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Wanda and the Colossus homepage open!!

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Thanks for the tip, but what about your impressions of the video??
It's very, very promissing. Trailer itself could be better at places. The transition in the middle is a bit jarring and it uses two chezy video effects to speed up transitions between scenes. The actual game footage looks amazing, though.


Thaks for the link Trev. The video is amazing. My most anticipated game for 2005 until Nintendo reveals more of Zelda GCN =P. I love the animation of the character jumping on the weapon and tiny rocks are flying through the air while he runs up the sword/rock. Plus the blood spraying out of the beast was SWEET!

but will the gameplay be there?

I hope so, but then again team ICO didn't dissappoint..


Also, why is it that this developer makes such better looking games than so many other PS2 devs? This makes me want a PS2. Other stuff? Not so much.
I thought the main character (Wanda?) was thought to be female... People seem to be addressing the character as male now... So which is it?


Console Market Analyst
adelgary said:
I thought the main character (Wanda?) was thought to be female... People seem to be addressing the character as male now... So which is it?

Wanda is the girl you see sleeping in the temple.

You know, nothing like Zelda.


Goreomedy said:
Uh, I'm just saying the horse animation was impressive. Put down the Master Sword, Link is safe.

I can't watch the video myself, but I'll take your word for it. It read as though you were comparing the animation in the two games as seen in the Zelda E3 trailer. That's perfectly fine, btw. I'm not attacking you. It will be interesting to see which one of these games come out with better graphics.


There are several PS2 games with technically better looking graphics, but it's the surreal art that gives this game its charm (much like ICO). Good to know that there are still some games to look forward to in 2005.
Nothing exactly exciting to me. Graphics look absolutely terrible, but the art direction is decent. Not seeing the big deal though.


works for Gamestop (lol)



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Rhindle said:
They need some serious help in the music department.

Very impressive trailer otherwise. Is this the first video released of the game?

What the hell? You probably enjoy musical crap like Tales of Symphonia and Wind Waker, don't you?

Not only is the music in this trailer good, the theme song for the original ICO remains one of the most memorable and haunting tunes ever to find itself in a videogame. I think they'll be just fine, thank you.


That song does suck, I agree.

But I'm sure ICO has the best music ever, and I don't need another list dark10x. ;)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Speevy said:
That song does suck, I agree.

But I'm sure ICO has the best music ever, and I don't need another list dark10x. ;)

So you've never even heard ICO's music?

Go here...


...and click on Ico Movie 1. There is a sample of ICO music for you.

Could you explain why you think those two songs in the new trailer suck, though? I mean, seriously..."suck"? They aren't anything totally incredible, but they sound very nice.


dark10x said:
So you've never even heard ICO's music?

Go here...


...and click on Ico Movie 1. There is a sample of ICO music for you.

Could you explain why you think those two songs in the new trailer suck, though? I mean, seriously..."suck"? They aren't anything totally incredible, but they sound very nice.

I have a very different way of thinking of game music, and it's not based on the originality or real musical structure of a composition.


dark10x said:
So you've never even heard ICO's music?

Go here...


...and click on Ico Movie 1. There is a sample of ICO music for you.

Could you explain why you think those two songs in the new trailer suck, though? I mean, seriously..."suck"? They aren't anything totally incredible, but they sound very nice.

Okay, that was good. The first part was a little formulaic, but the rest was great.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Speevy said:
I have a very different way of thinking of game music, and it's not based on the originality or real musical structure of a composition.

Soooo...how do you think of it? That's really...strange. :p

Just one thing, though, please tell me you don't like the shop music in Zelda OoT and Wind Waker. Oh god, just thinking of that awful song makes me angry. :p The music in OoT can be good, I'll admit...but whenever I think of the soundtrack that evil shop music comes to my head. AHHHHH, I hate that song so much. :p I still can't believe it made a return in WW. What were they THINKING?!


Nah, not really. I like soft music, not too regional, and something I can hum. Simplicity is fine, and I tend to prefer that over grand but non-cohesive music.

I'm easy to please when it comes to music. Basically, I want the music to feel like the action of the game.


Also, you have to keep in mind that I don't have a PS2. When you feel a disconnect from a game you've not played, that tends to lessen how much you like the music as well.


