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My Ember will finish building tomorrow, kinda sad seeing all the gloom around the recent changes but my goal is to have every frame.

And I mean, people told me Trinity got nerfed into the ground and she's AWESOME. Actually the first frame I used a Forma on.

At any rate Nova is about half done building, and Banshee soon after. I've also been spamming tier 2 voids and rushing through them with a dual zoren Volt, I think after the sixth Frost Prime helmet blueprint I realized the game was mocking me.

Focus refuses to drop too and it's very frustrating since it seems like such an essential mod. I heard Vor can drop it, no luck there but I did get all the parts for the Seer which sounds fun to use. My new Ogris is slapping shit left and right even without split chamber, and my Dual Vastos are on their fourth forma so if all else fails I can just go Revolver Ocelot on everybody's ass. I believe I have every pistol mod now as well.
Ember is still kinda fun in low level infested missions I guess, but what's the point? Even DE gets this, apparently. But instead of issuing a "hotfix" (simply restoring Overheat to what it was, if only as a temporary solution), they ask us to wait for their damage 2.0 system - which might buff her a bit, but she'll still need to get really close to enemies while being more fragile than Nova, much slower, and she'll still deal less damage. High risk, low reward. On top of all that, damage 2.0 was delayed. Even more hilarious once you realize that Nekros, who's all ranged, has more armor. If anything, Nekros should have 10 and Ember 50, not the other way around.

Oh well, I started leveling my Banshee yesterday. Got her a long time ago, but I hardly used her - now that I gave her a spin again out of pure boredom, she's actually pretty fun.
Yeah, they really should of waited until after they're done with all the armor and damage reworks to release all these frame changes. For all we know they're awesome, but we're stuck with the same high armored enemies with seemingly weaker frame abilities.


Yeah, they really should of waited until after they're done with all the armor and damage reworks to release all these frame changes. For all we know they're awesome, but we're stuck with the same high armored enemies with seemingly weaker frame abilities.
That won't change anything except lowering the game's non-existent difficulty outside of survival gametypes that drag on for so long, they put players to sleep. Literally.
If anything, enemies need to be made tougher for every single frame. It's the only way they'll ever encourage cooperation in this sad excuse for a co-op game.

Ember (and most frames) would still be stuck with horribly boring, redundant and unclear powers, you'd just be playing on a lower difficulty setting.
You can already simulate that experience by choosing Mercury as your next exciting vacation destination.


That won't change anything except lowering the game's non-existent difficulty outside of survival gametypes that drag on for so long, they put players to sleep. Literally.
If anything, enemies need to be made tougher for every single frame. It's the only way they'll ever encourage cooperation in this sad excuse for a co-op game.

Ember (and most frames) would still be stuck with horribly boring, redundant and unclear powers, you'd just be playing on a lower difficulty setting.
You can already simulate that experience by choosing Mercury as your next exciting vacation destination.
I agree in general, but Phobos already seems like a step in the right direction. Seems much harder than other systems with a similar level.


I agree in general, but Phobos already seems like a step in the right direction. Seems much harder than other systems with a similar level.
That's true... assuming it's harder by design and not just because its spawns are broken in typical DE fashion. Kinda feels like the latter when you sprint through a series of empty rooms and them BAM: dozens of enemies in one place.
Red text in global just moments ago.


Today?! On Friday the 13th?! This bodes well.


Warframe Profile - Nekros

Terrify seriously sounds like a more energy efficient, more powerful Bastille (disables AI and makes affected enemies take more damage). Why.

It would appear that Desecrate is an AoE for grabbing loot (bit of the video shows it getting loot from multiple enemies, and they mention it being affected by power range). Might make it more effective, but probably be mostly used for bosses and farming BPs.

Terrify sounds OP in general, but Shadows of the Dead seems like it will make him a super strong soloing frame. Who needs a team when you can kill people to make your own for the few moments you really need one?

