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Vegans 43% more likely to suffer broken bones than meat eaters, Oxford study finds


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Vegans 43% more likely to suffer broken bones than meat eaters, Oxford study finds
A study by academics at the University of Oxford found that vegans have more than double the risk of suffering a broken hip than meat eaters, with the affliction common in older people, especially women

Vegan diets more than double the risk of a broken hip, warns new research.

A study of more than 50,000 British people tracked over two decades found giving up animal flesh weakens bones - and can trigger osteoporosis.

Compared with people who ate meat and fish, scientists found that those with lower calcium and protein intake were especially prone to hip, leg and spine fractures.

Vegans were also 43 per cent more likely to suffer a fracture anywhere. In particular this applied to the leg, vertebrae and collarbone.

The latest research by the Vegan Society says there are now 600,000 vegans in Britain.

Study lead author Dr Tammy Tong, an Oxford University nutritional epidemiologist, said: "The biggest differences were for hip fractures, where the risk in vegans was 2.3 times higher than in people who ate meat - equivalent to 15 more cases per 1,000 people over 10 years."

It is the most common serious injury in older people. There are more than 76,000 cases a year, costing the NHS £1 billion annually.

Women are most vulnerable because their bones naturally lose strength after the menopause as levels of oestrogen drop.

Famous celebrity vegans include Natalie Portman, Ellie Goulding, Pamela Anderson, Sir Paul McCartney and Joaquin Phoenix.

The most comprehensive analysis of its kind was based on participants of the EPIC-Oxford study who were recruited between 1993 and 2001 - around three quarters of whom are women.

Around 29,400 ate meat, nearly 17,500 were vegetarians or vegans and just over 8,000 were fish eating pescatarians.

Dr Tong said: "We found vegans had a higher risk of total fractures which resulted in close to 20 more cases per 1000 people over a 10-year period compared to people who ate meat."

Participants' diets were assessed initially, and then again in 2010. They were followed up until 2016, for 18 years on average, for the occurrence of fractures.

Fracture risk was partly reduced once BMI (body mass index) and dietary calcium and protein consumption had been taken into account.

Dr Tong explained: "Vegetarians and vegans generally have lower BMI than meat eaters.

"This is associated with a higher risk of hip fractures, and low intakes of calcium and protein have both been linked to poorer bone health."

Possible explanations include the cushioning against impact force during a fall, enhanced oestrogen production with increased adiposity or stronger bones from greater weight-bearing.

Dr Tong said: "This study showed vegans, who on average had lower BMI as well as lower intakes of calcium and protein than meat eaters, had higher risks of fractures at several sites.

"Well-balanced and predominantly plant-based diets can result in improved nutrient levels and have been linked to lower risks of diseases including heart disease and diabetes.

"Individuals should take into account the benefits and risks of their diet, and ensure they have adequate levels of calcium and protein and also maintain a healthy BMI, that is, neither under nor overweight."

The researchers were unable to differentiate between fractures caused by poorer bone health - such as those due to a fall or accident as information was not available.

Most participants were white so generalisability to other populations or ethnicities may be limited.

This could be important considering previously observed differences in bone mineral density and fracture risks by ethnicity.

More studies are needed from different populations, including from non-Europeans, as well as cohorts with a larger proportion of men, they said.

During the period a total of 3,941 occurred including 566 arm, 889 wrist, 945 hip, 366 leg, 520 ankle and 467 fractures at other main sites, defined as the clavicle, ribs and vertebrae.





Genuinely Generous
I feel like this is probably because other people viciously assault them after being told how awesome it is to be vegan for the 500th time.

Yeah, I mean it's fine to be a vegan, just shut the fuck up and keep it to yourself.

