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Video shows cops fatally shooting Calif. teen on ground

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Suicide by cop my ass. Doesn't matter what this guy's intentions were. The cops are supposed to be trained to assess and deescalate a situation.


i like how this is labeled as a suicide by cop.

but a guy physically fighting two cops while armed is shot and killed and it is labeled an execution.


Maybe wait til you see a gun before you shoot and not assume your dealing with John Marston from Red Dead Redemption who can draw a gun in .2 seconds.


Junior Member
i like how this is labeled as a suicide by cop.

but a guy physically fighting two cops while armed is shot and killed and it is labeled an execution.
I like how you're making up events and playing them as fact.

Wait, no I don't.


I remember when I was a kid hearing stories about how supposedly difficult it was for a cop to use his gun. That every time they fired a single bullet, there was a mountain of paper work and investigation and cops were almost afraid to use their guns because of how strict the rules were.

The bullshit they tell kids is astounding.


Those dismissing "Suicide by cop" seem to lack both empathy and an understanding about how American gun culture warps police conduct. It is a real thing.

Guns in America are plentiful and easy to acquire. A situation can escalate in a heartbeat because of it, because anyone can be a threat. People in the US are very aware of this, and thus there are people who will deliberately fake having a weapon in order to get themselves killed. They're using a cop in the same way someone uses a mack truck when they walk into traffic - both situations fuck up the person who's been put in a position to kill someone deliberately. And you don't need an actual fake gun to do that because it's a bluff that the police aren't able to safely call in many circumstances.

This set of videos made the rounds and shows an unambiguous case in action- a dude pulls a fake gun on two cops as they arrest him and gets shot- one even tries to go for a tazer but is too slow -https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/07/02/these-videos-of-a-texas-police-shooting-show-how-body-cameras-can-vindicate-good-cops/

This situation may or may not be one, but it's very much a real thing, and trying to deny its existence doesn't make you some virtuous crusader, it makes you delusional.


Maybe I've missed some good explanations but why aren't tazers a thing?

I saw someone argue once that they can stop hearts if used improperly or even cause brain damage. No no, far too dangerous, better shoot them with actual bullets instead.


I saw someone argue once that they can stop hearts if used improperly or even cause brain damage. No no, far too dangerous, better shoot them with actual bullets instead.
San Francisco banned them w/ this rationale. I wish I were kidding.


Reaching into anything is not justifiable cause to shoot a man dead. If you take a oath as a law enforcement officer then you accept the risk that the job comes with.

If you're so fucking scared that you HAVE to pump shots into someone because they put their hand in an "scary place" then drive to the precinct, turn in your badge, clear out your locker. Because you are not fit to be an officer of the law. Notice that term? "Of the law". It's not "Officer of fear" or "Officer of wanting to go home". If you're not willing to take the risk take the badge off.

It's not for everyone.



I saw someone argue once that they can stop hearts if used improperly or even cause brain damage. No no, far too dangerous, better shoot them with actual bullets instead.

The biggest issue with tasers is that many cops use them as tools for submission and not for apprehension. Again these tools should be last resorts not first resorts de-escaltaion needs to be a primary focus.
Those dismissing "Suicide by cop" seem to lack both empathy and an understanding about how American gun culture warps police conduct. It is a real thing.

Guns in America are plentiful and easy to acquire. A situation can escalate in a heartbeat because of it, because anyone can be a threat. People in the US are very aware of this, and thus there are people who will deliberately fake having a weapon in order to get themselves killed. They're using a cop in the same way someone uses a mack truck when they walk into traffic - both situations fuck up the person who's been put in a position to kill someone deliberately. And you don't need an actual fake gun to do that because it's a bluff that the police aren't able to safely call in many circumstances.

