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Visual Novels Community Thread | A Little Something for Everyone


Alright thanks. And I'm assuming there are pages for the correct choices if I dont want to redo it more than three times?

Wait, hold on. In F/SN it's actually the latter. You choose a route (they order is forced on you) at the beginning of a playthrough and the choices all lead you down that route or towards bad ends. Some routes have multiple endings.


Wait, hold on. In F/SN it's actually the latter. You choose a route (they order is forced on you) at the beginning of a playthrough and the choices all lead you down that route or towards bad ends. Some routes have multiple endings.

Alright cool. There's one accepted as canon (since there are sequels) right? Or are they like "this is the sequel if you got this ending and this is the sequel if you got that ending" etc
I wasn't gonna post anything for fear of getting "disciplined" by a mod but damn as a black guy it always gets under my skin a little every time I see black struggles/history being equated to dumb shit to prove a "point".


Alright cool. There's one accepted as canon (since there are sequels) right? Or are they like "this is the sequel if you got this ending and this is the sequel if you got that ending" etc

There is no ending that is more canon than another ending. The sequel doesn't really follow any of FSN's endings.


Well, I guess I can ask here for where to go. I made a VNDB to make it easier to grasp my tastes.

I'm not super into waifu shit, so anything that hinges on that to be super enjoyable is probably a pass. That being said, I can get into it if it's a side element, like I enjoy the P4's implementation and Harvest Moon's. I think if the theming is really good and uses it well, I can get around it, too. Catherine, for example, uses it kinda well. Katawa Shoujo didn't manage to grip me early, but I'm still open to seeing that one through.

I'm really into mysteries. I think all the VNs I've really seen through had a strong element of that. Detective Conan was one of my early favorite animes.

I've seen a lot of people talk about VNs and I get the impression that I'm pretty damn surface-level, so I understand if I just get more general advice based on this. I think the only thing I can say about my experiences so far that seems to break the norm is I was not a huge fan of 999, but then had a friend spoil me on it, went to VLR, and loved that one so much that I actually want to go back and finish 999 and I think I will enjoy it more strictly based on VLR.

My friend tells me he thinks that the two factors contributing to me not enjoying 999 much are that it's not voice-acted (which I think is always a plus if it's good, but lack isn't a dealbreaker) and that I
got the Safe ending my first pass through and didn't really see much in the way of supernatural stuff until right there at the very end. I thought the Safe ending was kind of over-the-top since the game hadn't really shown any sort of supernatural stuff up until then.
I did enjoy a lot of the sleuthing in it up to that point. Like, I had figured out that
Snake had a fake arm
right away, that sort of thing, and I thought that was an interesting hook. It came across really well in the inter-connectedness of VLR.

The only thing on this list I've played that might be unusual is G-Senjou no Maou, which was actually pretty enjoyable. It was in a weird area where I thought the writing wasn't super amazing, but the plot and events were pretty captivating. I'd chalk it up to translation difficulties.

So, yeah. I like a good mystery. Haven't played much. I also like a decent slice-of-life, but I haven't really found anything like that. Stuff that's strongly character-driven is also a plus, but, again, I've found only a couple VNs that impressed me in that regard (Danganronpa being chief among them).

EDIT: I own a windows PC, my girlfriend owns a Mac and an iPhone (and we VN together), and I own a Wii U (lol), a 3DS, a Vita, an Android tablet, and am looking into a PS4 sometime soon. So any suggestions for those platforms is acceptable. I may also be able to acquire some older systems if something is compelling, I know some people with them lying around.
It matters though. It matters a great deal to me.

You have a Visual Novel community thread with an OP which is recommending good games in the genre to people who are new to it and it omits the single greatest gateway series in the entire genre. It says explicitly in the OP that this is for beginners or newbies to the genre, not existing fans that want to expand their horizons. I cannot be part of a community that would knowingly do that, especially for the reasons given to explain it. I wholeheartedly disagree with that formulation. It is being exclusive rather than inclusive and I don't want to be part of a community that would do that. It's like having a Black History Month rally and not having Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on the marquee because he is "too popular and has his own fans".

I respect the mods and in so doing this is my last post in this thread. I will not whine and argue about it. I will simply say my peace and leave. Enjoy your thread.

lmao holy shit
So I've watched fate zero, and what's out of fate stay night [unlimited blade works] and loved it. Where do I start for reading them so I Dont have to wait until April?

When people say "routes" are these choices I have to make and then see what happens, or options when I start the game?

