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Video of man working on shop projects in garage released as "visual album"

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Looks like he just put in a cassette tape in that mega boombox.
I'm reading into everything because of this, but does the black screen before the American Love album mean anything? Or is that my phone acting weird or just Apple Music in general?
In either case, it's dropping soon. No way is he going through this live stream and all of this effort to NOT drop an album or something big.
If people are having trouble playing the stream and have either MPC or VLC



Why isn't there a Star Wars RPG? And wouldn't James Bond make for a pretty good FPS?
Just signed up for Music free trial. Drop it Frank.

Same, wanted to have everything ready in case he drops it so I can hear it on my ride to work, which is in 20 minutes. So PLEASE Frank


Console Market Analyst
This is tense.

I'm expecting his sweaty face to pop up into frame, while wearing a storm trooper outfit.

Or a licker shattering through one of those windows.
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