This set of videos made the rounds and shows an unambiguous case in action- a dude pulls a fake gun on two cops as they arrest him and gets shot- one even tries to go for a tazer but is too slow -https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-watch/wp/2015/07/02/these-videos-of-a-texas-police-shooting-show-how-body-cameras-can-vindicate-good-cops/

This situation may or may not be one, but it's very much a real thing, and trying to deny its existence doesn't make you some virtuous crusader, it makes you delusional.

I understand that it has legitimately happened before, I also happen to believe that it is an excuse that police have abused to the point that it is almost meaningless.

'Suicide by cop' should just be renamed 'interaction with cop'. At least in the US.


Those dismissing "Suicide by cop" seem to lack both empathy and an understanding about how American gun culture warps police conduct. It is a real thing.

People aren't dismissing suicide by cop because they don't think it's a real thing. people are dismissing it because it's being thrown around in this instance, where a staggering amount of the person's psychology is assumed by people who possibly couldn't know, in a way that sounds suspiciously like victim blaming/rationalization for a police killing.
People aren't dismissing suicide by cop because they don't think it's a real thing. people are dismissing it because it's being thrown around in this instance, where a staggering amount of the person's psychology is assumed by people who possibly couldn't know, in a way that sounds suspiciously like victim blaming/rationalization for a police killing.

I said this "reads like suicide by cop". If you read the article the police stated the man was acting like he was about to produce something from his waistband while saying "I hate my fucking life". That will get you shot more often than not and it's a frequent occurrence in other suicide by cop rulings. Stop trying to villainize people.


I said this "reads like suicide by cop". If you read the article the police stated the man was acting like he was about to produce something from his waistband while saying "I hate my fucking life". That will get you shot more often than not and it's a frequent occurrence in other suicide by cop rulings. Stop trying to villainize people.

Boy, right back at you. You're pushing suicide by cop based on the words of the police chief, after video shows the cops shooting the guy on the ground when he posed no danger.


thanks for the laugh
the difference in tone between this and other recent cop shooting threads is staggering.


People aren't dismissing suicide by cop because they don't think it's a real thing. people are dismissing it because it's being thrown around in this instance, where a staggering amount of the person's psychology is assumed by people who possibly couldn't know, in a way that sounds suspiciously like victim blaming/rationalization for a police killing.
Suicide by cop my ass. Doesn't matter what this guy's intentions were. The cops are supposed to be trained to assess and deescalate a situation.
You sure bout that?


The 'suicide by cop' defenders in this thread are disgusting. Let me guess, you're #notallcops people and you felt conflicted about the Laquan McDonald 'murder by cop' because he was holding a knife with police nearby. 🙄


"Suicide by cop."

Boy, this sure is different. Laying on the ground yields a suicide by cop. Being tasered, struggling on the ground, and resisting arrest is an execution.
I said this "reads like suicide by cop". If you read the article the police stated the man was acting like he was about to produce something from his waistband while saying "I hate my fucking life". That will get you shot more often than not and it's a frequent occurrence in other suicide by cop rulings. Stop trying to villainize people.
Listen, I would absolutely say "I hate my fucking life" if I was being swatted/pulled over by 3 police officers with guns aimed at me. Thats a fucking horrible day in any standard; a bit of hyperbole on the 'suspects' part should be given leeway and should not be used to justify this suicide-by-cop... thing.

Now, we just saw a shooting of Philando Castile last night, when he was requested by officers to produce ID and registration. That movement got him shot 4 times.

We also saw the shooting of Alton Sterling, where you can clearly see that the act of being shot will cause you to move your hands almost involuntarily.

These shootings are wrong; the second amendment protects our right to bear arms, yet people are being killed for the slightest suspicion of carrying a weapon. Its Police officers and their training that is the problem. With 37 combined years on the force, they should have done a better job deescalating the situation without murder being the end result.
So if you were shot during a traffic stop you would just lie perfectly still and you wouldn't reach for your torso that had just been shot?

