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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


In a way it sucks balls that KS take your money if/when a project is funded, when that in itself isnt a guarantee a project will arrive on time, if at all....


In a way it sucks balls that KS take your money if/when a project is funded, when that in itself isnt a guarantee a project will arrive on time, if at all....

KS isn't a pre-order system despite how some companies seem to be using it now
, if that's what you're looking for I would stay away.

I want a english hardcopy :|


Awesome! After today, it's gonna be over two weeks until the next uni project deadline, so I should have plenty of time to give RD a try too.


Awesome! After today, it's gonna be over two weeks until the next uni project deadline, so I should have plenty of time to give RD a try too.

Aughh, I'm balls deep into Danganronpa 2.
Not going to juggle two large VNs... RD will have to wait a week or so.
Lol. Last month I said Sekai Project would stealth release Root Double with 36 hours notice, I should have known that they would do that now.
Now I'm really kicking myself for not finishing Tokyo Babel earlier because with Root Double and Seinarukana both out now I really can't read/play all of these! There's also Ozmafia and Fata Morgana coming out soon too....
So that's about 20 hours between announcement and release for Root Double. That's Sekai Project for you.

I don't know why they think it's smart to do this instead of setting a date in advance and then building towards it. I know that they don't have much ability to market their games, but surprise stealth releases aren't the way to go.



I found the writing to be pretty bland. It just lacked any sort of flair. The characters were all quite endearing, but I felt like their personalities didn’t come through in the text as well as they could have. And the event narration was rather dry and matter-of-fact. It’s hard to tell how much of this to ascribe to the translation, and how much to the original writing, but I’ve been told that the Japanese version was quite bland as well. They’ve also translated the honorifics, which normally I’m okay with, but they took a bad approach to it in this case. Even classmates will refer to each other with Mr. and Ms. I shouldn’t have to tell you how unnatural that sounds. Thankfully, cases where this happens aren’t all that frequent.



Sounds like we got another case of "translation that suffers because of honorifics for one reason or another," lads.

Shame about the writing, glad I have no investment in this one (and too much to play to even think about picking it up).


Honorifics.. Damn it. Not a fan. Not a glowing review, but most (fan-)translated VNs I've read have a lot of terrible and clumsy prose and dialogue, so I'm sure I'll survive.

Still gotta finish Mad Men's first season after work, but I think I'll check RD out later tonight.

e: the part I'm concerned about is "- While the mysteries were good, the revelations often felt underwhelming."


e: the part I'm concerned about is "- While the mysteries were good, the revelations often felt underwhelming."

To be fair, the only other English review of the game I read gave it 10/10 and praised it for both mysteries and revelations.


To be fair, the only other English review of the game I read gave it 10/10 and praised it for both mysteries and revelations.

Ah, well, concern dispelled lol.

Well, it's not like I really put any stock in random people's reviews, anyway. Better just to see for myself.

How long is RD, by the way? Comparable to the Zero Escape or Infinity series games?


Ah, well, concern dispelled lol.

Well, it's not like I really put any stock in random people's reviews, anyway. Better just to see for myself.

How long is RD, by the way? Comparable to the Zero Escape or Infinity series games?

50+ hours, double that if you go for 100% completion and don't want to use the guide.

I kind of wish they'd use nerve gas or something similar as a threat instead of radiation.
I mean, the whole 'antidote' thingy would work so much better with a chemical.

VNDB says 30-50 hours. Not as long as Clannad or F/SN. Pretty sure what Knurek is saying is a huge exaggeration.

Huh? VNDB clearly says Very Long (>50 hours)


Ah, well, concern dispelled lol.

Well, it's not like I really put any stock in random people's reviews, anyway. Better just to see for myself.

How long is RD, by the way? Comparable to the Zero Escape or Infinity series games?

VNDB says 30-50 hours. Not as long as Clannad or F/SN. Pretty sure what Knurek is saying is a huge exaggeration.

Knurek is right. I confused it with another VN probably. :p Sorry about that.


