He lost the battle, not the war.but he lost
He lost the battle, not the war.but he lost
look UK GAF,
this is not a win
Canada's Left wing party won Official Opposition status for the first time in 2011 during the Orange Wave (but it also rewarderd our Conservatives to be promoted from a minority to a majority goverement)
many claimed that it was a new begining for the Left
they were wrong.
our mainstream center/ center-left Liberals won a majority government in 2015 while the Left wing party was relegated back to its habitual place as 2nd opposition.
The 72 percent young turnout was pretty good, though that's probably because of Brexit more than anything.
God fucking dammit, I was thinking the same thing. XDCourage is the magic that turns dreams into reality.
libs before the election: "the chaos that is the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn is solely because of how bad going to the left would be shows why we need to stick with centrists"I knew centrist scum wouldn't dare to admit the historic political shift that Corbyn pulled.
But young people don't matter we have to keep the status quo no matter what because corbyn is unelectable other than the fact that people want him elected and he won party leadership by the largest margin twiceI knew centrist scum wouldn't dare to admit the historic political shift that Corbyn pulled.
libs before the election: "the chaos that is the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn is solely because of how bad going to the left would be shows why we need to stick with centrists"
libs after the election: "uh actually literally every other factor than Corbyn and the social democratic manifesto are what caused Labour's success"
But young people don't matter we have to keep the status quo no matter what because corbyn is unelectable other than the fact that people want him elected and he won party leadership by the largest margin twice
Yeah I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot on the left who are progressive up to the point it might cost them a bit extra in taxes or strip them of other advantages over the marginalised. Can't think of any other reason there's such resistance.
I actually listened to what Corbyn was saying and turns out I agree with most of what he was saying, I went back and listened to Bernie and I agree with what he was saying too.Lol pretty much exactly what happened with Bernie. Glad the UK/Corbyn was able to fight back though.
I am 100% for higher taxes because I can comfortably pay for them. My parents wouldn't be, because they cannot
Yeah I've come to the conclusion that there are a lot on the left who are progressive up to the point it might cost them a bit extra in taxes or strip them of other advantages over the marginalised. Can't think of any other reason there's such resistance. People that benefit from the status quo are reluctant to give it up.
I think a lot of it too is that they wear it as some sort of status symbol. Like "Look at me! Aren't I soooooo liberal!" while they donate to charities but always shun policies that would address the root cause of said issues.
look UK GAF,
this is not a win
Canada's Left wing party won Official Opposition status for the first time in 2011 during the Orange Wave (but it also rewarderd our Conservatives to be promoted from a minority to a majority goverement)
many claimed that it was a new begining for the Left
they were wrong.
our mainstream center/ center-left Liberals won a majority government in 2015 while the Left wing party was relegated back to its habitual place as 2nd opposition.
a win is only a win when it is a win.
moral victories mean nothing
Yeah i'm not talking about people that are struggling financially. I'm talking about relatively wealthy liberals who preach about social issues but don't want to pay a real price to help lift others out of poverty.
That's because Centrist's are more right-wing than they are willing to admit
Yeah i'm not talking about people that are struggling financially. I'm talking about relatively wealthy liberals who preach about social issues but don't want to pay a real price to help lift others out of poverty.
LOL this is such bs and you know it. It would be Layton and not Trudeau right now as pm if cancer hadn't killed him.
2016 was the high watermark of reaction. Sorry brexiteers/alt-right, you're already on your way out the door.
The 72 percent young turnout was pretty good, though that's probably because of Brexit more than anything.
Unfortunately, Brexit is (at least semi-) permanent so even a massive chain reaction in which people wake the fuck up will leave damage. Our Trump mistake will wash away in time. Brexit appears to be forever.
Nah more to do with income and generational inequality. Tuition fees are raising, student debts are massive, wages are stagnant, jobs security is gone with things like 0 hour contracts, student nurses needing food banks, housing ownership dropping as a result. Then you have benefits being cut for under 21's and more kids growing up in poverty than ever.
I've been thinking that Trump was the more obviously bad decision but unless he does something extraordinarily bad before he goes Brexit is going to screw us over so much more in the long term.Unfortunately, Brexit is (at least semi-) permanent so even a massive chain reaction in which people wake the fuck up will leave damage. Our Trump mistake will wash away in time. Brexit appears to be forever.
Unfortunately, Brexit is (at least semi-) permanent so even a massive chain reaction in which people wake the fuck up will leave damage. Our Trump mistake will wash away in time. Brexit appears to be forever.
Yes but Jeremy Corbyn and the socialist policies offered within Labour's manifesto were. We finally have a main party with left wing ideals again and not some small undetectable party like the Greens.These things aren't new, though.
Unfortunately, Brexit is (at least semi-) permanent so even a massive chain reaction in which people wake the fuck up will leave damage. Our Trump mistake will wash away in time. Brexit appears to be forever.
Btw, I think it's worth noting that Survation (the poll who were most accurate) had May at 40% on April 22nd, three days after calling the election. Her final numbers were 42.4%. So overall she didn't actually go down, she went up. The real difference comes from Corbyn shooting up from 29% to 40%. To me that suggests his strengths more than May's weakness's were the biggest factor.
