Vice Presidential debates should be feats of strength, beer pong, and bowling or something.
I go to the school where its being held and they were allowed to distribute 100 tickets to students by lottery. Just got a phone call saying I got one. I'm pretty excited about it.What?!
I'm super jealous.
You want Obama to get upset at the format, disappear for 30 years, and then start ranting anti-Semitic slurs with a beard down to his knees?
*scratches head*
You don't have to agree with someone to think they're smart. I think anyone denying that Ryan is a clever cookie is actively popping their head in the sand.
Lol, how gracious of you.Agreed. I think he's very smart tbh. But I also think he's a phony that exaggerates and lies copiously and talks out of his ass much of the time. But to do those things successfully whilst coming off as grounded, takes some level of intellect, so I gotta hand it to him really.
You don't have to agree with someone to think they're smart. I think anyone denying that Ryan is a clever cookie is actively popping their head in the sand.
You don't have to agree with someone to think they're smart. I think anyone denying that Ryan is a clever cookie is actively popping their head in the sand.
Nope, anyone who believes the things he believes in the face if overwhelming evidence to the contrary is not an intelligent person. Sorry. He would be smart if he didn't believe stupid things.
One could say the same thing about closed-minded people.
Nope, anyone who believes the things he believes in the face if overwhelming evidence to the contrary is not an intelligent person. Sorry. He would be smart if he didn't believe stupid things.
How do you know he doesn't just play the game to his benefit? What's to say he isn't aware of the unscrupulous or inaccurate nature of some of his claims but presses them on the basis of the benefits they'd have to him or members of his party, family, businesses etc.
Secondly, even if he wasn't, I don't think it's as clear cut as that. He's lived a different life to you, and will have had a different set of experiences, and maybe even a different kind of education, different set of figures, findings, studies, influences, peers etc etc, it's really not as black and white as you make out.
Anyone know what time in UK GMT the time in the OP roughly translates to?
Any further thoughts here? I'm sort of surprised there hasn't been any activity in this thread. I know I will have my bucket of popcorn ready for tonight.
Come one guys, get pumped!
Facts do not depend on your perspective or your upbringing. His economic philosophy is wrong. That it isn't instantly recognized as wrong is the fault of himself and others pushing it to the ignorant masses, which is why he's an idiot even if he's doing it while knowing it's wrong.
Nope, anyone who believes the things he believes in the face if overwhelming evidence to the contrary is not an intelligent person. Sorry. He would be smart if he didn't believe stupid things.
Facts do not depend on your perspective or your upbringing. His economic philosophy is wrong. That it isn't instantly recognized as wrong is the fault of himself and others pushing it to the ignorant masses, which is why he's an idiot even if he's doing it while knowing it's wrong.
Or selective photo editors at Time. The photos they released today are even specifically labeled as outtakes but they are printing them anyway.Only Ryan could make working out look lame.
This is a pretty narrow minded viewpoint. Firstly, I vehemently disagree with Ryan's Economic plans, but it's ludicrous to think he's un-intelligent because of them, and it's also silly to think that there is a definitive right or wrong when it comes to such things. There's only an opinion of what people believe to be right or wrong on the subject matter. Doesn't matter what historical data and figures have shown us, such things can be skewed to fit either argument, though I do contest that they have to be done so in a more questionable manner to fit Ryan's viewpoint.
Even then, no amount of historical data (which is actually quite limited when it comes to modern day recessions actually) is the be all end all, because each generation is completely unique with thousands of different factors at work that change the stakes or rules of play altogether.
No offense, but this is literally an argument that science is stupid and untrustworthy.
Theres's not even a general consensus on economic policy, which is why we have such polarising opinions and party policies on it in the first place.
No offense, but this is literally an argument that science is stupid and untrustworthy. You could change a few words and add the phrase "intelligent design" in and it would pass unchecked at any Texas State Board of Education meeting.
There is a science to economics. There are things that work better than other things. However, our current economic theories are not fully developed and well tested. It is a difficult field since we only have one world and cannot run controlled experiments. And worse, we have lugheads that constantly muddy the waters actively pushing theories that are provably false such that the field is a mess.How so? How does science correlate with economic predictions and ideologies? They're worlds apart. There's not even a general consensus on economic policy, which is why we have such polarising opinions and party policies on it in the first place.
What on earth is wrong with you? You really think that Keynesian, or indeed any economics is as water tight as evolution?
Or selective photo editors at Time. The photos they released today are even specifically labeled as outtakes but they are printing them anyway.
I go to the school where its being held and they were allowed to distribute 100 tickets to students by lottery. Just got a phone call saying I got one. I'm pretty excited about it.
I think a better argument isn't to say a specific economic plan is as "water tight as evolution" but to say that other economic plans are simply wrong.
There may still be a debate on how best to fix this economy, but some plans to fix it can be considered completely wrong.
How so? How does science correlate with economic predictions and ideologies? They're worlds apart. Theres's not even a general consensus on economic policy, which is why we have such polarising opinions and party policies on it in the first place.
I think a better argument isn't to say a specific economic plan is as "water tight as evolution" but to say that other economic plans are simply wrong.
There may still be a debate on how best to fix this economy, but some plans to fix it can be considered completely wrong.
the US has an annual budget deficit of $1.2tr. I don't understand how supply side economics are unequivocally considered "wrong" and not worth debating, whilst simultaneously acknowledging that "There may still be a debate". About what, then? The US spends so, so, so much more than it takes in tax revenue. That there alternatives to the current plan may involve cutting so, so, so much should not, then, prove a surprise. You don't have to like an idea to entertain the idea of even discussing it.
I go to the school where its being held and they were allowed to distribute 100 tickets to students by lottery. Just got a phone call saying I got one. I'm pretty excited about it.
the US has an annual budget deficit of $1.2tr. I don't understand how supply side economics are unequivocally considered "wrong" and not worth debating, whilst simultaneously acknowledging that "There may still be a debate". About what, then? The US spends so, so, so much more than it takes in tax revenue. That there alternatives to the current plan may involve cutting so, so, so much should not, then, prove a surprise. You don't have to like an idea to entertain the idea of even discussing it.
Any further thoughts here? I'm sort of surprised there hasn't been any activity in this thread. I know I will have my bucket of popcorn ready for tonight.
Come one guys, get pumped!
Biden is a better debater than Obama, he may have handled Palin carefully to not come across as misogynistic but the gloves will come off against Ryan
@mattyglesias said:The thing you have to understand about Paul Ryan's undeserved reputation for policy smarts is he really does stand out among house members.
The thing isit's really hard to be successful in politics, and understanding public policy doesn't play an important role in it.
The way Ryan smiles just always comes off wrong. He can't turn up the corners of his mouth
the US has an annual budget deficit of $1.2tr. I don't understand how supply side economics are unequivocally considered "wrong" and not worth debating, whilst simultaneously acknowledging that "There may still be a debate". About what, then? The US spends so, so, so much more than it takes in tax revenue. That there alternatives to the current plan may involve cutting so, so, so much should not, then, prove a surprise. You don't have to like an idea to entertain the idea of even discussing it.
Nope, anyone who believes the things he believes in the face if overwhelming evidence to the contrary is not an intelligent person. Sorry. He would be smart if he didn't believe stupid things.
"He's not smart because he doesn't agree with me on everything, because I'm the smartest of the smart, yay me." Very smart.