Listen. I've watched the video and read the police account which is literally the only evidence to go on. I don't know why the police shot the guy other than they say he was acting like he was reaching for something. They also originally shot him because he turned, walked towards them while reaching into his waistband while saying "I hate my fucking life". This is a not-unheard-of scenario and it appears on first glance, with no other evidence, as a "suicide by cop" scenario. It may not be. There is a minute or so of unreleased footage from the police PoV and the full truth may come out when it is released. If you disagree then fine.
Listen. I've watched the video and read the police account which is literally the only evidence to go on. I don't know why the police shot the guy other than they say he was acting like he was reaching for something. They also originally shot him because he turned, walked towards them while reaching into his waistband while saying "I hate my fucking life". This is a not-unheard-of scenario and it appears on first glance, with no other evidence, as a "suicide by cop" scenario. It may not be. There is a minute or so of unreleased footage from the police PoV and the full truth may come out when it is released. If you disagree then fine.

OK, but you still haven't explained why all of these police officers couldn't have apprehended this unarmed man without murdering him.

They have night sticks, pepper spray, tasers, rubber bullets, bean bag guns, tear gas, etc.
OK, but you still haven't explained why all of these police officers couldn't have apprehended this unarmed man without murdering him.

They have night sticks, pepper spray, tasers, rubber bullets, bean bag guns, tear gas, etc.

I haven't explained it because that was never my point. Ever. Not once did I condone it. I have only stated that people have used the fact that often police will respond with deadly force to threats (real or otherwise) of violence to end their lives. This phenomenon is known as "suicide by cop" and it is an official, legal cause of death in the US and UK and perhaps other countries.
who CARES if it was suicide by cop?

these are supposed to be trained officers of the law sworn to serve in protect.

Im pretty sure they dont teach "Whenever anything happens, pump it full of lead just in case" at the academy.
You sure bout that?

You just gonna quote me without my name hoping I wouldn't respond? My comment does not prove your point. You posted a story about a guy with a fake gun committing suicide by cop. Totally different situation than guy getting shot and then while he is writing on the ground shoot him some more.
Again, why is it suddenly suicidal to say 'I fucking hate my life' when FML has been an acronym since forever?

Thats bullshit.

In the future it will be explicitly illegal to hate your life. I plan to start all encounters with the police by declaring that I love my life, I love myself, and I am very optimistic about being pulled over.

I wouldn't want to give them the wrong impression and make myself eligible for immediate euthanization.


Its not even a surprise to see people here defending this another murder of the usa police on a victim


You just gonna quote me without my name hoping I wouldn't respond? My comment does not prove your point. You posted a story about a guy with a fake gun committing suicide by cop. Totally different situation than guy getting shot and then while he is writing on the ground shoot him some more.
LMAO. Get over your inflated sense of self importance, it was faster than editing in the full quote tags.

I'm reserving judgement until the other footage is released here.


Reaching into anything is not justifiable cause to shoot a man dead. If you take a oath as a law enforcement officer then you accept the risk that the job comes with.

If you're so fucking scared that you HAVE to pump shots into someone because they put their hand in an "scary place" then drive to the precinct, turn in your badge, clear out your locker. Because you are not fit to be an officer of the law. Notice that term? "Of the law". It's not "Officer of fear" or "Officer of wanting to go home". If you're not willing to take the risk take the badge off.

It's not for everyone.
You accept the risks but you do not have to sacrifice or risk your life for anyone. Police in the US do not have a duty to die for you, you can research case law after case law and will fine that the police in the US have no duty to protect you either. Police have 1 main purpose in the US and it's to maintain peace/order by enforcing the law.

Police are provided training, gear, and powers to prevent them from losing their lives and minimizing the risk they face in the line of duty. Police operate from a standard of reasonable amount of force necessary if an officer reasonably believes they face injury or death. Believe is the keyword as the threat does not have to be real. Based on the totality of circumstances, an officer can legally shoot an unarmed man who is refusing to take out his/her hands from their pocket if they reasonably believe that the person could be armed. It's one of the reasons that suicide by cop exists in the US.
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