Unconfirmed Member
I have to say Ryan's avoidance of the issues was a breath of fresh air compared to Romney's outright onlsaught of lies about the issues.
But GAF told me Biden wiped the floor with Ryan
Note I have no party affiliation and do not plan to vote
Oh, so your vote actually doesn't matter. (lol, that's actually a good reason.)
What are you looking for in policy though?
30 months of campaigning and you still don't know what your vote's going to be.
Yeah, something tells me you aren't above any of whom you deem "fanboys" in this thread.
CBS snap poll of undecided voters: Biden 50, Ryan 31, Tie 19. So yeah, idiot pundits, that's not what a tie looks like.
It's completely justified because it's still a joke...Sorry GAF IMO it's completely inappropriate for the VP to be up their chuckling during talk of nuclear weapons and Iran - maybe fun from a rah rah perspective but I don't think it plays well to independents and CNN reflects that in the polls
This is the baffling thing about Rep answers in here and at large.
Romney was both lying his ass off and interrupting everyone. Biden at least only interrupted Ryan. Lying is nebulous. Both sides lie, one side just does it less. Or at least less blatantly.
We've been hosting that party since 1980 bro. Yea, it sucks.Wow at the amount of 'undecideds' coming out for Ryan. Either they weren't an undecided or their TV was mute.
Part of me really wants to see GOP win this election just so our American friends can join us in Conservative government misery.
I'm sorry to hear you got laid off; hopefully you found a new job...?
Yeah, I get into this debate with several hardline Republicans at work, who continually say 'you should thank Obama if you lose your job or if this depot closes, because he's the won who wants to cut our defense budget by rushing us out of Afghanistan and iraq!'
To which I just reply glibly that I don't know how 14 years by the time 2014 comes around is 'rushing' out of Afghanistan, and I don't know how ending a horrific endless war in Iraq that we went into for the wrong reasons is rushing out either.
Delicious tears!
Wow at the amount of 'undecideds' coming out for Ryan. Either they weren't an undecided or their TV was mute.
Part of me really wants to see GOP win this election just so our American friends can join us in Conservative government misery.
Problem is that it's politically impossible.There was a NPR Planet Money podcast with multiple economist from both sides of the spectrum, and ending the mortgage interest deduction was one of the few things they all agreed on. Evey economists said it is awful for the economy.
LOL, Democrats can't win, basically.
Don't call out Republican bullshit, you're weak and complacent.
Call out Republican bullshit, omg you're so rude!!!
Undecideds = uneducated and inconsistent.
I respect them less than social conservatives.
And how can you trust a guy to get that down who promises
1. Tax cuts for everyone!
2. More military spending!
3. I don't fucking know what we're cutting, but it might be something
4. Seriously all the good shit you want we're not cutting that
5. Maybe we'll cut PBS? I don't know
But GAF told me Biden wiped the floor with Ryan
Note I have no party affiliation and do not plan to vote
Problem is that it's politically impossible.
Thanks for bring us back to Earth, xXxDudeBro420xXx.Those people are the voices of average Americans, you should show a little more care than a simple crying gif. I don't blame you because deep down, everyone wants to believe that people aren't this stupid but they are and it'll be proven come November.
Very true.It's not really baffling when you realize this is how they work. It's called working the refs. They are so deep in their own sense of victimhood that the media essentially has to treat them with kid gloves, lest they throw a tantrum.
We've been hosting that party since 1980 bro. Yea, it sucks.
But then I stop and think..... how can you trust a guy who promises:
1. 17 Trillion
2. 18 Trillion
3. 19 Trillion
4. 20 Trillion
5. 21 Trillion?
You don't plan on voting? What are you doing here then?
Part of me really wants to see GOP win this election just so our American friends can join us in Conservative government misery.
I thought we had gone over this. Independent pro-life libertarian. But it's true I vote for Republicans, but I've never donated, nor have I ever registered as one.
Oh fuck yah. Landed on my feet with an infinitely less stressful job making more money and doing more of what I originally envisioned when starting my career. I'm lucky and thankful. Just thought the institutional indoctrination at my company was laughable.
We used to joke about our corporate meetings, calling them brainwashing sessions. They'd always show a video with some flag waving with some Toby Keith patriotic song playing. Don't getme wrong, had a good time making defense products and meeting some damn fine people at various Air Force bases.
Just waxing poetic now. This whole thing just intrigues me.
Those people are the voices of average conservatives, you should show a little more care than a simple crying gif. I don't blame you because deep down, everyone wants to believe that people aren't this stupid but they are and it'll be proven come November.
I don't like either party or candidates - doesn't mean I can't watch and comment on the election. I hate the vitriol, demonizing of other party, and naming calling. Neither Obama or Romney make me want to vote for them and I refuse to vote against the one I like the least.
A woman in CNN's focus group called Biden a "buffoon" who "kept trying to distort things" whenever he jumped in.
CNN straight up calling the Republican plan vouchers. Nice to see that.
LOL, Democrats can't win, basically.
Don't call out Republican bullshit, you're weak and complacent.
Call out Republican bullshit, omg you're so rude!!!
I'll humor your contention that the rate of inflation rather than the size of the debt isn't what matters for a moment.
I don't know, you tell me how you can trust a guy who promises $5 trillion less in taxes, $2 trillion more in military spending, not touching anything big, and somehow not exploding the debt even quicker.
Never stop man.I was saying earlier that Biden doesn't come off well with women. He sounds a bit chauvinistic. My wife said it right away and a little bit later my girlfriend pretty much said the same thing.