And I'm assuming the PC version is the best version?

If you're following in the middle of the fate stay night unlimited blade work anime , you're kinda stuck if you want an continuation right now.

What you should do is ...

-get the fate stay night VN ( on PC ) with the fan translation.
-Start the game , you'll be on the default route ( that was convered by the first anime ) do the right choices and then reach the end. End of the fate route
-Then , you restart the game again , and then you'll get a choice where you didn't have one before ( where shirou stop saber during their first encounter sur archer ) After that you'll be on the UBW route... same thing pick the right choices and you'll reach the UBW end.

After , if you want the heaven feel route ( with sakura ) it's the same thing, you'll get another choice in the UBW route that wasn't there before that'll trigger this chain of events.


「excessively large quote」

I would look in to Stein's;Gate (PC now, ps3 and vita sometime this year) for starters. Especially looking at your VNDB.

I just picked up a copy of Steins;Gate on PC, but I didn't realize it was releasing on Vita this year too. Should I hold off on playing it?

same game, different system
no changes (I think, if there are they're small), no reason to wait
I just picked up a copy of Steins;Gate on PC, but I didn't realize it was releasing on Vita this year too. Should I hold off on playing it?

Unless you really value portability when playing VNs get to it ASAP, you'll probably want to double dip anyway because it's that awesome.

(also the sooner you're done with it the less likely you are to be spoiled accidentally, the game isn't that recent and there's the anime so yeah)
Well, I guess I can ask here for where to go. I made a VNDB to make it easier to grasp my tastes.

I'm not super into waifu shit, so anything that hinges on that to be super enjoyable is probably a pass. That being said, I can get into it if it's a side element, like I enjoy the P4's implementation and Harvest Moon's. I think if the theming is really good and uses it well, I can get around it, too. Catherine, for example, uses it kinda well. Katawa Shoujo didn't manage to grip me early, but I'm still open to seeing that one through.

I'm really into mysteries. I think all the VNs I've really seen through had a strong element of that. Detective Conan was one of my early favorite animes.

I've seen a lot of people talk about VNs and I get the impression that I'm pretty damn surface-level, so I understand if I just get more general advice based on this. I think the only thing I can say about my experiences so far that seems to break the norm is I was not a huge fan of 999, but then had a friend spoil me on it, went to VLR, and loved that one so much that I actually want to go back and finish 999 and I think I will enjoy it more strictly based on VLR.

My friend tells me he thinks that the two factors contributing to me not enjoying 999 much are that it's not voice-acted (which I think is always a plus if it's good, but lack isn't a dealbreaker) and that I
got the Safe ending my first pass through and didn't really see much in the way of supernatural stuff until right there at the very end. I thought the Safe ending was kind of over-the-top since the game hadn't really shown any sort of supernatural stuff up until then.
I did enjoy a lot of the sleuthing in it up to that point. Like, I had figured out that
Snake had a fake arm
right away, that sort of thing, and I thought that was an interesting hook. It came across really well in the inter-connectedness of VLR.

The only thing on this list I've played that might be unusual is G-Senjou no Maou, which was actually pretty enjoyable. It was in a weird area where I thought the writing wasn't super amazing, but the plot and events were pretty captivating. I'd chalk it up to translation difficulties.

So, yeah. I like a good mystery. Haven't played much. I also like a decent slice-of-life, but I haven't really found anything like that. Stuff that's strongly character-driven is also a plus, but, again, I've found only a couple VNs that impressed me in that regard (Danganronpa being chief among them).

EDIT: I own a windows PC, my girlfriend owns a Mac and an iPhone (and we VN together), and I own a Wii U (lol), a 3DS, a Vita, an Android tablet, and am looking into a PS4 sometime soon. So any suggestions for those platforms is acceptable. I may also be able to acquire some older systems if something is compelling, I know some people with them lying around.

Hum if you liked g-senjou no maou , i feel that Sharin no kuni is a safe bet ...
and then i'll throw in steins gate because this game is excellent on the character-driven angle.


I would recommend Steins; Gate then. As it has a mystery aspect to it once the pieces start falling in place. Since you like VLR, I'm guessing Ever17, Remember11 and Never 7 is on your list, they're all made by Uchikoshi.

