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Virginia Review Thread - David Lynch: "My cow is not pretty, but it is pretty to me."

Tell me something is like Twin Peaks and I'll play it.



Very sad they refused none websites based reviewers codes until after. Getting so tired of it.
Glad to see it doing well though.
Huh, I just finished Virginia and leave wholly unsatisfied. I have no idea why this game is reviewing well. Everything I loved about games like Firewatch or Gone Home or even films by Lynch are completely absent here. This was a walking simulator that rarely engaged me and was highly frustrating from a game design perspective, and even moreso narratively.

I hope that my words at least bring a little caution to anyone considering slam-dunking this into their steam library like I did. Bleh.

All of that said, did anyone here enjoy it or get anything out of it? Is there a spoiler thread? I at least want the value of hearing people dissect its parts.


I enjoyed the experience, but can I just mention that after checking out some of the reviews after the fact, that the Eurogamer review really comes off as incredibly pretentious?
Not yet, but I'll be buying it. Soundtrack in the game was phenomenal.

There is one track available on the composer's Soundcloud, though I imagine they may sell the soundtrack since I can't imagine getting an orchestra for the game was cheap: https://soundcloud.com/variablestateltd/virginia-ost-19-conflict-of-interest

Thanks for that. Yeah, definitely the best soundtrack of the year for me, the standout being the music played
by the band in the bar
in the middle of the game.


I'm fine with walking simulators as long as they give you stuff to read, pickup and explore. Plus they need to have an interesting story.
Just finished it and I'm gonna say it right now, there's very little to read, pickup or explore. Apart from a handful of collectibles the game's simply an exercise in find-the-next-hotspot.

I don't think the story is very interesting but the way it's shown is great, however there's very little game in there.
Huh, I just finished Virginia and leave wholly unsatisfied. I have no idea why this game is reviewing well. Everything I loved about games like Firewatch or Gone Home or even films by Lynch are completely absent here. L
I mean, that's the easiest thing to understand. They enjoyed it and were impressed, you didn't/weren't


Got through it this morning, great game! Easily worth the 10$.
From what I understood, while good and strangely well done, the story falls a bit on the cliché side. There is definitely something weird about it but it doesn't leave me puzzled as much as, let's say, Inside. But it's really good, I will play through it a 2nd time for sure. I know I have missed details and some stuff aren't totally "explained" but I doubt they need to be.
I love the Lynch inspirations though and the visuals are quite pleasing overall. Performance on PS4 is poor, though quite stable in its poorness so you get used to its 20-25fps. It's also quite slow moving so it's definitely playable. But hey, I found Firewatch to be playable at launch.

Anyways, if you're on the fence, get it. Aaaand a new contender for soundtrack of the year, easily.
I just had a thought that this game could very well actually get a movie adaptation. It sounds like the kind of source material that screenwriters are always scouting for.

And I think I would much rather watch this as a movie than play it as a game.


Finished it and I LOVED IT!

I knew that soundtrack will be good, but i never thought that it will be THIS good. Great job Variable State! Such an amazing experience.
love this review from AVClub
“Lynchian” is a loaded term. In the right hands, it implies a deeper meaning behind a series of surreal images and events, an understanding that peeks from behind cryptic dream sequences and improbable happenings. In the wrong ones, it implies little more than a creative team that’s watched far too much Twin Peaks. Virginia lands on the better side of that divide. I won’t claim to understand the symbolism behind every moment and sight, but that hasn’t stopped the game from convincing me that said meanings do exist and lingering on them long after its short run time has come and gone.

hits the nail on the head on how a lot of film/tv/games that drop "Lynchian" to describe their stuff feels so surface level.

Sold me on this game too, for being more than just a name drop or two.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Just finished it and I'm gonna say it right now, there's very little to read, pickup or explore. Apart from a handful of collectibles the game's simply an exercise in find-the-next-hotspot.

I don't think the story is very interesting but the way it's shown is great, however there's very little game in there.
I do get why they didn't have random interactive things to mess around with. They were really focused on pacing here, and I appreciate it. It gives you a great momentum that is kind of necessary to this kind of story.

I feel like the jump cut is one of those key elements that's going to make the story told in the first person game way more successful in the future. Everybody's slowly cracking the code as to how to do this genre right, and the guy who made Thirty Flights really was into something big I think.


I feel like the jump cut is one of those key elements that's going to make the story told in the first person game way more successful in the future. Everybody's slowly cracking the code as to how to do this genre right, and the guy who made Thirty Flights really was into something big I think.