I remember while living in Portland, I went to a Whole Foods, which ended up getting raided by some super lvl 50 vegans, who stood by the meat department and started screaming at people for buying meat. Saying "how do you think they felt being slaughtered, don't you care that they died?!" and so on, so I bought some steak from the ready-to-go food area and sat next to where they were protesting and ate it in front of them. One of them looked at me with disgust, so I started cutting the steak, looked her in the eye, and said, "listen, you can hear it crying" she lost her mind and started screaming at the top of her lungs, almost crying her eyes out, but they eventually got thrown out by the police, because there weren't enough security guards to take them all on. lol.
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advanced basic bitch
The nice thing about hating Vegans is that it is still socially acceptable to do. It's hard to find a group to hate these days without being called some sort of -ist or -phobe.
True as hell. My girlfriend and I can get into shouting matches about a lot of shit but one thing we both agree on is vegans.


Not surprised at all. I think it has a negative effect on physical performance in various sports (Not all of them) as well. John Fitch, Shane Carwin, and several other MMA fighters had a noticeable decline when they stopped eating meat.
Not surprised at all. I think it has a negative effect on physical performance in various sports (Not all of them) as well. John Fitch, Shane Carwin, and several other MMA fighters had a noticeable decline when they stopped eating meat.
I believe Shane Carwin, John Fitch, etc, may have stopped doing other things, as well.


True as hell. My girlfriend and I can get into shouting matches about a lot of shit but one thing we both agree on is vegans.

The world would be much happier if people would stop with this stupid faux empathy thing that got popular over the past decade or so. You don't need to like, or care about everyone, and it is OK to hate people for pretty much any reason, especially vegans and douche nozzles who do CrossFit.


nate_diaz_not_surprised.exe (he's vegan, das the joke)

our teeth, jaws, gut, organs and digestive tract evolved / millions of years to process meat and marrow


nate_diaz_not_surprised.exe (he's vegan, das the joke)

our teeth, jaws, gut, organs and digestive tract evolved / millions of years to process meat and marrow

I have a vegan friend who actively tries to convince everyone else in the friend group that humans were never intended to eat meat and our ancestors didnt either. The mental gymnastics he goes through is insane but awfully entertaining in a masochistic sense
I have a vegan friend who actively tries to convince everyone else in the friend group that humans were never intended to eat meat and our ancestors didnt either. The mental gymnastics he goes through is insane but awfully entertaining in a masochistic sense
More parma ham for me


You were evolved to eat meat. Choosing not to eat meat is cucking yourself.

Well, we're omnivores (like Bears) ideally you'd be eating meat with, fruit, nuts and berries on the side and whatever else we can rustle up (root vegetables, mushrooms etc). Cereals etc aren't really that good for us, but Bread and Rice are great filler, even if not that nutritious on their own.
Well, we're omnivores (like Bears) ideally you'd be eating meat with, fruit, nuts and berries on the side and whatever else we can rustle up (root vegetables, mushrooms etc). Cereals etc aren't really that good for us, but Bread and Rice are great filler, even if not that nutritious on their own.

I've been a vegetarian, and I've been on an all meat diet. If you choose not to eat meat you are choosing to live a suboptimal life.


I don't understand this nonsense. You at least have to eat red meat once a week at the very least, we are monkies at the end of the day but more than that we are humans, if you aren't eating milk, fish, beans, nuts, meat, chicken and so on in the week then you're gonna be sick. These Californian rich people with there time to devote and there nutritionists on hand can be vegan all they want and not get ill for a few months until it finally hits them but they are pulling stupid, uninformed middle class women into early sickness and it's extremely aggrevating to watch.
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advanced basic bitch
I have a vegan friend who actively tries to convince everyone else in the friend group that humans were never intended to eat meat and our ancestors didnt either. The mental gymnastics he goes through is insane but awfully entertaining in a masochistic sense
Ask him to explain why we have eye teeth.
I don't disagree, but we're not carnivores

Go out into nature and harvest some wild grapes. Look in your local environment outdoors and see what you and your ancestors could eat. Learn about what time of year this stuff would have been available. I love studying the natural world, in the places I've lived, any time before agriculture made significant advances you would really struggle to find much to eat outside of animals, particularly fish which if you are near the ocean or a river would be available year round with the right fishing techniques. We can eat things that are not meat, but i don't think it's ideal, and any non meat items should be a small part of your diet.