Ruh-roh... 6.5/10

I liked the game, but thought it definitely wasn't as good as similar titles like the Infinity series. Can't comment on the quality of the translation, but I also thought the pacing of the story was too slow and very uneven. The finale is drawn out for a very long time and there are so many flashback scenes that some of them have flashbacks within flashbacks.

50+ hours for a playthrough sounds about right, I think it took me 50-55h (maybe even closer to 60h) but I never fully figured out the decision system and used a guide after the first route.

edit: don't want to sound too negative about the game though; the story, characters, music, voice acting and art are all good-great, it's just a very slow burn. A 6.5 is way too harsh imo


Sweet. My copy of Eve Burst Error R (PC) has shipped from Amazon.co.jp. Should arrive Monday it says.

Yesterday I got Ripple and Chocolat, because I wanted some easy moege to play. And I also got the Umemoto Rare Tracks Vol. 4 - Eve Burst Error CD from EGG.
Even classmates will refer to each other with Mr. and Ms.

What is this, amateur hour? I just cannot understand why anyone, let alone a professional translator, would do this. Either leave the honorifics in and provide a brief explanation of them for that tiny slice of people who will play this game and don't already know them, or if you're one of those people who feels like leaving in honorifics makes you a stupid weeaboo, then just drop them entirely. Translating -san as Mr. has got to be the absolute worst way of handling things. It sounds awkward and stupid to everyone, and only people who could have understood the untranslated honorifics understand why the characters are talking in such an unnatural way.

Sorry for the bit of a rant, this is kind of a pet peeve of mine. Game still sounds great and I'm looking forward to reading it, just wish there weren't immersion-breaking things like bits of bad translation that will take me out of the story.


Root Double is over 8 gigabytes? What the heck. 30 euros is kinda high, too, but fuck it, if it's long (and good obviously lol) I suppose it's worth the price.

Well either way, downloading it now, will try it in a couple of hours.

e: there won't be an OT for it, I assume?


Root Double is over 8 gigabytes? What the heck. 30 euros is kinda high, too, but fuck it, if it's long (and good obviously lol) I suppose it's worth the price.

Well either way, downloading it now, will try it in a couple of hours.

e: there won't be an OT for it, I assume?

2.5 GB of voices, 2.8 GB of background/character assets, 2 GB of WMV movies and rest is taken by music/SFX and code IIRC.
The fact that it's running at 720p mean the art assets are rather big, when compared to older VNs, which were 640x480 or so.


Prepare yourself for the future, both of the new PC ports of Stiens;Gate Zero and Chaos;Child have a 17 GB required free HDD space XD
They run natively at 1080P, and actually C;C PC port is out today in japan.


Prepare yourself for the future, both of the new PC ports of Stiens;Gate Zero and Chaos;Child have a 17 GB required free HDD space XD
They run natively at 1080P, and actually C;C PC port is out today in japan.


Welp. Time to upgrade my laptop :lol

if the PC version ever gets here, of course.


Uhh so, anyone here know how to read this Root Double guide https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...86dtkLgBR_ug/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1187074196 ?? If the answer's "Yu-7", does it mean I have to adjust the bar of the person's whose name starts with Yu one "tick" from full (assuming empty is 0, full is 8 "ticks")? What's with the [A1]? Or [A2], [A3]? I'm eternally grateful for a guide day one to whoever it is that made this, but damn son, it could be a bit clearer.

Also, do I need to get the bad endings? There seem to be a lot and if they're just "filler", I'd rather skip em.


Uhh so, anyone here know how to read this Root Double guide https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...86dtkLgBR_ug/edit?pref=2&pli=1#gid=1187074196 ?? If the answer's "Yu-7", does it mean I have to adjust the bar of the person's whose name starts with Yu one "tick" from full (assuming empty is 0, full is 8 "ticks")? What's with the [A1]? Or [A2], [A3]? I'm eternally grateful for a guide day one to whoever it is that made this, but damn son, it could be a bit clearer.

Also, do I need to get the bad endings? There seem to be a lot and if they're just "filler", I'd rather skip em.

XY = Root X Ending Y

So A1 would be Root A Ending 1, A2 would be Root A Ending 2, and so on.
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