Also, he appeared to have a new melee weapon at the end, looked like a new scythe-type weapon but with a wide, straightish blade, unless that's already in the game and I just haven't found it yet.
It would appear that Desecrate is an AoE for grabbing loot (bit of the video shows it getting loot from multiple enemies, and they mention it being affected by power range). Might make it more effective, but probably be mostly used for bosses and farming BPs.

Terrify sounds OP in general, but Shadows of the Dead seems like it will make him a super strong soloing frame. Who needs a team when you can kill people to make your own for the few moments you really need one?

Also, he appeared to have a new melee weapon at the end, looked like a new scythe-type weapon but with a wide, straightish blade, unless that's already in the game and I just haven't found it yet.


That scythe is an update 10 thing.
Pretty nice sized patch notes:

DERebecca said:
UPDATE #10 – Shadows of the Dead



-New Warframe: Nekros
Find him today by destroying the new Golem in the Orokin Derelicts, or through the Market!
Find his alternate “Raknis” helmet in the Market or Alerts!

-New Prime Warframe: Mag
Find her in the Void today!

-Survival Missions Return!
Survival missions are here to stay and can be played by choosing Survival Missions on the Starchart.
Our Survival weekend gave the team some early feedback on playability and difficulty, and our new Survival missions are ready for your Warframes!
Survival missions will get more challenging the further you travel through the solar system. Expect to face lower level enemies closer to the sun, and higher level enemies as you reach the outer planets.
The enemies you face will be prepared to take on the strongest Tenno – the longer you play, the higher the stakes!

-Survival now takes place in procedurally generated levels, allowing greater mission variety, challenge, and replayability.
-Weekly leaderboards are now live for all survival missions on the Starchart!
-All Raid Void Keys have been retroactively replaced with Survival missions.
-A handful of our new mods can be found by playing Survival missions, good luck!

-The Conclave [video]

Dueling is no longer restricted to clans!
An ancient Tenno tradition has reemerged; THE CONCLAVES have started appearing throughout the Solar Map. Here the Tenno meet in secret to challenge each another in honorable combat. 1v1 and 2v2 Conclaves have been added through the Solar Map. Are you ready to test your skills?

-New Level Sets: Orokin Derelict Spacecrafts.
What happened to the Orokin places that did not get hidden in the Void? Search the solar system for co-ordinate crafting components in loot containers to locate the mysterious Orokin Derelicts.

-New Sentinels!
Meet “Carrier”, a Sentinel with the ability to collect your loot for you!
Craft "Djinn", an Infested Sentinel found in Clan Research!
New Sentinel Infested Accessories: Mask, Tail, and Wings!

-New boss: Infested Golem
Lurking in the very depths of Orokin Derelicts is the Golem. Find his coordinates within the Derelicts today!

-Level Expansion - Grineer Settlement
More tiles added to the Grineer Settlement maps on Phobos!

-New Weapons!
Ether Reaper,the Soma (a new Tenno Assault Rifle), and the Kama, are in the marketplace for Tenno!
-New Clan weapons!
Infested Primary, Secondary, and Melee weapons are now in Clan research! Find the new Infested crafting component in the Derelicts.
-New Prime Weapons in the Void!
The Boar Prime and Dakka Prime are ready for discovery!

-New Mods!
- Second Wind (Melee) mod – Melee kills restore Stamina
- Finishing Touch (Melee) mod – Increased Damage to knockdown enemies
- Berserk (Melee) mod – Landing a critical hit will temporarily increase fire rate
- Whirlwind (Glaive) mod – Increases flight speed
- Power Throw (Glaive) mod – puncture (Dark Sector fans, this one’s for you)
- Rebound (Glaive) mod – increases number of bounces before returning
- Quick Return (Glaive) mod – decreases number of bounces before returning
- Spare Parts (Sentinel) mod – chance to spawn a rare resource on death
- Fired Up (Sentinel) mod - the longer a sentinel fires the more fire damage is added to his attacks
- Reflex Guard (Warframe) mod – chance for your Warframe to auto-block incoming damage
- Parry (Warframe) mod - blocking a melee enemy will cause a knock back, fusion increases % chance
- Reflection (Warframe) mod – blocking with melee deflects % of damage back at attacker
- Shield Flux (Warframe) mod - after stamina is consumed your shields will be used a second stamina bar
- Provoked (Warframe) mod - % damage increase while in the downed/bleed out state.
- Intruder (Warframe) mod – increases time limit for hacking security consoles
- Stabilizer (Primary) mod – rifle recoil reduction
- Hush (Primary) mod – noise reduction on rifles, decreased enemy awareness
- Steady Hands (Secondary) mod – pistol recoil reduction
- Suppress (Secondary) mod – noise reduction on pistols, decreased enemy awareness
- Speed Holster (Aura) mod – increases weapon switching speed for entire squad

