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Want to get into PSO (GC, Xbox, whatever)

I only started playing it last month on Gamecube... I have no idea which version is better, but PSO I&II Plus is out soon I think... you might wanna hold out for that. There might be a surge in subscriptions then too.. who knows?

I love the game by the way... it's even fun to play levels you've done a hundred times before just to level up with newer players, or tag along on later ones with the experts. It's been a real learning experience as far as the Mags and battle techniques go for me.. I've really enjoyed it. I don't mind paying the hunters liscence for a months play......... I mean, it's something I'm comfortable with paying for as and when I want to play it.


If you get the GC version, you can get the DLables free with PSO Plus. Also, PSO III is at no extra monthly fee to PSO I&II. The GC version sold the most, so there's probably a bit more people playing that than the Xbox version. Though I bet there's more cheating going on in the GC version too.



Hacks and lack of players = total suckage.

Get the GC version, or better yet just don't play at all. 10 bucks a month is a rip. I realized this after Sega's shitty servers caused my game to freeze while joining a game, thus corrupting my 200+ hours of work saved on MY memory card.

What the fuck are we paying them for? Because they sure as hell don't deserve it.


GC version has lots of hacks too. If you don't want the game ruined, you're going to have to limit who you play with. Sega should have put online characters server-side. Big mistake.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Play the PC version or DC version on those same servers (which I think is possible). It's really the only non-fucked up version remaining...


Docpan said:

Hacks and lack of players = total suckage.

Get the GC version, or better yet just don't play at all. 10 bucks a month is a rip. I realized this after Sega's shitty servers caused my game to freeze while joining a game, thus corrupting my 200+ hours of work saved on MY memory card.

What the fuck are we paying them for? Because they sure as hell don't deserve it.

hmmm that does sound shitty. :\


Razoric said:
hmmm that does sound shitty. :\

If you ever can, get the DC original (the VERY FIRST ONE). It'll be extremely hard to find one new at this point, but I don't think you'll NEED it to go OL. The reason I say this is because even though the servers are down, I think some people started the game up again on their own. Besides, it's free.

PSO Plus has a four player mode, a NiGHTS level for your GBA, and is $30. I don't remember what the other downloadable things are.

Also, I think the upcoming Blue Burst is for the PC. That may be your best bet if you want to go OL with the game.


I've been lucky - I've played for a few months and only had a few issues. One time I was missing some items after a Freeze Screen, that was annoying. But I've still got my 100 lvl FOnewearl.

I may jump back into PSO, if I can chisel down my backlog significantly.

Wonder how Episode 3 is doing? Probably not so great...


By the way, are you THE Razoric, or just a fan of the site ?

Because if so, I've known you for like 2 years. o_O
I've only had one freeze screen myself... which admittedly is one too many, but I didn't lose save data or anything...

You do lose items that your character has been acquiring if you don't save before a freeze happens though. I think it's a security thing, so you can't just drop your items everywhere, force a disconnect, then come back in and double them up or something.

I haven't had any trouble with cheats, or freezes other than that once though. I've clocked wayyy to many hours in on the game for it to be not worth the one month liscence. The price does mount up if you don't already have the broadband adaptor I guess... plus if you want a keyboard, for reasonable communication, that's not free either.


I was a member of the ICVD (Inverted Castlevania Dungeon), and went under the disguise of CapnVinny (I think that was the name, it's been a while). Basically I was an asshole and pretended to be semi-retarded in order to get under the skin of Byron(AKA John, AKA moody goth-wannabe).

Good times. Especially that AngerRabbit guy. Good god, he was a riot.


Docpan said:
I was a member of the ICVD, and went under the disguise of CapnVinny (I think that was the name, it's been a while). Basically I was an asshole and pretended to be semi-retarded in order to get under the skin of Byron(AKA John, AKA moody goth-wannabe).

Good times. Especially that AngerRabbit guy. Good god, he was a riot.

holy crap you were capnvinny!! I made up that name and gave it to Eric Roman to use... he said he gave it to someone else I had no idea it was you. Holy crap. hahah

good times indeed. :)


radioheadrule83 said:
I've only had one freeze screen myself... which admittedly is one too many, but I didn't lose save data or anything...

You do lose items that your character has been acquiring if you don't save before a freeze happens though. I think it's a security thing, so you can't just drop your items everywhere, force a disconnect, then come back in and double them up or something.

I haven't had any trouble with cheats, or freezes other than that once though. I've clocked wayyy to many hours in on the game for it to be not worth the one month liscence. The price does mount up if you don't already have the broadband adaptor I guess... plus if you want a keyboard, for reasonable communication, that's not free either.

ugh this sounds like its almost more trouble than it's worth. :(


Yeah, heh. He handed the task of the spelling-impaired jackass to me.

