Lmao, actual chicken tendies meme.
And damn, looking over the Charlottesville threads, it's like this is the history of black people according to people.

This cunt actually thought he was playing GTA
Lmao, actual chicken tendies meme.
And damn, looking over the Charlottesville threads, it's like this is the history of black people according to people.
Lmao, actual chicken tendies meme.
And damn, looking over the Charlottesville threads, it's like this is the history of black people according to people.
I strongly dislike this advocating of violence . Yes non violence works and the reason it works is the perpetrators of violence see it and notice they are wrong .... And guess what making someone feel guilty works better than beating them up . I've repeated Indians example fucking South Africa Mandela etc etc but no the idea of non violence is anathema to some ppl .
yea it's suffering more .its for a greater good .
This cunt actually thought he was playing GTA
Cunt? Really?
Cunt? Really?
Pretty sure he's talking about the attacker here, so I think the name is more than appropriate.
It's my preferred word to describe people like the President of the US, most politicians here in Australia and most of my team mates in any given sport.
It's pretty accurate for the fella in that Challenger too, I think, and most of his cowardly loser mates.
The face of Nazism in 2017. Time to stop dismissing them as internet trolls being transgressive.
The face of Nazism in 2017. Time to stop dismissing them as internet trolls being transgressive.
One neighbor told a reporter that the vehicle rarely moved, which suggested Fields did not work. Another told the Toldeo Blade that they often saw the young man sitting inside of the car blasting Polka music.
Yeah, I really should have said "long past time."There was also the shooting at a Canadian mosque, committed by a "Internet troll".
Lmao, actual chicken tendies meme.
And damn, looking over the Charlottesville threads, it's like this is the history of black people according to people.
What Jimmy, don't want to play with his hair anymore?
The Robespierres in this thread are missing the point. The purpose of non-violence is not to pretend like you can deradicalize a bunch of Nazi demonstrators with the power of argument, but to win the public's support. Imagine if it was some Vanguard shit who was martyred this weekend and the public reaction that would have generated. Instead the President had his worst week since the Comey firing and is facing renewed pressure to oust Bannon and Gorka from the White House. This is good and better than fantasizing about some stupid ethnic civil war.
Exactly. Non-violence and compassion works because it exposes the other side's hateful behavior. It has been shown time and time again that it works when people are actually watching.
No one likes a bully, and evidence of one can quickly turn public opinion.
Yeah, I see what you did there and a bit of me died inside. Fallon and the rest of the US media treated Trump with kid gloves during tbe campaign under the belief that he would be blown out of the water by Hillary. Little Donnie Dump was great for the talk shows and comedians, not so great for the US and world when he won. We all should have treated his run with more seriousness and recognized the treat he posed.
I love that you used the "Scene Missing" shot from Homer's Night Out to add a Simpsons touch to your insightful post. Thumbs up!
Oops.A bully has right now the most powerful position in the world after fully being exposed as bully.
It would be funny if it weren't so true.Lmao, actual chicken tendies meme.
And damn, looking over the Charlottesville threads, it's like this is the history of black people according to people.
Because no one is going to do that. There's no legal means of doing that.
Like you realize the ACLU advocates on the behalf of Nazis' right to march yes?
In many ways the US is perfect for fascism to eventually take hold because of how easy it is for them to use its legal foundation to advance their purposes.
I mean the ACLU's (and this is not blaming them just stating fact) main source of donations comes from left wing people and the ACLU has and will continue to use that money to legally defend the right of Nazis to rally (which is exactly what they did to ensure this weekend's march happened). Literally facists are able to get legal defense paid for by left wing dollars because US law is so fucking rigid that the ACLU feels they are compelled to do so. That's just one example on how the tools of the American legal system are useful to fascists.
What tou were suggesting is something that right now is even less possible than fighting it out in the streets
Put laws in place that label Nazi, Confederate, and the KKK as hate groups, and using their imagery as hate crimes.Can some kind of Constitutional Amendment solve the fascism problem? Like......outlawing hate speech or something? Clearly define what it is so that it's illegal forever?
