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Apparently you can, and recent polling shows it may just work.
Obama was going to cut the deficit in half, because large deficits are unamerican. Unfortunately the plan that never works, grow your way into the black, hasn't produced. It didn't work in the 90s when we had cheap energy, a rebounding economy, the tech bubble, and pre-retirement boomers swelling the treasury coffers (surplus was a myth - it was created by social security payments being redirected to pay off public debt - overall us debt went up every year in the 90s). It didn't work in the deregulated, tax-cut, housing bubble 2000s.
Growth is important, of course, but balancing the budget with growth alone is as much of a fantasy as the idea that we can pay for everything by taxing the rich.
Now we're paying close to $500 billion a year in interest, which is actually lowball given that interest rates on that debt are incredibly low right now. That could buy a lot of nice stuff...a real universal health care plan, for example. It's essentially prosperity that was shifted to the past. And we're continuing to put our future deeper in hock.
The fed is doing the same thing with the inflation bomb it is building - over a trillion dollars pulled from thin air and directly or indirectly used to finance the deficit. When inflation finally hits as money velocity picks up, it will be brutal - 70s style stagflation but probably even more pronounced. But at least it's keeping those stock portfolios propped up!
Note: the budget doesn't need to be balanced every year. Just overall across the entirety of the business cycle.