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Virginia's Governor Just Gave More Than 200,000 Convicted Felons the Right to Vote

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In a sweeping executive action on Friday that overturns a ban that has existed since the Civil War, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe restored voting rights to about 200,000 people who have felony convictions.

All convicted felons who have completed the terms of their sentence and their parole or probation will be eligible to vote immediately, according to the measure signed by the governor, who once served as the chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

"Too often in both our distant and recent history, politicians have used their authority to restrict people's ability to participate in our democracy," McAuliffe said in a statement Friday morning. "Today we are reversing that disturbing trend and restoring the rights of more than 200,000 of our fellow Virginians who work, raise families and pay taxes in every corner of our Commonwealth."


I know not everyone agrees this is a good thing and his critics thinks this is just a ploy to get Hillary elected but it does show why it's important to vote down ticket.

Even if it is a ploy reinstating people's civil rights and opportunity to shape their future shouldn't be considered a bad thing.


Neo Member
"...who have completed the terms of their sentence and their parole or probation..." -- Seems fair.


That's wonderful! Can't wait until all states follow suit (they won't) and the punishment ended when the time was served.
How have laws stripping voting rights from felons not been thrown out by the Supreme Court?

Seems unconstitutional that states can just decide certain people can't vote anymore.


Seems reasonable to allow them to rejoin society once they've done their time. Especially for people with felonies stemming from garbage like the War on Drugs.
Good. They served their time, they should have the right to vote.

Can't wait to hear the republican argument against this basically boiling down to "but they'll vote democrat!".


Republicans in Virginia are already saying this is to give more power to Democrats.

Just because something benefits one group (like DC voting rights) doesn't mean it's not morally correct. This is morally correct.


Crashing this plane... with no survivors!




Can't believe this is a thing in the US. There was a little bit of controversy in an Australian state this week about taking away the ability to vote while IN jail.


Good. They've paid their debt to society they should enjoy the benifits of it now. No good reason not to let an ex felon vote.


Republicans in Virginia are already saying this is to give more power to Democrats.

Just because something benefits one group (like DC voting rights) doesn't mean it's not morally correct. This is morally correct.
Maryland's (republican) governor wanted to do the same thing, but the legislature overturned his veto to give voting rights back to those still on parole or probation. I think I prefer the VA way.


Republicans in Virginia are already saying this is to give more power to Democrats.

Just because something benefits one group (like DC voting rights) doesn't mean it's not morally correct. This is morally correct.

If they believed that you would think they would evaluate a system that pushes people away from them
Can't believe this is a thing in the US. There was a little bit of controversy in an Australian state this week about taking away the ability to vote while IN jail.

Disenfranchising people is an American tradition. African-American males make up like 35% of the prison population despite being like 10% of the general population. I'll give you three guesses as to why not letting felons vote is a thing.


So they paid their debt to society and are no longer disenfranchised. I don't see how anyone can argue against this being fair.


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
How have laws stripping voting rights from felons not been thrown out by the Supreme Court?

Seems unconstitutional that states can just decide certain people can't vote anymore.

Correct me if I'm wrong but the right to vote isnt protected by the constitution


Republicans in Virginia are already saying this is to give more power to Democrats.

Just because something benefits one group (like DC voting rights) doesn't mean it's not morally correct. This is morally correct.

Yeah, this is "unfair" in the same way that it's unfair that the 24th amendment ended poll taxes.


I met Terry about 10 years ago, and he was the picture of a slimy, slithering, snake-oil politician. Did not leave a good impression on me at all.

THAT SAID, this is a great move and long overdue. Good show.


Seems crazy. Debate in the UK is if prisoners should have the vote. But done your time? Seems suppressive to take the right to vote.
I had no idea that the rights to vote were removed in the first place in the U.S (and some other countries) of convicted felons? What is the reasoning behind this?

In my country for example there is disenfranchisement but it's for very specific severe situation that is handled by a case-by-case basis where the request for disenfranchisement must go through the court such as someone responsible for treason or terrorism, there is no default disenfranchisement applied, the EU also sees it as a violation of human rights.

The entire idea of rehabilitation has been lost... you want people to get back on track, no disenfranchise them further while serving time...
A part of me feels like even if he's doing it to help the Dems this seems like the reverse of some of the shit Republicans pull in order to disenfranchise voters.

In other words good on him for fighting back against Republican bullshit. More Democratic leaders need to step up and do their part.


you can't put a price on sparks
what was that Ted Cruz quote about 100% of criminals are democrats or something?

this is a step in the right (or left?) direction.


Guess I'm in the severe minority. I'm completely okay with a convicted felon forever being a second class citizen, but that opinion is heavily influenced by the view I have of felons that I know personally. Every last one of them is a complete sack of shit, and I'd prefer that they not be allowed to participate in any decisions that affect me in even the smallest way. These people are so god damned meth'd out and untrustworthy that they shouldn't be allowed to vote just on merit.

I realize that for a lot of you this opinion carries a racial connotation, but where I live it's damn near 100% white, including the felons.


Guess I'm in the severe minority. I'm completely okay with a convicted felon forever being a second class citizen, but that opinion is heavily influenced by the view I have of felons that I know personally. Every last one of them is a complete sack of shit, and I'd prefer that they not be allowed to participate in any decisions that affect me in even the smallest way. These people are so god damned meth'd out and untrustworthy that they shouldn't be allowed to vote just on merit.

I realize that for a lot of you this opinion carries a racial connotation, but where I live it's damn near 100% white, including the felons.
So the person that got an unwarranted felony charge or is a felon but isn't a crackhead should be a second class citizen forever because some crack heads you know and probably wouldn't even bother voting if they could might actually decide to vote?
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