
2024 Preview: Hellblade 2 could be Xbox’s most important exclusive | VGC
For Microsoft, all eyes (and ears) will be on Ninja Theory in 2024…

Its value to Xbox, then, cannot be understated. The first game was praised for its visual detail, its incredible use of sound and, most importantly, its impressive writing and character development. As a game that dealt with mental health, and psychosis specifically, developer Ninja Theory put in its due diligence to make sure it presented Senua's condition as authentically and respectfully as possible, and the result was a truly unique game that, fittingly, lingered in the mind long after the credits rolled.
This is the most hyped game everIt's easy to forget, though, that Hellblade was originally a PlayStation 4 console exclusive, and remained that way for eight months. As Xbox fans watched on at this brave, groundbreaking new IP picking up multiple awards for performance, audio design and writing, Hellblade was a valuable asset to PlayStation because it allowed fans to point to an exclusive that wasn't just a sequel or a remaster.
Now that Ninja Theory is part of Xbox Game Studios, that valuable asset now belongs to Microsoft, and now that the shoe is on the other foot, it's imperative that its exclusivity becomes as important to Xbox as its predecessor was to PlayStation. Xbox's plan is for those same PS4 fans who boasted about Hellblade's exclusivity to now be the ones watching on as its sequel becomes the game picking up multiple awards.

The hype around Hellblade 2 is massive and growing

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