-New Customization Options:
Fancy a Scarf, Tenno? The Marketplace holds the latest in Warframe Customization: the SYANDANA!

-Clan Dojo Level update/props:
Zen Garden vanity room
17x Zen Garden decorations
8x Taiko drums decorations (CONTEST!)
5x Bronze statues

- All Grineer now speak “Grineer”, a language capable of communicating their barbaric ways!
- You can now control the Lotus’s dialog volume!
- Added all new Solar Landmarks from latest batch of Grandmasters.
- Added all-new Male and Female Grineer combat VO!
- Added new option for new experimental Multi-Threaded Rendering in Launcher Settings!
NOTE: Tenno, this is an experimental option we have introduced with the goal to improve performance on multi-core machines. Let us know if you notice higher frame-rates with this option! This option may not be for everyone, disable it if you encounter problems!


- Arsenal and Inventory screen UI overhaul! Explore the latest revision to the Warframe UI!
- Stamina system now has a timer before it recharges. This makes Stamina a more significant system in game play.
- Reduced Stamina cost of melee swings and jumping
- Reduced the rate of stamina recharge
- Sentinels can now wield any sentinel weapon you want!
- Raid missions are no longer available and have been replaced with Survival mission types.
- Added initial PvP values to all Warframes, Weapons, and Mods.
- Ogris charge FX revised, toned down.
- Swapped the descriptions of Neurodes and Neural Sensors.
- Infested Crawlers (all types) have new movement, death, and attack animations.
- Added missing elemental FX to Orthos Prime.
- Added idle FX to Ash, Banshee, Mag, Nyx, and Volt.
- Sentinel Weapons no longer locked to the Sentinel bundled with at purchase.
- New ability icons for Trinity (was using Excalibur icons).
- Mission Success/Failure music now ducks all other music.
- Added delay timer to Stamina recharge.
- Added a new icon for the Extraction Marker.
- Smaller radius and volumetrics for zipline sounds.
- More audio updates for Warframe idles.


- Fix for players exiting lobby when trying to dismiss friends list.
- Fixed issue where Corpus alarm sound was being used in Grineer Galleon.
- Fixed issue where Warframe landing sounds would play twice.
- Fixed Master Volume setting that was set to 0 by default.
- Fixed Grineer voiceboxes that occurred in Corpus levels.
- Fixed inconsistent damage on host and client for Ember’s World on Fire ability.
- Prevent certain cloned enemies from using their abilities (specifically abilities that spawn other enemies).
- Fixed Ember’s Fire Blast ability where FX would remain if caster respawned or left the game.
- Fixed Trinity’s Link ability that was targeting closed turrets and security cameras.
- Fixed Banshee's Sonar ability not applying damage multipliers to shields.
- Fixed Miter disk projectile to behave like other projectiles that pass through Volt’s Shield and Frost’s Snowglobe.
- Fixed an issue in the Tutorial where players could not progress past melee stage.
- Fixed issue where Clans could not destroy the Oracle room.
- Fixed broken Boss transmissions.
- Fixed the Lotus 'not detected' transmission playing at level start.
- Fixed reported broken wrist and elbow animations.
- Fixed defense leaderboards tracking of time elapsed so that it isn't lost after host migration.
- Fixed beam weapon critical hits not being clearly conveyed to the player.
- Fixed Shade's Ghost Ability (and other invisibility Abilities) granting the cloaked player invincibility
- Fixed some AI navigation issues occurring in Corpus Outpost.
- Fixed various crashes and hangs reported by players.



