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VGCats Seems to Finally Have Its Act Together

So a few days ago I decided to visit the VGCats website to see how the comic was doing, chiefly out of curiosity.

I was actually pleasantly surprised!

First and foremost, the gross-out parts of the comic seem to be no more.

Also, he's ending his comic on good punchlines.

Some more improvements:

  • The comics are at the shortest they've been in a long time, typically 3-5 panels
  • Updates are frequent, with new comics being added every week or two at this point
  • Any "meme" referenced (of which only one was used in the past 9 comics) isn't attempted to be used as a joke itself, but rather as a stepping stone towards an actually video game-based punchline

By the last point, I refer to this comic in particular:


Here's some of the other markedly better recent comics of his:

And the most recent one:

These aren't even all of them! Over the past 8 or 9 comics, Scott seems to have completely overcome his shock "humor" phase.

Whether you find these recent comics funny or not, you at least have to admit that it's an improvement over what he had been doing for a while.

Honorable mention goes to the most recent Super Effective comic, which was another comic of his that had also drifted from its original concept for a while but was recently reined back:

I don't find any of those funny.

I don't know why, but gaming-related humour never seems to work for me.

EDIT: Okay, maybe some gaming gifs are funny. But not comic strips.
Were those supposed to be the good ones, I'd like to see how bad the other ones were then.

Believe me, when the series got bad, it got abysmal. There was nothing to the comics just a few months ago: "strips" would drag on for more than a dozen panels, include gross-out... things for no reason in particular, and then would end on nothing even vaguely resembling a punchline.

Like I said in the OP, whether you find these recent comics funny or not, you at least have to admit that it's better than what he had been doing there for a while, as slight as the improvement may be.


That first comic made me cringe. Sorry, I'm not reading the other ones. In fact, writing this post is a better use of my time.


Drunky McMurder
ALL of those are fucking terrible.

They're at least recognizable as comics though. They aren't brilliant, but they are more competently done than it used to be. I don't find myself questioning who is responsible for these monstrosities like the good ol days of VGCats awfulness, it's more just like a standard newspaper comic strip but about a video game.
Believe me, when the series got bad, it got abysmal. There was nothing to the comics just a few months ago.

Ah, so we're at the "yeah, my boyfriend still doesn't do foreplay, doesn't worry about my enjoyment and finishes too quickly. BUT AT LEAST HE DOESN'T WIPE HIS COCK ON THE CURTAINS ANYMORE!" stage are we?
I know Scott pretty well, and the reason that the comic went into life support so long was the birth of his adorable son. Now he's getting back into the groove of things, and I couldn't be happier for him.
The rotom one only needs the last 3 frames. It goes on for too long.

Eh, I probably wouldn't have gotten the Rotom one if it didn't have the introductory frames as a setup. After reading it once, though, the last 3 frames are all that are needed from there on out.
So it only took a decade and a half to go from bad to marginally less bad? I guess that sounds like progress.

Well at least it is not Ctrl+Alt+Del level bad.

Ban Puncher


I like to remake VG Cats with the Arthur comic creator because I have entirely far too much time on my hands and really, really hate myself.


I thought the Megaman and ghost thingy one's were amusing, which is more that could be said for this webcomic in ages.


Not gonna lie, the Super Effective one made me laugh.

As for others... they're too small for me to read, so I can't comment on them. Blame the shitty low-res of my phone.
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