
Probably still licking the wounds of releasing 3 disappoints in a row. One of which was supposed to be the GOTG.

ND, what the Hell is up with that artwork? Not only does it look horrible, you seriously didn't put Nathan Drake swinging with Spider-Man with his grappling hook. Neil needs to leave.
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