Using a jump cut when you're trying to read something is terrible, that's probably one way not to do it in the future.Give me a prompt to put down said item then do it.


Finished it last night. I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it was an interesting experimental piece. It took an approach to gaming that I had never seen before. The atmosphere and music are good. The game held my interest and didn't overstay its welcome.

On the other, the game is intentionally obfuscatory; it sets out to confuse you, and it does that job a little too well. I like symbolism and ambiguity when it's done well (think Twin Peaks), but the developers here were in love with it, and they overused it. There is a spoiler thread here that lists 25 things (items, symbols, characters, events) that are unclear. That's an awful lot of confusion for a two-hour game. Too much.

It was intriguing at first. It created that sense of mystery and anticipation. I assumed it would resolve itself somehow, but instead they just kept piling on one ambiguity after another. After a while, as a player/viewer, I just threw up my hands and said, "I have no idea what the f*ck is going on here." The ambiguity and confusion are amplified by the constant use of jarring jump-cuts to other situations.

The game made me curious and befuddled, but I didn't have an emotional response. I didn't get connected to the characters. In the end, it all felt like a rather abstract intellectual puzzle: "Can you figure out WTF is going on? Bet you can't!" The lack of dialog added to the sense of emotional estrangement.

I want to give the developers credit for trying and for being weird. I value that. It is definitely a creative, interesting game. But I don't think it entirely succeeds. For $10, it is worth the "trip," if you're open-minded and have some spare change.

I'd give it around a 7.5.
Using a jump cut when you're trying to read something is terrible, that's probably one way not to do it in the future.Give me a prompt to put down said item then do it.
You don't need to read anything. Visually, it should be inferred what's going on. Especially during the amazing montage of
investigations of PoC FBI agents
. Then again, screenshotting helps if you're insistent.


Just played the Demo on PC. I felt like it was really really laggy. So much so that simply looking around in the game world gave me motion sickness. I was wondering if it was my PC (its over 6 years old now) so I turned on fraps. Locked at 30. Not a huge deal for a game like this but for some reason 30 in this game seems really choppy to me. There's something else going on. I'm not an expert on these things but doesn't motion blur help 30fps games mask the choppiness? Yeah you can unlock the framerate but when the game highly suggests I don't I tend to side with them.

Maybe the same issue is taking place in the PS4 version? Maybe that is locked at 30 but it 'feels' worse.

I want to like this game, the style and music has me sold thus far but my head actually hurts from the 15min I spent with the demo.


I'm about to sit down with this. Very much looking forward based on the very little amount I've allowed myself to see of this game. I have a sick nostalgia for the time period, but the dreamy Lynch feel just seals the deal for me.


love this review from AVClub

hits the nail on the head on how a lot of film/tv/games that drop "Lynchian" to describe their stuff feels so surface level.

Sold me on this game too, for being more than just a name drop or two.

First off I really liked the game. Having said that though, I take issue with what the AVClub said in terms of the "Lynchian" inspirations. It's fine in some places, in others its downright mimicking them. Which is fine with me, but loses some points for originality.

Perfect example right here:


Twin Peaks

The song is different but has many similarities with the lyrics version of the Twin Peaks theme:

Not slagging it off. I enjoyed that scene immensely. But I think you should give credit where credit is due. If AVClub isn't familiar with Lynch's work, they should be more careful when making statements like that.


You have friends who play games like this together? Do you live in paradise?

He might be assuming it's a game with choices a la Telltale's stuff.

Popping back here a week later (I ended up playing it) and noticed this, hah. Not sure if a response on my part will even be seen, but to explain...

It started as a choice thing (I wanted to play Until Dawn with a couple friends and then we did the same for Oxenfree), yeah, but it's morphed into being stuff without it as well, with an increasing number of people from this group of friends involved (I think we had 6 or 7 people total for Anatomy)! We'be played a few shorter horror things in this manner since then but not exclusively that, and I knew a few of those friends would be into this so it seemed like a decent fit. Still think I might suggest it since I still feel like I'm right about that inclination after playing it.

...should say we're still in college and most of us live on-campus, so it's relatively easy to do for the time being! I do hope we can get together and do stuff like this after a few of us (me included) graduate this spring, particularly as we only started this in my junior year, but I'm just going to try to enjoy it while it lasts. I wasn't around for the summer and am abroad up till next week, so i've built up a decently sized list of stuff I'd like us to check out if we have the time amongst everything else we're up to.
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