And for a slightly off recommendation, how do you feel about Ryu07? I can say with complete confidence that Umineko was the most impressive VN I've played, mixing magic and logic and spanning 8 episodes. It's a huge time sink though, with each episode being upwards 10 or so hours, some bouts of trite writing, but an excellent cast and soundtrack.
I would recommend Steins; Gate then. As it has a mystery aspect to it once the pieces start falling in place. Since you like VLR, I'm guessing Ever17, Remember11 and Never 7 is on your list, they're all made by Uchikoshi.

And for a slightly off recommendation, how do you feel about Ryu07? I can say with complete confidence that Umineko was the most impressive VN I've played, mixing magic and logic and spanning 8 episodes. It's a huge time sink though, with each episode being upwards 10 or so hours, some bouts of trite writing, but an excellent cast and soundtrack.

I love Ryukishi07 works, though I'm a much bigger Higurashi fan despite mangagamer's "translation". Both Higurashi and Umineko have amazing beginnings but rather disappointing endings. Either way, I'm looking forward to Rose Gun Days translation finishing and the next when they cry project, whenever it is released.


Trying to remember where your avatar comes from but the name escapes me.
v google says shirapika
so close, but yet so far

Are there mostly-comedic VN translated in English ? Most I can think have the deadpan snarker protagonist but definitely have a more dramatic side to them.

MLE, OsaDai, KiraKira is like 2/3's comedy, things written by KEY are roughly 1/2 comedy (usually the common route is very silly while routes are not), MajiKoi is supposed to be very funny but only partially finished (the curse of takajun will see that it never finishes).

thats what comes to mind immediately, I'm probably missing some since I don't play too many translated titles nowadays


I like how this page is pretty much what we wanted the thread to be; ask and get answers. The OP shouldn't be sacred and just a quick look before commenting in the thread, we're more than willing to help out and advice games, even games like AA :). We want people to actively talk in the thread.

Anyway I've been playing Cartagra this month and I thought it was pretty good, not amazing though. Yes, I know Cartagra came before Kara no Shoujo, but a lot of times while playing I kept thinking "This is pretty much Kara no Shoujo, but not as great". Seems like Kara no Shoujo picked up a lot of "half-assed" themes of Cartagra and did them justice. It actually was pretty nice to see some locations and characters from Kara no Shoujo come back in Cartagra, felt like reverse nostalgia. And as (almost) always; way too much out of place H-scenes that make my wrist hurt... from trying to click through them as fast as possible of course!


I'm going to be a Vita Owner very soon. Are there a lot of Visual Novels for that Plattform?

Yeah, the vita is pretty much the non-PC platform to have if you're interested in VN's.


Oh and I also made a VNDB profile, so go ahead and look at it and maybe even advice some stuff if you feel like it. I've been meaning to play G-Senjou no Maou ever since we were working on the OP, but haven't really felt like gaming in general lately, so I've already thought about playing that one.


I thought this should be interesting for this topic, credit goes to magusgs on NIS America Forums:

JAST projects fast-paced release schedule for 2015

According to a comment by the project manager in the new forums:
We're going to be releasing more titles in the coming 6 months than we did the previous 3 years combined. This is in one part due the natural time-lag of project start to finish, but on the second part with changes in staff within the company.

https://connect.jastusa.com/support/dis ... 5000057746

These are the titles released in the past 3 years (2012-2014):

Little Witch Romanesque
Harajuku Dating Paradise
Saya's Song
Moero Downhill Night Blaze
School Days
Yumina the Ethereal
My Girlfriend is the President fandisc

Total: 8 (-1 if Little Witch Romanesque excluded)

This suggests most or all of the titles on their Tumblr page are planned be released in the next 6 months (release dates in parentheses): http://jastusa.tumblr.com/upcoming

Kana Okaeri (released)
Hanachirasu (March)
Shiny Days
Raidy 3

Total: 6 (+2 if both versions of Little Witch Romanesque are counted)

Other titles we know they're working on (translation started): http://forums.jastusa.com/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7341

Outlaw Django
Trample on Schatten
Sweet Home


I feel so sorry for the poor soul who has to test Seinarukana.

The first boss fight took me over an hour lol.

It's a really good game though.


I kind of got into the genre after finally picking up Ace Attorney trilogy, and I then moved into Umineko, since a friend of mine ordered the games and had them delivered to me while I was in Japan, and he threw in a duplicate of them to pay me back for some stuff I had bought for him. I've just finished EP8, and I've got to say that it's a really amazing blend of mystery and fantasy, even if there's no player interaction outside of a couple of sections in the final episode.

