As for the Afghanistan argument, both men bent the facts. I posted my reply to that a few pages back, as someone who has done a tour over there. Each was arguing a different point, both incorrectly.
Just want to start and say you have my unending respect for your tour of duty. I was thinking of going TDY to Afghanistan before the war ends, but haven't decided if I can do it immediately after getting married. It's going to be threading the needle.
Everyone bent 'facts', but I'd say Ryan is the only one who actually straight out lied or continually showed he did not know at all what he was talking about. That is a distinct difference from what I stand...
You have to realize that, fair or not, plenty of voters don't really care about cold, hard facts. They are more concerned with demeanor, likability, and confidence. Bush didn't beat Kerry because he spent the time locking down his research, numbers, and figures.
This is true, and as I said in the thread, I do criticize Biden for his continuous laughing schtick. He was not looking serious when he did that.
You also cannot overlook the one good point that Ryan was attempting to make time and time again, which is that the current administration has had four years in office to fix things and they haven't succeeded by any meaningful metric. Our economy is still bad. Unemployment is still high. We've run the highest deficits in our nation's history these past few years, contributing to a looming debt crises. Etc., etc., etc. Given his complete lack of specifics, I wouldn't be surprised if Ryan was coached to just keep the topic on how bad things currently are.
But it's not really a good point. What is a meaningful metric?
Obama inherited the worst economic downturn since the depression. Nobody in the UNIVERSE could have completely turned things around in 4 years. And yet, finally, we're at 7.8%, lower than when Obama came into office. And it's only going to get lower, as all economic indicators suggest. Housing is finally showing signs of recovery. Manufacturing is showing signs of recovery for the first time in over 13 years. The auto industry was saved, salvaging millions of American jobs. The deficit is simply a result of less revenue because of the economic downturn; Obama has NOT been some spending crazy despite what you may have heard:

And just a few days ago, we had a huge drop in jobless claims, confirming the trajectory of the economy once again.
I do not know why this fantasy that somehow the economy is still in the gutter has propagated, but it's not true. We are not where we should be, but Obama stopped the bleeding, turned the car around and began us on the long road to recovery. And you'd be right if you said it's not the type of recovery we should be having, but that's because Republicans have blocked every job growing piece of legislation for years now. And the day Obama stepped into office, it was STOPPING his presidency that was a priority, not the American people. IS that the sort of thing you want to encourage in elected officials? Death to the president, country be damned?
I can think of three separate elections in my lifetime that were won based solely on how crappy the economy was around November time frame. Romney and Ryan are banking on that, perhaps idealistically.
Of course. But there is more to any election than JUST economy, and Obama is no slouch in those areas either.