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VGCats Seems to Finally Have Its Act Together


Yeah exactly, same here for me too!

I've been reading a lot of Marvel stuff and there's definitely a lot of great artwork in their material now. (obviously they still have some crappy stuff due to the volume & number of series they put out, but I'm genuinely enjoying a lot of their work)

Yeah when you're pumping out 3 issues of TASM a month, the artwork isn't going to be mind blowing, but I've never found it bad or anything, even the worst of what I've seen looks a lot better than some of the stuff I remember from the 90's.

I'm reading the Maximum Carnage collection right now, and damn, sometimes the pages were just so dense with linework and over the top poses, the symbiote stuff was always so extreme looking. it's just hard to tell what's going on in a page sometimes. Today's comic creators are doing a fantastic job making them enjoyable to read, I HIGHLY suggest reading the new Carnage & Carnage USA books - the artwork is some of the best I've seen in a while, and the story was great too.

It probably has my favourite picture of Spider-Man I've ever seen too lol:


I mean come on, that is amazing.


Panel stunt?

I was on the Webcomics panel at Anime North when he was scheduled to be on it, but he had his specific VGCats only panel directly before it in a different room.

Instead of coming to the webcomics panel, he stayed late in his own room doing autographs and shit, basically resulting in most webcomics fans at the con not going to the webcomics panel, AND screwing over the panel that was supposed to have the room after him.

The con staff couldn't get in the room to kick him out because there were too many people.
Can someone explain the funny in the comics in OP?

I wouldn't say all gaming webcomics are bad. Caste Vidcons is fun sometimes, although I often need to read the comments to get the jokes, and 8-bit Theater was pretty good at times.
This. I feel like some people have no joy in their lives. At the very least I got a chuckle from these.

How are people joyless if they don't like the same comic as you.

People who go overboard hating comics are just as bad as the defense force that demands all people laugh. It's like opinions don't exist!
How are people joyless if they don't like the same comic as you.

People who go overboard hating comics are just as bad as the defense force that demands all people laugh. It's like opinions don't exist!
It's the tone in which people write their post. Your word choice determines your tone when not face to face and most people don't think twice about what they write.


They're abysmal. But hey, my sense of comedy is different than yours, whose is different from others. It's pretty pointless to try to grasp for what is the essence of funny for everyone.

VGCats is just a collection of nudge-nudge-wink-wink gamer wank that, imo, is really only even remotely grin-worthy if you wear gamer cred like some badge of pride. But that's just my sense of humour. Fortunately, there's so much shit out there that tries to be funny there's bound to be something for everyone

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Nope, they're not too bad. The hate those new ones are getting in this thread is over the top.

No, they're just as awful as before. I should have known better but clicked on this thread thinking the OP might have been joking.


Yeah I'll admit that it has been getting a little bit better. The main comic seemed dead for the longest time and now it seems to be getting steady updates. The Pokemon comic has always been pretty good too.


Wait, I don't get the Sephiroth/Cloud one. How is
Cloud's dependent? They weren't related at all in the game. Also, is Sephiroth working on Cloud's taxes? He must be.. why would he ask Cloud about any dependents otherwise?

Or am I thinking too hard about it?


I dont mind them. I mean it's pretty rare that a cartoon make me laugh in real life. Most of the time I'm ":| This is funny".
The best part of this the OP, i how I think there's been a thread created for each one as they were published and they were torn to pieces by GAF.


Wait, I don't get the Sephiroth/Cloud one. How is
Cloud's dependent? They weren't related at all in the game. Also, is Sephiroth working on Cloud's taxes? He must be.. why would he ask Cloud about any dependents otherwise?

Or am I thinking too hard about it?

Cloud's mother lived in Nibelheim.
Oh these are not only *not* that bad, they're humorous.

I don't get the hate. I didn't laugh out loud, but VG cats isn't ruining your life.

CAD on the other hand....

The Arthur ones are great. If that's not a weekly strip, it needs to be.
They're not "terrible". "Terrible" is that Kramer comic, or Sonic fanfiction comics. Or anything from that thread of truly awful webcomics. Those are truly deserving of the title "terrible", since many of them don't even have any basic understanding of the setup->punchline structure of a joke. Even if VGCats is unfunny at least it has that basic competence.

I guess it's a roundabout way of saying I don't get the hate. I'm certainly not a fan, but I don't have this seething hatred of the comic and everything about it like some people here seem to have.
I don't find the Pokerus joke particularly amusing. Additionally, Nidoqueens are sterile, so... What the heck is going on there?

As an Accountant, I can even tell you the joke literally doesn't work.

Aerith wasn't Cloud's "dependent". A "dependent" has to either be your kid (by being blood related or being a guardian), or has to be a parent dependent on you for care giving status, that sort of thing. Aerith was a grown ass woman with no legal ties to Cloud and thus Cloud couldn't use her as a dependent.

Okay, good. I was trying to figure out when Cloud had a child, and when Sephiroth offed said child. I was going to post that I needed someone to explain the joke, because it made no sense to me. I was thinking "are we referring to his mother? But she was perfectly capable of being independent."

So it's just an incorrect use of terminology. Got it.

From what I know as well, this guy is almost constantly sick as well. I met the guy at Otakon in like 2008, he was sick as shit then, but still made me an awesome sketch of Leo running away from a Portal sentry.

Cool, I met him at Otakon 2005 or 2006 when he was sharing a booth with Brian Clevenger and... I don't know... Tim Buckley? I don't remember, I didn't read that webcomic. So a fan in front of me buys an 8-bit theater poster, and asks for all three to sign it. The first two sign it, and then Ramsoomair writes "PENIS" across most of it in silver sharpie. One of the other two authors objects explaining that she paid money for it. He whips up a quick sketch of Leo, hands it to her, and that's that. No apology, no reimbursement. She leaves looking really embarrassed.

Stopped being a fan after witnessing that stunt and concluding that he was a self-absorbed asshole.

I was on the Webcomics panel at Anime North when he was scheduled to be on it, but he had his specific VGCats only panel directly before it in a different room.

Instead of coming to the webcomics panel, he stayed late in his own room doing autographs and shit, basically resulting in most webcomics fans at the con not going to the webcomics panel, AND screwing over the panel that was supposed to have the room after him.

The con staff couldn't get in the room to kick him out because there were too many people.

Holy crap, you're Mark Shallow! I read your webcomic...over a decade ago, when there existed the 3 RPG Webcomic Trifecta.
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