While her poll numbers may have gone up (slightly), she cost the Tories dearly. She lost them seats they hadn't lost in nearly a century.
Were those seats not lost because of the youth vote? I'm talking about the massive swing seats. Canterbury was for sure lost because of the youth vote. The youth vote that never turned up before Corbyn.
Unfortunately, Brexit is (at least semi-) permanent so even a massive chain reaction in which people wake the fuck up will leave damage. Our Trump mistake will wash away in time. Brexit appears to be forever.
You really think May would have called a snap election if the opposition was led by someone she considered a threat? This is the dumbest argument ever, and one that's constantly perpetuated.he "won" because May lost. if there was a more competent candidate on the other side Corbyn would be nowhere. but let labour enjoy this "victory" lmao
Corbyn lost what a competent candidate would have won. His accomplishment, which was mostly owed to anti-Brexit sentiment, greatly pales in the face of what an independent just accomplished in France.
Winning is winning and you don't win by losing. I'm sick of this lame narrative that Corbyn had a huge success and crippled the Conservative party. Props to Corbyn surging ahead and reinvigorating the left and whatever but it won't let him pass a single leftist bill or guide government policy. There is no such thing as pressure from a minority.
Conservatives are still 100% in charge. They're forming a supply and confidence coalition with the unionists. That means that whatever budget the conservatives come up with, the democratic unionists will have to go along with. Yeah, soooooo crippled. Lol. Back when Cameron had a supply and confidence coalition with the Lib Dems, George Osborne proceeded to tear apart their welfare state with gleeful abandon. Hope everyone liked austerity because whatever recession Brexit will cause will lead to more of that.
Oh, and speaking of the Lib Dems, they have 12 seats. DUP only has 10. Why do you think she formed a coalition with the latter instead of the former, who are way closer politically to her than a terrorist sympathizing party of gay bashers? Because she knows she can do whatever the hell she wants and bully them around, that's why. All they want is for her to send money over to the Ulsters somehow, maybe ignore some organized crime, and stop being so nice to the god-smearing homosexuals.
Yeah, that's the real place where May's government is weakened: she has less control over how homophobic and racist her government is allowed to be. Nice going, Corbyn.
libs before the election: "the chaos that is the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn is solely because of how bad going to the left would be shows why we need to stick with centrists"
libs after the election: "uh actually literally every other factor than Corbyn and the social democratic manifesto are what caused Labour's success"
libs before the election: "the chaos that is the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn is solely because of how bad going to the left would be shows why we need to stick with centrists"
libs after the election: "uh actually literally every other factor than Corbyn and the social democratic manifesto are what caused Labour's success"
What absolute rot.everyone knew that once someone stopped engaging with electoral politics they were gone forever.
This was true and a legitimate cause for concern.Labour was well behind where it was in 2010 after Miliband's leadership win; the only way it could avoid a catastrophic defeat in the next election would be through a surge unprecedented in recent British political history.
Pointless bit of spin here. "A positive programme and by offering then something tangible rather than branding and empty phrases" was always a good thing. Relying on the youth vote was a risky strategy and it's to Corbyn's credit that he was able to pull it off.Corbyn's strategy winning back non-voters and energising young people with a positive programme and by offering them something tangible rather than branding and empty phrases was universally derided.
The worst line of the article, this is the opposite of true. I've never seen anyone argue this, it's ridiculous to claim that "everyone" thought it.everyone knew that once someone stopped engaging with electoral politics they were gone forever.
Again this is a mile from the truth. Some people thought that Labour's best chances was to appeal more to the centre. Some others thought it wasn't the left wing ideals that were the problem but Jeremy himself (he has been a woeful opposition leader).The only way Labour could ever do well was by aping the Tories, offering a gimpy miniature version of all their callousness and idiocy to an essentially Tory public, drawing the bounds of political discourse closer and closer into a stifling little hole, without hope, without ideology, where truth and common sense would squelch about in misery.
I am 100% for higher taxes because I can comfortably pay for them. My parents wouldn't be, because they cannot
I'm amazed by people who say this isn't a win for Corbyn. He has dragged the Labour party kicking and screaming further to the Left and has encouraged the youth to come out in numbers unseen for at least the last two decades. He has fought two leadership elections, the second one being because his own MPs along with his own cabinet tried to organise a coup which ultimately failed as he won another landslide victory. He has been derided by his MPs, the press, he was 20+ points behind in the polls with constant calls for him to resign before this election with the PLP hoping to use this election as an excuse to be rid of him for good. Now he has gained seats including in Canterbury and Kensington, has forced the same MPs who opposed him to eat humble pie and support him, given Labour a chance to win the next general election and has basically come out of this as the most powerful and secured party leader in the country.
What a bunch of crap.
Increasing taxes is a redistributive measure by definition. Someone poor would get better off by an increase in taxes than the other way around.
The propaganda from the rich class of the US make me fucking mad.
libs before the election: "the chaos that is the Labour party under Jeremy Corbyn is solely because of how bad going to the left would be shows why we need to stick with centrists"
libs after the election: "uh actually literally every other factor than Corbyn and the social democratic manifesto are what caused Labour's success"