Wait, do I understand this correctly? To get Nekros, you have to farm the new Golem. The new Golem is in a hidden location that requires an expensive key to access, a key that can only be used once and has a build time of six hours - and you can only get the key blueprint from other hidden locations!? lol

Also, the new stamina system seems stupid. Speed and mobility were integral parts of the experience, and you're now required to "waste" mod slots to offset the slower recharge and recharge delay. I think I get what DE wants to achieve here, which is to add more variety. You now have to balance defense, offense and mobility - a good idea on paper, but I don't think the game itself is balanced well enough to pull this off.

Goon Boon

Wait, do I understand this correctly? To get Nekros, you have to farm the new Golem. The new Golem is in a hidden location that requires an expensive key to access, a key that can only be used once and has a build time of six hours - and you can only get the key blueprint from other hidden locations!? lol

You're also not guaranteed a new part each time (if this works like normal void keys), and its very very likely that one part is much more rare than the other parts.
Wait, do I understand this correctly? To get Nekros, you have to farm the new Golem. The new Golem is in a hidden location that requires an expensive key to access, a key that can only be used once and has a build time of six hours - and you can only get the key blueprint from other hidden locations!? lol



Wait, do I understand this correctly? To get Nekros, you have to farm the new Golem. The new Golem is in a hidden location that requires an expensive key to access, a key that can only be used once and has a build time of six hours - and you can only get the key blueprint from other hidden locations!? lol
Refreshingly honest, isn't it? I don't think there's a clearer way they could tell us that this crafting system is designed specifically to waste our time and annoy us into paying far too much for a beta version of a single untested character.
Also a tiny bit insulting.

You're also not guaranteed a new part each time (if this works like normal void keys), and its very very likely that one part is much more rare than the other parts.
The good thing about the key system is that they don't become marked as used until you extract... unless you don't always roll with the same crew, then the good thing becomes a bad thing when your last missing part is just redundant junk to the key's owner.



It's not a loot system, it's a pyramid scheme.
I wonder at which point exactly are we supposed to get annoyed enough to pay them to circumvent this insane grind. Maybe somewhere near the end they open up a service that lets you trade in your dignity for some platinum.


At least the new survival is pretty decent, kinda cuts out doing the same mission 50 times to get loot/experience... Instead you do 1 mission for 30 minutes and get a slightly larger amount. I'm interested to play with some of the new weapons, but it's going to take a while to get them it would seem, need to grind for some rare resources I'm missing, for everything... forever

Edit: Wow, there is a pretty huge outrage about the key-grind in the forums. I'm hoping they make the derelict keys like the clan key and have infinite uses. Probably won't happen but you know.


I'm glad they added the pvp arena. PRetty much a let down how we are supposed to farm that Nekros. Ugh... I was hoping for a whole new planet complete with new mission tiles.

Goon Boon

DE guy said that all parts have an equal chance of dropping, and that you're guaranteed a part each time from new Golem. So slightly better.


I don't even care about the other stuff, this stamina change is awful. Warframe is now Walkframe.

I guess there's mods to make it less horrid, but all I have is a half-leveled Quick Rest. It's not so bad on Volt with Zorens, but Trinity without Quick Rest is absolutely unplayable. Stamina drains to nothing in a couple seconds and takes forever to regen.

Wonderful 101 just shipped, so I'm going to throw myself into that and hope the stamina nonsense gets reverted. Although I get the feeling my time with this game is coming to an end and I'll be moving on soon, the whole point was to co-op with a friend and he got turned off by the grind rather quickly.


I don't even care about the other stuff, this stamina change is awful. Warframe is now Walkframe.