Go out into nature and harvest some wild grapes. Look in your local environment outdoors and see what you and your ancestors could eat. Learn about what time of year this stuff would have been available. I love studying the natural world, in the places I've lived, any time before agriculture made significant advances you would really struggle to find much to eat outside of animals, particularly fish which if you are near the ocean or a river would be available year round with the right fishing techniques. We can eat things that are not meat, but i don't think it's ideal, and any non meat items should be a small part of your diet.

We're omnivores. I'm not defending vegans, versus stating a simple fact.

As for meat all day every day. Sure back in the hunter-gatherer days roaming the plains when we were few and far between and the herds were plenty, but that is simply not the case now due to population growth. Most of human civilisation was not spent living on a meat-rich diet versus it being supplemental to mainstays of vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains.
things have changed over the twenty year period of the study in fairness. Milk substitutes now will have a decent level of calcium in them and there are plenty more of them available, to give one example. being a vegan now is not the pain in the arse it would have been twenty years ago.

If you're not someone that has a consistent regimen of supplements or a very samey diet with the relevant nutrients in you're still going to struggle as a vegan though, which is why I still eat eggs cheese and poultry tbf. No red meat though and I rarely ever miss it.
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I don't understand this nonsense. You at least have to eat red meat once a week at the very least, we are monkies at the end of the day but more than that we are humans, if you aren't eating milk, fish, beans, nuts, meat, chicken and so on in the week then you're gonna be sick. These Californian rich people with there time to devote and there nutritionists on hand can be vegan all they want and not get ill for a few months until it finally hits them but they are pulling stupid, uninformed middle class women into early sickness and it's extremely aggrevating to watch.
Actually analysis of our biology indicates we're not evolved to eat red meat, which is why it can often cause health problems, cancers and good old constipation if over indulged in, since our enzymes aren't built to break those kinds of proteins down properly.

Most likely our natural diet would be mostly root vegetables, fruits and sea food, based on our enzymes, teeth, digestive tract and large brains (The Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that are vital for it are most abundant in sea food).

Thankfully we are far and away the most adaptable animal on the planet, particularly when it comes to food, so we can eat pretty much anything and, unlike most animals, our bodies just do a good enough job of extracting energy from whatever we throw at it, that we can eat as much cow as we want and won't die from it until decades later.

Still, fundamentally eating red meat is no more natural to us than Veganism, and both camps tend to be the two most annoying vocal about it.


Actually analysis of our biology indicates we're not evolved to eat red meat, which is why it can often cause health problems, cancers and good old constipation if over indulged in, since our enzymes aren't built to break those kinds of proteins down properly.

Most likely our natural diet would be mostly root vegetables, fruits and sea food, based on our enzymes, teeth, digestive tract and large brains (The Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids that are vital for it are most abundant in sea food).

Thankfully we are far and away the most adaptable animal on the planet, particularly when it comes to food, so we can eat pretty much anything and, unlike most animals, our bodies just do a good enough job of extracting energy from whatever we throw at it, that we can eat as much cow as we want and won't die from it until decades later.

Still, fundamentally eating red meat is no more natural to us than Veganism, and both camps tend to be the two most annoying vocal about it.
Like I said, once a week at least and more if you're working out or trying to maintain muscle.
Like I said, once a week at least and more if you're working out or trying to maintain muscle.
You'd be better off cutting red meat out and replacing it with fish for that, since it's digested more efficiently, thus would be converted more readily to muscle, as well as removing the carcinogenic problems from your diet.

Just because vegans are dumb wankers, and you can eat it in small amounts with only a minor increase in health risk, doesn't suddenly make red meat good for you.


Genuinely Generous
When they can put a nice steak in front of me, and have me enjoy it the same way I do now without having noticed a difference, then after I finish it, they tell me it wasn't meat and it has the same nutritional properties of meat, I'll become a vegan. Until then, don't bother me with this "tofurkey shit" and "meatless bacon"


former Navy SEAL
Just compare the animals that eat veg vs. the animals that eat meat and it becomes clear who's superior. We've got fucking dogs, lions, tigers, wolves, eagles, falcons--all the cool animals. They've got fucking sparrows, larks, cows, and bunnies. Is that the team you want to be on?