I also got the DS Higurashi games 1-3 (the 4th was almost ¥5K, which was a bit too much for my taste), but it's going to take a while before I can actually read them fully rather than having to skip the kanji I don't know, so I'll probably leave them for later. Even after having watched the anime adaptation, I guess I can re-read the old arcs and then get to the DS-only ones.

Definitely bookmarking this thread for the next time I decide to start reading a VN.


I also figured Hanachirasu would be out by now... did they re-translate it or something?

Delayed a month (Feb 10 -> Mar 10) for JAST reasons ヽ(´ー`)┌
Exactly why I don't expect them to keep on their 8-9 titles in 6 months promise, it's completely unrealistic.

Someone had an axe to grind, in case it wasn't already obvious...

Edit: he got banned, apparently. Well deserved.

I dunno why this just hit me, but does anyone know of games with 3ds/ds versions that have an 18+ version? I'm now thinking that's the reason for the lack of ports in that direction (obviously sony could care less).
Delayed a month (Feb 10 -> Mar 10) for JAST reasons ヽ(´ー`)┌
Exactly why I don't expect them to keep on their 8-9 titles in 6 months promise, it's completely unrealistic.

Edit: he got banned, apparently. Well deserved.

I dunno why this just hit me, but does anyone know of games with 3ds/ds versions that have an 18+ version? I'm now thinking that's the reason for the lack of ports in that direction (obviously sony could care less).

It's probably more that the market for that is on other systems. Most console VNs end up on Sony platforms and that's where the known audience is.


It was pretty obvious that something was up


I dunno why this just hit me, but does anyone know of games with 3ds/ds versions that have an 18+ version? I'm now thinking that's the reason for the lack of ports in that direction (obviously sony could care less).

Actually the reason why I think that might have been is because since the PS Visual novels have (mostly) only appeared on Sony consoles, and nobody has really tried to create a market outside of there. As for you second question, only games I can think of are Really Really, the DS got a port for some reason and the remake of Toushin Toshi 2 if that counts.


The fact that really really got a ds port of all things is so many levels of what.
Kadowaka Shoten did the port too and I'm just questioning everything right now.

And yea, I probably got a little bit angrier there than I should have, hence the edit w.

Actually the reason why I think that might have been is because since the PS Visual novels have (mostly) only appeared on Sony consoles, and nobody has really tried to create a market outside of there. As for you second question, only games I can think of are Really Really, the DS got a port, for some reason and the remake of Toushin Toshi 2 if that counts.

i was under the strong impression that the remake of toshin toshi got everything BUT the "loser get the female prize" sub plot .
Didn't they transform that game in a regular dongeon explorer game ?


i was under the strong impression that the remake of toshin toshi got everything BUT the "loser get the female prize" sub plot .
Didn't they transform that game in a regular dongeon explorer game ?

I wasn't sure, so I just said that. If so, then yes, that counts too. Outside of that, I didn't found anything else, just homebrew ports


Well, I guess I can ask here for where to go. I made a VNDB to make it easier to grasp my tastes.

I'm not super into waifu shit, so anything that hinges on that to be super enjoyable is probably a pass. That being said, I can get into it if it's a side element, like I enjoy the P4's implementation and Harvest Moon's. I think if the theming is really good and uses it well, I can get around it, too. Catherine, for example, uses it kinda well. Katawa Shoujo didn't manage to grip me early, but I'm still open to seeing that one through.

I'm really into mysteries. I think all the VNs I've really seen through had a strong element of that. Detective Conan was one of my early favorite animes.

I've seen a lot of people talk about VNs and I get the impression that I'm pretty damn surface-level, so I understand if I just get more general advice based on this. I think the only thing I can say about my experiences so far that seems to break the norm is I was not a huge fan of 999, but then had a friend spoil me on it, went to VLR, and loved that one so much that I actually want to go back and finish 999 and I think I will enjoy it more strictly based on VLR.

My friend tells me he thinks that the two factors contributing to me not enjoying999 much are that it's not voice-acted (which I think is always a plus if it's good, but lack isn't a dealbreaker) and that I
got the Safe ending my first pass through and didn't really see much in the way of supernatural stuff until right there at the very end. I thought the Safe ending was kind of over-the-top since the game hadn't really shown any sort of supernatural stuff up until then.
I did enjoy a lot of the sleuthing in it up to that point. Like, I had figured out that
Snake had a fake arm
right away, that sort of thing, and I thought that was an interesting hook. It came across really well in the inter-connectedness of VLR.

