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Want to go online wireless w/PS2 and Xbox: HELP!

john tv

I need to buy a router and a wireless setup so I can play my PS2 and Xbox online. Anyone have any suggestions? In particular, I'd like to know what's good for wireless these days. I used to use an Orinoco WAP and a Linksys Bridge (802.11b) back in the day, but I know there's much better stuff available now.

Can anyone help a brotha out?



Get a 54G wireless router (Linksys or Netgear are solid in my experience)... then get a Microsoft Xbox wireless adapter. Go here and click the better together link to get both.

It's very painless to set up and once you do, you can either switch the ethernet cable from the Xbox adapter between the PS2 and Xbox or get a wired router to split the connection between the 2.
I got whatever the current Linksys wireless B-router is, and it's the first Linksys product the I haven't liked. Mostly because I can't completely turn off the damn firewall and it was blocking torrents. I've had problems with that thing since I took it out of the box, I just don't trust it to save settings. I'll set everything up and have 2 PCs and my XBOX on it and then two days later one device will just stop connecting. The mileage may make with the varying but next time I buy a router I'ma make sure I can straight turn the firewall off.

I also use the Linksys Wireless Game Adapter for my XBOX, and this thing I love. If it had been onna shelves even a year ago then all my Halo friends would have one. Halo 2 might be convincing. Basically if you've got 16 guys, four XBOXs w\ Halo, and four WGAs then that's your whole network. They can talk to each other on specific channels or act like a wireless bridge for your PC. Very slick.

G is nice, but you don't need the speed for gaming. if you're going to have 2 PCs trading files to each other via wireless then you will want G, but if not you can prolly save some money by buying B.


There's a LinkSys Wireless Gaming Adapter out there, which is compatible with their routers. It might fizzle out sometimes, as Defensor knows from experience with playing RE Outbreak with me. :D


openmouth, I had the opposite experience. I had a netgear bridge which was just crap to get working on my xbox, so I ended up moving the router to hardwire it. But my netgear router I love.

G is worth it if you have a modded xbox for video streaming.

Either linksys or netgear are good, i'd go with G simply because the costs aren't a lot more, and your router is then sorted for wireless audio/movie streaming


I recommend the Linksys Game adapter. After struggling with a Netgear access point for a week, I RMA'd it and bould the Game Adapter. Worked right out of the box.


Mistaken iRobbery!
There's a LinkSys Wireless Gaming Adapter out there, which is compatible with their routers. It might fizzle out sometimes, as Defensor knows from experience with playing RE Outbreak with me. :D
It's your bandwith man, not the gaming adaptor.... :D


In theory I have 3 broadband capable consoles (in practice the GC is...you know...not meeting its potential, Four Swords Online would so r0x0rz).

One cool way to set them up, what I would do at least, is get an access point (802.11G+router+switch) then get a wireless bridge or another wifi access point that can act as a bridge and put an AP by the consoles and the other by the cable/DSL/whatever modem. So instead of having 3 wireless adapters for the consoles you'd have one AP and they all go into that with short ethernet cables then that AP talks to the wifi bridge and that talks to the interweb. It'd probably end up being cheaper than buying an AP and 3 wireless adapters but I could be wrong.

It's a little more complicated...or is it, well, you'd have to do a little more research to make sure the APs you are getting can work in this manner (bridged-wifi).
Actually I've been thinking about going wireless myself, but I don't won't to spring for two new wireless adaptors for my PCs and get one (maybe two) for my consoles. So it's the type of project that I have to save up for and execute. In the interim I'm using thw Nyko Wireless Net Extender (which is basically a wireless LAN cable). Plug and play and you're set. It works great except if I want to send songs to my XBox via Music Mixer Software or FTP to my modded XBox. something to do with a bandwidth cap (it locks up and has to be unplugged to reset). Other than that I've been using the product solidly for over a year and have't had any problems with any games until Burnout 3. Got mine on sale last year via Cheapassgamer.com. Not maybe what many are interested in, but if you want an inexpesive way to not have cables all over the house this product isn't bad. Works just fine with both my PS2 and XBox.



Hey, Apharmd, do ya have any idea what the transfer rate is with the Net Extender? I was pondering getting a set for my X-Box, since I didn't wanna get a wireless router.
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