Gold Member
Ngl, the thread title made me chuckle. I have cut down on how much/frequent I consume the flesh. But gotdamn is BBQ tasty. Wings weekly, game or not.


When they can put a nice steak in front of me, and have me enjoy it the same way I do now without having noticed a difference, then after I finish it, they tell me it wasn't meat and it has the same nutritional properties of meat, I'll become a vegan. Until then, don't bother me with this "tofurkey shit" and "meatless bacon"

I've talked about it before but one of the things that bemuses me no end is the Cargo Cult nature of a lot of vegan/vegetarian products... Sausages, Burgers, mince...just stop it, come up with things that aren't trying to emulate meat-based goods.
There are significant differences in the digestibility of plant-based vitamins + minerals and animal-based ones. Two easy examples are iron and b-complex vitamins. Really doesn't surprise me that an omnivorous species would have weaker bones (as well as other health deficiencies) when they omit natural parts of their diet.


You'd be better off cutting red meat out and replacing it with fish for that, since it's digested more efficiently, thus would be converted more readily to muscle, as well as removing the carcinogenic problems from your diet.

Just because vegans are dumb wankers, and you can eat it in small amounts with only a minor increase in health risk, doesn't suddenly make red meat good for you.
Yes it does, it's a fantastic source of iron and nutrients. I'm not talking a hambuger here, I'm talking a steak along with a healthy balanced diet. Is there many other places you can get these nutrients, yes, a liver for one but a cow only has one liver and it's pretty fucking expensive. This BS about red meat in moderation being a health risk is nonsense from scientists scared of cow farts, if we were at one billion people in the world and McDonalds didn't exist the scientists would be recommending a steak a week. FFS, look at Scandinavians today and their diet over the last few hundred years and say that, that diet is bad for people. If you're overweight with little activity should you use red meat as a source of protein and nutrients? Fuck no, chicken, fish, eggs, beans are all better but a healthy person eating a steak once a week is not even close to a detriment to them but a healthy boon.


Ngl, the thread title made me chuckle. I have cut down on how much/frequent I consume the flesh. But gotdamn is BBQ tasty. Wings weekly, game or not.
The wings of what? Fuck, we are talking red meat here, what fucking animal are you eating?


Gold Member
I feel like this is probably because other people viciously assault them after being told how awesome it is to be vegan for the 500th time.

Another beauty from picky eater Vegans:

1. Normal eater: Get served something you don't like eating. Man up and eat it to be respectful or just don't make a stink. Not the end of the world if you have to eat some celery to be polite

2. Vegan: OMG, is there anything here with zero meat? No it's not the same thing if I separate the pepperoni from the pizza. Oh thanks, you did order or make something without meat. But there's only two entrees here without meat? The other people have more dishes to pick from. Oh wait, are the two things you made have eggs in the crust? If it does, I can't eat it. Next time, tell me what you are serving. I'll order some take out before coming over next time.
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Gold Member
I have a vegan friend who actively tries to convince everyone else in the friend group that humans were never intended to eat meat and our ancestors didnt either. The mental gymnastics he goes through is insane but awfully entertaining in a masochistic sense
I love pointing out our canines to these folks. Like.....there's just no reason for them if we were only meant to eat veggies.

For what it's worth, I empathize with vegans in an ethical sense, but I'm not one of these idiots who think it's good for you. I love animals, and I've often thought to myself that I don't really like contributing to our livestock and poultry industries, which are objectively fucked up. That being said, animal proteins are so beneficial for human beings, not to mention the various other great micro nutrients we get from meat. Red meat, in particular, has some very real benefits to testosterone production, and the proof is definitely in the pudding. The strongest men in the world have been swearing by steak for centuries now, and that's not a coincidence. I'll probably never be a vegan for health reasons, but I don't necessarily hate vegans, I just hate THOSE vegans......you know the ones lol.
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