Met my wife after I split with who I thought was going to be my wife. Bullet dodged. Originally my wife and I had a distinct conversation on a night out with friends and she was asking me if I ever wanted kids (we were not together then). I knew what the answer was doing to her feelings about me at the time but I really didn't want kids with the headspace I was in and was forgoing a summer fling or possible relationship in lieu of that insight. A couple of years later and we'd been dating for a while and the convo came up again, do you want kids? I said yes, this time and meant it. I grew up in a family of 5 and have always wanted kids, there was just a period there where I didn't. Fast forward and the misses was the driving force behind our first house, our first born and second born and generally has a far better handle on our life and planning than I do. What a ride having kids is. It is not for the selfish or feint hearted, and things will constantly be outside your comfort zone. That's the beauty of it, you get to enjoy this wild ride together. I wouldn't change having kids for anything, I do worry for our planet though. Hopefully our kids receive a better planet than we did and continue with that lofty goal. Living through your kids is an experience like no other. Seeing their failures, successes and personalities develop is an incredible gift I happily pay the price of constant diligence and hard work in raising them to be a part of their lives.
A partner of a high school buddy of mine was at a Christmas BBQ years ago when our kids were little and of course everyone was asking when they're having kids. They cannot have kids but don't want to tell everyone, wife and I know them closely. After the group social baby factory circle jerk finished I heard her say to him about their pregnancy issues and they're perfectly happy with a life without kids etc. I chatted to them about the "grass is greener on the other side" rule, I could easily enjoy a lavish life with the wife and I and no kids. We'd travel multiple times a year or travel for a year or two completely etc. She appreciated a parent/friend being honest that it's not just "have kids, they make everything roses" bullshit.