The animation and the style are nothing short of stunning.
I love the scope of the game, too. The horizone stretches forever and the Giants are HUGE!

But this is a title, like ICO, where the jaggies and the poor textures really draw you out of what should be perfect immersion into a style and into a game.
Some AA would GREATLY benefit this title.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:
The animation and the style are nothing short of stunning.
I love the scope of the game, too. The horizone stretches forever and the Giants are HUGE!

But this is a title, like ICO, where the jaggies and the poor textures really draw you out of what should be perfect immersion into a style and into a game.
Some AA would GREATLY benefit this title.

Hold the phone, there...

ICO was intentionally rendered in a lower resolution than your average PS2 game. It is unknown at this point whether this new game will also share that aspect, but I'd be willing to bet that it will not run in low-res this time (based on some comments they've made).

You've had limited experience with the system, I know. ICO is low-res and Katamari is ultra grainy and fairly low-res. It can pump out image quality as good as anything on the other systems. Star Ocean 3 in 480p is amazing looking, for example. Just wait and see...


olimario said:
But this is a title, like ICO, where the jaggies and the poor textures really draw you out of what should be perfect immersion into a style and into a game.
Some AA would GREATLY benefit this title.

I thought working around the PS2 hardware is what this developer did best. I mean, the art is so great that you actually believe that it's more ambitious than many of the hardware-pushers on other systems.


dark10x said:
Hold the phone, there...

ICO was intentionally rendered in a lower resolution than your average PS2 game. It is unknown at this point whether this new game will also share that aspect, but I'd be willing to bet that it will not run in low-res this time (based on some comments they've made).

You've had limited experience with the system, I know. ICO is low-res and Katamari is ultra grainy and fairly low-res. It can pump out image quality as good as anything on the other systems. Star Ocean 3 in 480p is amazing looking, for example. Just wait and see...

I was impressed plenty with the visuals of ICO, but feel that the jaggies take away from that title more than they do from, say, Katamari.
I feel this will be the same way.

Ill Saint

Hmm... I never thought of ICO as having a jaggy problem. Not once did it even cross my mind, and I've played through the game at least 5 times.


olimario said:
But this is a title, like ICO, where the jaggies and the poor textures really draw you out of what should be perfect immersion into a style and into a game.
Some AA would GREATLY benefit this title.

I really didnt notice the visual problems when I was playing it, I guess I was too immersed in the game. :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
olimario said:
I was impressed plenty with the visuals of ICO, but feel that the jaggies take away from that title more than they do from, say, Katamari.
I feel this will be the same way.

Yes, but you must realize that it was not a hardware flaw. Like I said, ICO was intentionally rendered in a lower resolution than virtually all other PS2 titles. It wasn't "jaggies" you were seeing, it was just an overall more pixelated image. Offhand, the only other PS2 title I can think of that runs in that strange resolution is Shadows of Memories. If you didn't like the look, you can blame the designers of the game for using the resolution that they did.

The display resolution of Wanda to Kyozou is currently unknown, obviously, but it seems very likely that it will be higher resolution.
Absolutely breathtaking. The sense of scale is unmatched.

When is this supposed to hit the streets again? Better make it out sometime in 2005...


it was good, but nothing close to the Berserk ps2 game trailer that hit about a week or 2 ago.

still, i'm all over this.


not an idiot
The collusus things looked amazing.. but obviously rendering them left little for everything else. The environemnts were laughable.. I mean, there wasn't shit anywhere, just nothingness and the collusus and the character on the horse... I think there was a hill or something. Then nala. I mean, that sucked.

The music was great.

The gameplay will surely rock, as Ico is 1 of the top 5 games alltime easy.

But man, I am really turned off on not having a fucking environment at all. That was one of the awesome things for me in Ico.

Shit. I don't know what to think now. It's still early though I guess. :/
shpankey said:
The collusus things looked amazing.. but obviously rendering them left little for everything else. The environemnts were laughable.. I mean, there wasn't shit anywhere, just nothingness and the collusus and the character on the horse... I think there was a hill or something. Then nala. I mean, that sucked.

You aren't going to see anything walking around them. That planet is only inhabited by those monsters, Wanda, the boy and the horse. That's it. There are other places than just the desert though (the Famitsu pics showed run down castles/buildings) and then you have the pic of the ICO like location outdoors.
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