I've stated my desire for something like this a number of times, and I've pretty regularly been told that it makes me some kind of pseudo reverse fascist for trying to deny hateful bigots unrestricted Free Speech.Can some kind of Constitutional Amendment solve the fascism problem? Like......outlawing hate speech or something? Clearly define what it is so that it's illegal forever?
Can some kind of Constitutional Amendment solve the fascism problem? Like......outlawing hate speech or something? Clearly define what it is so that it's illegal forever?
Can some kind of Constitutional Amendment solve the fascism problem? Like......outlawing hate speech or something? Clearly define what it is so that it's illegal forever?
From the Department of the More Things Change the More They Stay the Same:
Just read an article from 1965 titled The Fallacy of "Civil Disobedience."
It pulled a "both sides" with MLK and the Klan.
It complained about protesters obstructing traffic, which it compared to lynching.
It hailed a return to "law and order" in Alabama (though it did not use that exact phrase). Go ahead and look up images of the sort of "law and order" encountered by Civil Rights demonstrators in Alabama in 1965.
I did not find this article was not printed in some extremist publication, but rather in Readers Digest, very much a "respectable" magazine consumed by the kinds of white moderates MLK talked about in his famous quote.
We're truly the fascist socialist for trying to solve America's deep and never ending issue with hate crime. You got us. I really wanted to vote for Mussolini this entire time.If you think fascism is all about hate speech I have a surprise for you
Can some kind of Constitutional Amendment solve the fascism problem? Like......outlawing hate speech or something? Clearly define what it is so that it's illegal forever?
Thats Frauke Petry of the far right anti-refugee AfD Party in Germany.
Banning Nazi symbolism and Holocaust Denial works quite well in Germany.
People usually don't go to jail for these offenses, but the legal fees and fines can ruin their lives, which is why these movements don't really have "faces" in Germany which hampers their recruitment success to a degree I guess.
However, Nazis and fascists won't cease to exist as a result, they'll still be there. With Hitler salute or without.
But, and I think thats an important lesson for Americans to learn:
The true danger aren't these guys:
But these guys:
Thats Frauke Petry of the far right anti-refugee AfD Party in Germany.
The Nazi symbolism and antics deter the vast majority of society, they won't support it.
But the same ideology usually appears in a more politically correct way, in a way where bigger chunks of society feel its save to agree with it. But its the same toxic nationalism.
Thats the real threat. And its up to every citizen and the media to be vigilant and spot nationalism in whatever form it appears.
In Germany that works quite well, in the US not so much.
Like, someone like Ann Coulter, who is a straight up Nazi, would be called a Nazi and not given a platform anywhere in Germany. But in the US, since she doesn't wear Swastikas and doesn't do the Hitler salute, people don't recognize her as a Nazi, and even Mainstream Media outlets give a platform for her hateful message.
There is a long way to go still for the US.
Also let's not forget here in the netherlands we have two nazi's in our dutch house of representatives.
A new one named Thierry Baudet from Forum of Democracy (a fucking joke) he promoted already about ethnic cleansing (a fucking nazi).
The other is off course Geert Wilders from PVV another nazi who has been in our house of representatives for nearly 12 years. Spreading falls rumors about muslims,wants to close border and other stupid shit. Having a slogan called We take the netherlands back.
Both bases are not only bad but equaly dangerous, from FoD his followers already attacked people who do not like him...his followers doxxing people and making death threats.
The Netherlands is going into fascism and people do not see it, because they don't want and are ignorant. I fucking hate what is happening here.
I hate nazi's, fascists,white supremacist they make my blood boil.
stan lee‏Verified account
As true today as it was in 1968. Pax et Justitia - Stan
12:03 PM - 15 Aug 2017
Cunt? Really?
Saw this on Twitter from the NY protests yesterday. Probably been posted, but fuck, it's worth looking at.