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Wanda and the Colossus homepage open!!


not an idiot
That's cool. I guess when fighting those things it's understandable to not have much environment so as to be able to keep a good framerate (I imagine those things take a lot of polygons).

But while not fighting them we get the sweet Ico environments? That's cool then. I'm happy. ;)

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Shpankey, take a look at the screenshots on the official site. I think your worries are unjustified. There are screens for example, that show one colossus in front of some huge castle like building or wall.
Marconelly said:
Shpankey, take a look at the screenshots on the official site. I think your worries are unjustified. There are screens for example, that show one colossus in front of some huge castle like building or wall.



Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yeah, that first picture is what I had in mind. The environment screens are just gorgeous. I can't wait to see how the whole thing comes into it's own, like how and where do you travel to find giants, etc.

This screen also shows some mountain behind the giant.


not an idiot
Wow, those pics are amazing! Hadn't seen them... this is actually the first time I've seen anything on it (the low res video from the first page). Thanks. And looking at those pics, you're right.

teiresias said:
Don't worry, I'm sure Shpankey's just worried that this team at Sony might not be feeling as much heat as the others.


Bogdan said:
I am willing to bet this game will be a disappointment. I loved ICO but there is no way this game can live up to the hype.

Yeah, Fable has taught me not to buy games because the screenshots are good and the hype is sky high anymore


cja said:

I meant the video presentation footage, but thanks anyway. :p I managed to start up the download...this is going to take a while on my shitty-ass connection. :p


:O :O :O

This game is hands down the best looking game this generation.
There's absolutely no other game out there that sports textures like this game.

It makes the latest Zelda look sterile.


Insertia said:
:O :O :O

This game is hands down the best looking game this generation.
There's absolutely no other game out there that sports textures like this game.

It makes the latest Zelda look sterile.

It may be the best looking game this generation in your opinion. (and many other people's opinions, I personally think it looks fantastic) I don't however think it technically does more than every other game this generation.


not an idiot
Insertia said:
:O :O :O

This game is hands down the best looking game this generation.
There's absolutely no other game out there that sports textures like this game.

It makes the latest Zelda look sterile.

Do you know what textures are? because the textures here are standard PS2 fare (at least on a technical level).. not really impressive on their own. IMO, what makes this game look great is the design, the massive amount and use of polygons on the Collusus's and of course the stunning environments. Technically speaking, the textures are not very impressive actually. Their implementation is well done however.


I loved the enclosed arena of Ico. The symmetry that the castle provided yet the ingenious and differing puzzles it allowed within the wondrous surroundings. Rather worried that Wanda won't be so tight, with the galloping over swathes of land and huge foes.

jett said:
I meant the video presentation footage, but thanks anyway. :p I managed to start up the download...this is going to take a while on my shitty-ass connection. :p
The video presentation footage was working fine for me. I couldn't get the trailer up so just assumed that was your problem, oops.
Graphically the PS2 continues to impress (in the hands of the right devs). Monster Hunter is really impressive too. It looks better than any Xbox game I have including Ninja Gaiden.


shpankey said:
Do you know what textures are? The textures here are standard PS2 fare.. not really impressive. IMO, what makes this game look great is the design, the massive amount and use of polygons on the Collusus's and of course the stunning environments. Technically speaking, the textures are not very impressive actually. Their implementation is well done however.

Exactly. What Team ICO has done is make us focus on one thing. Every part of the game is like a picture, all more than the sum of its parts. It has to do with amazing art design and architecture. Imagine how much the screen of the buildings would suffer with standard building architecture or mountain scenery. It's original, it's surreal, and it creates the illusion of a giant scope, meanwhile it completely eliminates non-attractive items from the background. You focus on that cool-looking sky, simply because there's not 10 other environment pieces in the same area. Brilliantly done.


shpankey said:
Do you know what textures are? because the textures here are standard PS2 fare (at least on a technical level).. not really impressive on their own. IMO, what makes this game look great is the design, the massive amount and use of polygons on the Collusus's and of course the stunning environments. Technically speaking, the textures are not very impressive actually. Their implementation is well done however.

I wasn't referring to the technical aspect of the textures (such as resolution or shaders), rather the detail and how well done they are. That's more important then the technical aspect.

I don't know what you've been playing, but these textures aren't standard fare for PS2 or any console.


Insertia said:
I wasn't referring to the technical aspect of the textures (such as resolution or shaders), rather the detail and how well done they are. That's more important then the technical aspect.

I don't know what you've been playing, but these textures aren't standard fare for PS2 or any console.

Of course it's not standard fare. That's why everyone keeps complimenting the graphics. Wanda and the Colossus is also not the best looking game ever created either. That's entirely subjective from an artistic sense, and outright wrong from a technical sense. Sony excels at creating an art book world that you can inhabit, but not necessarily use as your playground. (like in Ninja Gaiden, or Pikmin 2)


Hah, that was such a tease for Ico fans. The music, the pacing, then BOOM, fooled ya, it's an action game!

Looks great, except for at the end when there's some bad tiling on the ground textures. I'm sure that'll be fixed before it's released though.

Also: I'm voting suck for the music. The first part (Ico-esque) was cool, but the exciting action music missed the mark.


olimario said:
I was impressed plenty with the visuals of ICO, but feel that the jaggies take away from that title more than they do from, say, Katamari.
I feel this will be the same way.

If you think Ico has a jaggy problem then you really haven't played many PS2 games. Ico's only graphical problem is the low resolution and some low-res textures in places. Jaggies aren't an issue.


I gotta start Ico. I played for 5 minutes and after multiple attempts of saving the girl from the first ghost or whatever failed, I quit. :(

I kept using the stick but it didn't work. I checked out ign's guide and it turned out I needed to call her. I should've read the manual. =\

Oh and the music on the 'story' trailer is AWESOME.


Man, so many "beautiful" games coming out in 2005. 2004 was more of a "plastic" year, what with Doom 3 and all. Next year seems to be more of an artistically talented bunch.
Forsete said:
Why, because the water is not liquid silver/ quicksilver? ;)

lol this game has a long way too go, from the unstable frame rate in the movies and low res textures. No wonder its not playble at the show. Winter 2005 release date probably.


MetatronM said:
Why not? The textures are pretty terrible. I really love the feel of that image though. So serene.

Well I don't know anything about graphics (so you're probably right about the textures) but like you said it gives off this serene feeling which I guess is why I love it so much.


love the high contrast look, their art director and i see eye to eye on how the environment should look as far as surreality goes.
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