Resident Koopa: Outbreak was awesome, by the way. You should make another one, or something that has to do with dumb people playing an online game. Zelfmoord (sp?) kicked butt too.


Unconfirmed Member
PSO is being released on GC this year with the backdore fixed and maybe some other stuff. I will double check the date today if anyone is interested.

EDIT: apparently it is next week. according to gamestop.com. Has some "extra" stuff but it all seems negligeble.


Razoric said:
ugh this sounds like its almost more trouble than it's worth. :(

It is, but good god is it addictive. I've never played a game so obsessively in my entire life. Once you get started (it will take a few plays before you start enjoying yourself) you won't want to stop, UNTIL of course, the game crashes on you and corrupts your save file. And it's impossible to back up your save, because it's copy protected.

If it was free I'd say go for it, no big loss. But basically you are paying them 10 bucks a month for nothing. They don't update anything really from month to month, and the service sucks balls. Many FREE online games (SOCOM/2 pops to mind immediately) provide much better service and reliability.... for FREE.


Docpan said:
Yeah, heh. He handed the task of the spelling-impaired jackass to me.

Resident Koopa: Outbreak was awesome, by the way. You should make another one, or something that has to do with dumb people playing an online game. Zelfmoord (sp?) kicked butt too.

Hah yes. John aka Toxizen is still around. Caused quite a stir at another forum recently... was fun to watch. Thanks for the compliments, I do plan on making another one someday... maybe after I get a few more online games under my belt (for material hehe).


Docpan said:
It is, but good god is it addictive. I've never played a game so obsessively in my entire life. Once you get started (it will take a few plays before you start enjoying yourself) you won't want to stop, UNTIL of course, the game crashes on you and corrupts your save file. And it's impossible to back up your save, because it's copy protected.

If it was free I'd say go for it, no big loss. But basically you are paying them 10 bucks a month for nothing. They don't update anything really from month to month, and the service sucks balls. Many FREE online games (SOCOM/2 pops to mind immediately) provide much better service and reliability.... for FREE.

I don't like the sound of 10 bucks a month especially since the character data isn't even stored server side... the hell is that? Maybe I'll stick with SOCOM 2 and FFXI until WoW gets released. :O


Yikes, FFXI? If you have it and enjoy it, heck I'm glad for you dude but if you've yet to play it....

This sums up how I feel about FFXI


(That's the ps2 version's box I'm smashing my head against... I could've spent that 100 bucks on 2 extra copies of Ninja Gaiden. -_-)


Docpan said:
Yikes, FFXI? If you have it and enjoy it, heck I'm glad for you dude but if you've yet to play it....

This sums up how I feel about FFXI


(That's the ps2 version's box I'm smashing my head against... I could've spent that 100 bucks on 2 extra copies of Ninja Gaiden. -_-)

I have it and enjoyed it for the first couple days. I'm giving it one last chance before I cancel my account. :)

nice pic btw lol


Heh, I liked it the first couple of days too.

Day 1: "Wow... The world is so big, look at all the things I can do!"

Day 3: "OK, I'm killing a lot of rabbits, farming a lot of crystals. It's OK, I'm sure it just starts out slow, then I can move on and see all the things I can do!"

Day 5: "OK, I'm killing lots of Orcs, farming a lot of crystals. It's OK, as soon as I get to level 10 I'll be able to go to the sand dunes and seeall the things I can do!"

Many days and sit'n'watch beast-slayings later: "OK, I've finally gotten to level 12... I can finally join parties and get to the real meat of the game!" *Stands in town for several hours, attemtping to find something to do* ........ "Okay, fuck this game"


Mine was more like:
Day 1: Fucking sweet this world is so big and its FINAL FANTASY ONLINE!

Day 2: Ahh yes die Bee!!

Day 3: Cool enough money to purchase new armor... *equips new armor* uh why does it look like my old armor...

Day 4: New area with new monsters to kill! Die Super Bee!

Day 5: Walking 30 minutes to the new area from town. Ahh man I'm a bit worn out from running at least I get to kill new monsters! Die Beetle! Die Super Ultra Bee!

Day 6: LFG

Day 7: LFG


Day 9: LFG

Day 10: *plays another game*
I am playing it right now with a good friend. Usually he and I just make rooms with passwords to keep jackholes out and we have a good time. He's level 30 ranger now and I'm a 20 hunter. Pretty fun. There are hack players and shit out there though, but really nobody has ever hassled me when I play with strangers. They've all been pretty cool so far and just wanna play like normal people.

BTW, this is on LIVE, which is also the only version with voice comm.
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