Maybe we need a revolution?
Certainly looking that way.
Maybe we need a revolution?
The inevitable, unacceptable risk for which the bloodthirsty armchair berserkers in this thread and others cannot spare a passing thought. Over the past few days I've watched people who cannot abide the death penalty for fear of executing an innocent person positively salivating at the notion of going vigilante and cracking some Nazi skulls open. The fuck happened to us?
I don't blindly follow an ideology. I pick my ideals a la carte.
Maybe we need a revolution?
physically fighting them doesn't work either. Giving a Nazi a bloody nose might make you feel good. but I don't think he's going to go home and have a change of heart. If anything, his hatred will be fueled by it.
Is this like an ironic avatar?
Civil disobedience is where I draw the line. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat is one well known example. Taking a day off from work to go to a protest armed with twin sais and throwing stars for the sole purpose of drawing blood isn't what I would call civil disobedience. What Kree is talking about sounds to me like a right to revolution. And what is going on now doesn't fall into that category either.
Is this like an ironic avatar?
Americans like to pretend their problems haven't been soundly addressed in a sensible fashion by other developed nations for decades... be it hate speech, gun control or socialized health care. They've been brainwashed by their media... and their government... to believe that any slight change on any of these fronts will result in the end of the bill of rights, the incarceration of innocents, the end of their religion of choice and that evil non-white immigrants will descend upon their newly unarmed selves and rape their families and steal their jobs.
Civil disobedience is where I draw the line. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat is one well known example. Taking a day off from work to go to a protest armed with twin sais and throwing stars for the sole purpose of drawing blood isn't what I would call civil disobedience. What Kree is talking about sounds to me like a right to revolution. And what is going on now doesn't fall into that category either.
civil disobedience is one tactic among many, it was hardly the entire civil rights movement
But don't you see, if we have a civil debate with Nazis we can pat ourselves on the back about our well reasoned arguments while they win new recruits to the Nazi cause using appeals that aren't based on logic or reason anyway.I don't think many things will cause someone who believes in Nazi ideals in 2017 will cause a change of heart
Like at all
Shhhh, they don't want us talking about that stuffcivil disobedience is one tactic among many, it was hardly the entire civil rights movement
Or, you know, you just fight them in the streets when they're dressed in Nazi gear instead of trying to internet detective your way to their house
I don't think many things will cause someone who believes in Nazi ideals in 2017 will cause a change of heart
Like at all
People seem to forget that thinks like Civil disobedience worked because the threat of something far more was always in the background.
People dismiss say Malcolm X's philosophy as a losing one but it actually succeeded because it made more "peaceful" approaches more palatable to racist white governments.
We should try to talk to them again like in the 1930s. They wouldn't try to wipe out a human population the first chance they got or anything, would they?But don't you see, if we have a civil debate with Nazis we can pat ourselves on the back about our well reasoned arguments while they win new recruits to the Nazi cause using appeals that aren't based on logic or reason anyway.
It is kinda of werid seeing all these ww2 USA vets. post in here like yeah they help fight against Nazi Germany but then came home and continued terrorising black people.
I think you misunderstood what happened. Civil disobedience worked because the public aka so called white moderate, was seeing peaceful non violent protesters beaten and sprayed with fire hoses on the evening news.People seem to forget that things like Civil disobedience worked because the threat of something far more was always in the background.
People dismiss say Malcolm X's philosophy as a losing one but it actually succeeded because it made more "peaceful" approaches more palatable to racist white governments.
Is this like an ironic avatar?
I think you misunderstood what happened. Civil disobedience worked because the public aka so called white moderate, was seeing peaceful non violent protesters beaten and sprayed with fire hoses on the evening news.
Jimmmy Fallon with a cold open condemning the President.
your family might die, you might die
Jimmmy Fallon with a cold open condemning the President.
For some of us these are already concerns.
I think you misunderstood what happened. Civil disobedience worked because the public aka so called white moderate, was seeing peaceful non violent protesters beaten and sprayed with fire hoses on the evening news.
I chuckled and died a little more inside.What Jimmy, don't want to play with his hair anymore?
Jimmmy Fallon with a cold open condemning the President.
And how does war solve this concern? Furthermore, why is it the best option to do so?
So the key all along was white moderates need to see minorities beaten to death/near death, attacked by dogs and sprayed down with fire houses to get their empathy.
Welp, get the message out to minorities then on what to do. Maybe this time racism and bigotry really will disappear for good.
So all of a sudden it's okay to condemn his behaviour. You're a stand-up guy, JF.What Jimmy, don't want to play with his hair anymore?
I mean you realize your proposed solution was lock them up in gitmo eh?
Who the fuck really is talking about outright war anyway
So the key all along was white moderates need to see minorities beaten to death/near death, attacked by dogs and sprayed down with fire houses to get their empathy.
Welp, get the message out to minorities then on what to do. Maybe this time racism and bigotry really will disappear for good.
I strongly dislike this advocating of violence . Yes non violence works and the reason it works is the perpetrators of violence see it and notice they are wrong .... And guess what making someone feel guilty works better than beating them up . I've repeated Indians example fucking South Africa Mandela etc etc but no the idea of non violence is anathema to some ppl .
yea it's suffering more .its for a greater good .
What Jimmy, don't want to play with his hair anymore?
According to records obtained by the Associated Press from the Police Department in Florence, Kentucky, after his mother asked him to stop playing video games one day in 2010, Fields allegedly smacked her in the head and locked her in a bathroom. The next year, Bloom called 911 and said Fields had stood behind her with a knife.
Unsurprisingly, someone willing to run over innocent people with a car has anger issues and a history of violence.
I strongly dislike this advocating of violence . Yes non violence works and the reason it works is the perpetrators of violence see it and notice they are wrong .... And guess what making someone feel guilty works better than beating them up . I've repeated Indians example fucking South Africa Mandela etc etc but no the idea of non violence is anathema to some ppl .
yea it's suffering more .its for a greater good .
I strongly dislike this advocating of violence . Yes non violence works and the reason it works is the perpetrators of violence see it and notice they are wrong .... And guess what making someone feel guilty works better than beating them up . I've repeated Indians example fucking South Africa Mandela etc etc but no the idea of non violence is anathema to some ppl .
Yes toss the nazi terrorists in fucking gitmo whats the problem ? How is that not a better option than war in the streets? Are you worried about them being treated poorly?
And scroll up, look in other threads, people talk about the need for our side to start fighting the way they do all the time because talking doesnt work, which is not only a disingenuous portrayal of our sides activism but an extreme and dangerous solution. Its like if there was a liberal equivalent to Trump saying we need to bomb the shit out of them, its not even a deep thought. We shouldnt have to go to war, the government should be tracking and monitoring these terrorists, and if they support ethnic cleansing it shouldnt be a protected opinion or free speech, they should lose their freedom, its terrorism. They should not be able to walk around, post blogs and YouTube comments, much less organize and proliferate. Its crazy that these assholes acknowledge that their race owns and dominate the country but feel threatened by a crazy conspiracy theory that a group of people might want to take over the world. They literally are fighting against an invisible enemy whos threatening quality is that they might do what they themselves are already doing. As for the term revolution im literally confused at what the people using that word even mean, it would be a civil war, not a revolution