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Vice: Why do people keep getting into fights at Chuck E. Cheese's?

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I went to a Chuck E. Cheese a couple years ago, the first time in about 15 years. It really is like a casino. There was a straight-up roulette game there. The animatronic mascots were as horrifying as ever. The only saving grace was an Afterburner Climax machine; that game is the business

There was absolutely no alcohol being sold though. Never heard about that; pretty crazy.
Good to know my parents were "slummy" and the "dregs of society" for taking me to these when I was a kid.

I had always assumed, oh, I don't fucking know, it was because it was fun for me and my brother and I always asked to go there.

But carry on, GAF.

Well now you know. And Knowing is half the battle!
Good to know my parents were "slummy" and the "dregs of society" for taking me to these when I was a kid.

I had always assumed, oh, I don't fucking know, it was because it was fun for me and my brother and I always asked to go there.

But carry on, GAF.
To be fair things may be different now. The popularity of places like Chuck E. Cheese have free fallen. This is due to the fact that, like many arcade places, people just go home and play games thus it isn't that big of a deal to middle American and up kids who have a PS3 will all of the flashy games. This likely left poorer people to go their for a time and like many malls it resulted in sort of a class flight from the chains.


This wouldn't have happened at a Showbiz Pizza Place. Fats would've kicked both their asses before the fight even begun.


haha now that I think about it I almost got in a fight at a chuck-e-cheese. The guy I was about to fight worked there though
Your kids' birthday parties only last two hours?
If its at CeC, yes, the reservation is for two (maybe three?) hours. The kids have a blast, use up their tokens and then we're out. You're free to hang out afterwards but tables etc have a time limit.

If the party is at my house, it's an all day thing with lots of cooking, cleaning and managing. Sorry but that's a lot of fuggin work! The idea that people go to Chuck's because they can't or won't do "better" is misguided.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
1) This place attracts the dregs of society.

2) Parents can get unreasonably defensive when it comes to their children.

3) Beer

I don't know about this and the "slummy places" statement man...

Good people go to these places and its not like they're a total shit fest. I think there's a potential to have this situation occur anywhere you have a close-nit group in close proximity with each other without proper separation (say separate rooms for example). Do it in large enough volumes and you are bound to have two trouble makers meet up.

There's also a cultural dynamic I see here: One culture doesn't get in other peoples faces knowing a fight will be the result and the other cultures knows that because people are litigious, you probably will get sued if you touch someone in a verbal altercation hence making it a proper deterrent. Yeah... shit's gonna happen.


I'm glad my parents took me somewhere classy like Bullwinkle's.


Just look how much fucking better that was.


Vice too scared to go to a Huddle House?

I am

I went to a Chuck E. Cheese a couple years ago, the first time in about 15 years. It really is like a casino. There was a straight-up roulette game there. The animatronic mascots were as horrifying as ever. The only saving grace was an Afterburner Climax machine; that game is the business

There was absolutely no alcohol being sold though. Never heard about that; pretty crazy.

Last time i went I remember getting a overly priced beer it was like 10 dollars or so
This one comes out of Memphis, Tennessee, where 18-year-old and pregnant (+2 points) Juaneka Key was taking photos at her two-year-old’s birthday party when another woman, exasperated by the long wait, asked, “Dang, how long are y’all gon be?” Then her stepfather punches the inquisitive girl in the face (+3 points). Juaneka, her mother, sister, stepfather, and boyfriend were arrested for inciting a riot, threatening police (+1 point), and marijuana possession (+1 point). Juaneka denied any involvement, saying, “If I’m pregnant, why imma fight?” 7/10


It turned into a "malay." Didn't know we had east islanders in Memphis.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Hands down best thread title of the day ... phrased like an earnest question to the souls of the free world...

Why, Ja?? WHY!?!?


Trucker Sexologist
There are fights at almost every venue where alcohol is served. I'm not even surprised anymore when I see people at a bar getting hauled out in an ambulance.

When you add in parents being overprotective of their kids you get a powder keg.


What's the education level and socioeconomic status of the average customer at Chuck E Cheese? Isn't this basically another People of WalMart?
I can confirm that my ghetto ass family HAS been in a fight at chuck E cheese, cousins boyfriend had some gang related shit with some guys who came in on my nieces birthday..I probably should have intervened but I was busy laughing at how trashy the situation was.
To be fair, kids birthday parties can be stressful situations. Kids running around screaming, getting their germy grease-covered hands on everything, vomiting - it's hell. When conflict happens there, it's gonna escalate quick.

Also, don't some of these places serve booze? I don't know if that's real information.
I worked in a Chuck E. Cheese like place for two years. Never had a single fight while there. However there was a shooting that occurred near the entrance. Something about teenage boys and a girl situation.

Anyway these parents are pathetic. I don't care who started the situation, unless it started out with the other parent kicking your kid in the face then there is no excuse for this behavior.
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