The only thing on this list I've played that might be unusual is G-Senjou no Maou, which was actually pretty enjoyable. It was in a weird area where I thought the writing wasn't super amazing, but the plot and events were pretty captivating. I'd chalk it up to translation difficulties.

So, yeah. I like a good mystery. Haven't played much. I also like a decent slice-of-life, but I haven't really found anything like that. Stuff that's strongly character-driven is also a plus, but, again, I've found only a couple VNs that impressed me in that regard (Danganronpa being chief among them).

EDIT: I own a windows PC, my girlfriend owns a Mac and an iPhone (and we VN together), and I own a Wii U (lol), a 3DS, a Vita, an Android tablet, and am looking into a PS4 sometime soon. So any suggestions for those platforms is acceptable. I may also be able to acquire some older systems if something is compelling, I know some people with them lying around.

If you like hardcore sci-fi with great stories with tons of mysteries: I/O, Infinity Series (Never7, Ever17, Remember11), Chaos Head and Steins;Gate. They are all worth playing maybe except Never7. My favourites I/O and Remember11.

If you like Ace Attorney: Gyakuten Kenji 2, or Ace Attorney Investigations 2 : Prosecutor's Path, which the title of the fan translation. IMO it has hands down the best story, the best twist and the best villain in the whole franchise. The whole thing is really well done.

Here is my VNDB if you want to know more about other titles: VNDB
Seems like the CEO of Sekai Project did an interview HERE :

Some nice info in there , new annoncement in april , maybe

They're working on 15 titles currently at various level of production and some clarification here and there..

Now the question remains : Otome Game or BL game ?

I'd rather have an Otome Game.

Ps: It seems that clannad was possible to bring as a localisation project because planetarian worked for them...


Seems like the CEO of Sekai Project did an interview HERE :

Some nice info in there , new annoncement in april , maybe

They're working on 15 titles currently at various level of production and some clarification here and there..

Now the question remains : Otome Game or BL game ?

I'd rather have an Otome Game.

Ps: It seems that clannad was possible to bring as a localisation project because planetarian worked for them...

It will probably be an otome game since that seems to be what's more requested. But I'm fine with both.


Hey guys, since Sweet Fuse is on sale on PSN right now, I was wondering what you guys thought of it? It'd be my second otome game if I picked it up, the first being Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (I'm sure I got the spelling wrong, sorry), which I liked well enough, even if some of that stuff
Furies what?
was a little weird.


Hey guys, since Sweet Fuse is on sale on PSN right now, I was wondering what you guys thought of it? It'd be my second otome game if I picked it up, the first being Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (I'm sure I got the spelling wrong, sorry), which I liked well enough, even if some of that stuff
Furies what?
was a little weird.

Leagues ahead Hakuoki, IMO. It was a really fun game.


Speaking of, did hakuoki do well for xseed?

It must have done well for Aksys since they did release one of its fandisc, and they did localize another otome game after Hakuoki. Unfortunately, I don't think Sweet Fuse did that well, which is why they seem so cautious about releasing another otome game.

Hey guys, since Sweet Fuse is on sale on PSN right now, I was wondering what you guys thought of it? It'd be my second otome game if I picked it up, the first being Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi (I'm sure I got the spelling wrong, sorry), which I liked well enough, even if some of that stuff
Furies what?
was a little weird.

I've only played one route of Sweet Fuse, but so far it seems pretty nice. Not as lovey-dovey as I would like it to be but more than Hakuoki. The route I played felt pretty short though.
My god the common route of Grisaia ... who wrote this ?

The basevolley ball match and the english lessons skits are AMAZING ...


And the michiru bullying
So entertaining .

You could have given me 12 eps full of this and i would have taken it ..
Screw this the grisaia Anime should have been 26 eps !! Wasted opportunity.


Kresnik shared on NISA Forums:

Kresnik said:

Interesting interview with Sekai Project I stumbled across on Vita today.

Cliff notes for Vita:

- 6 games planned for Vita release pending Sony approval - Grisaia Trilogy; Idol Magical Girl Chiruchiru; Fault Milestone One; World End Economica: Complete.

- More coming if those sell well.

- Planning on expanding into different genres.

- Planning a BL or otome announcement soon.
- Planning a BL or otome announcement soon.
Ho ho ho.

But which one(s) I wonder? The actual amount of quality BL titles is pretty low. We're getting spoiled by getting No, Thank You!!! first*, because it sets the bar really, really high.

(*I know it's not the first, but it's been a looooooooooong time.)
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