I guess there's mods to make it less horrid, but all I have is a half-leveled Quick Rest. It's not so bad on Volt with Zorens, but Trinity without Quick Rest is absolutely unplayable. Stamina drains to nothing in a couple seconds and takes forever to regen.
That doesn't describe my experience AT ALL. Played Trinity and an unranked Saryn after the patch and I can hardly feel a difference. The game is still very much a constant shitty sprint to the finish line.
I WISH they'd turn this into Walkframe (or, I would, if their level generation was better designed). Sprint, the ability to outrun every enemy, is one of the main things that makes this a horrible co-op game.


I guess I'm ok with the sprint changes so far

H, sounds much better bout Nekros. Like, a whole lot better. just need to read up on how they want us to get to him. Maybe I'll just shell out the plat tho
I like the new stamina change. If anything, I personally I think it should be harsher...

I played around with only sprinting when it was needed a while back and enjoyed the experience quite a lot. Was using wall jumps to get around fast instead of just sprinting everywhere. Plus I was on my Rhino at the time and felt like a bad ass just walking into a fight, lol.

But, that's just me.

PS: 1 derelict run got me enough navigation things for 2 Golem keys. So maybe it's not as bad as it sounds to get to him.


I like the new stamina change. If anything, I personally I think it should be harsher...
Yes and no. It should be harsher for sprinting, but then sprinting would need to be separated from wallrunning. There is nothing worse than running up to a wall at that last sliver of stamina and sliding down, or when the game misinterprets your input and you backflip off a wall instead of climbing it. More stamina wasted, more waiting.
Warframe: Ninjas Stand Idly.

Also, their levels would have to be generated in a way that doesn't force the team to backtrack through empty levels for ten minutes, with sprint.
Yes and no. It should be harsher for sprinting, but then sprinting would need to be separated from wallrunning. There is nothing worse than running up to a wall at that last sliver of stamina and sliding down, or when the game misinterprets your input and you backflip off a wall instead of climbing it. More stamina wasted, more waiting.
Warframe: Ninjas Stand Idly.

Also, their levels would have to be generated in a way that doesn't force the team to backtrack through empty levels for ten minutes, with sprint.

Ehhh i just used a quick rest and it makes it great.


This game's whole draw to me was the Vanquish-like responsive movement. Quick Rest doesn't even bring it close to the level it was before the patch, it's clunky and terrible and I have no idea how the heck you could possibly not notice. And what about new players who don't HAVE all those stamina/movement mods? If I had to painstakingly walk my way to Vor only to miss out on the boss because everyone else was there and back before I got close, I would have dropped this game on day 1.

I could understand wanting to take your time, these new super-high-level alerts that you need to go through carefully are kinda fun (except when randoms grab the datamass and die in the middle of nowhere). But I'm entirely capable of shooting everything in the face WHILE going fast, which is how I did things unless I was solo and playing Volt. And I can still go pretty quick on him if I set him up entirely for that purpose rather than for actually fighting.

At any rate, it seems they are reconsidering. Which is good because goddamn I just don't even want to log in right now. There's a growing list of games I dropped and never touched again because of some obstinate dev's 'vision' for the game, and I don't feel like I'm done with Warframe quite yet. Especially since they finally put up the alert for the Rhino helmet I wanted.


Yeah bthey should probably roll it back. Funny I thought it was amazing you could slide around like Vanquish as well. I can almost maintain a full sprint w/o mods on Ash. Almost.


This game's whole draw to me was the Vanquish-like responsive movement.
Hoo boy, then you should have ran away screaming the moment you launched this game because if there's any game Warframe controls like, it's 2008's Prince of Persia.
The game is exactly as "responsive" as it was on the day they introduced parkouring, and if you want to run everywhere, you still can - slide when your stamina gets low and by the time you slow down, you'll start getting stamina back, slide again. The same way it worked before.
In combat? Use a power or aim, by the time you're done, you'll have your stamina back. Don't ever have to do those things? Well, yeah, the game has far bigger issues than not letting you sprint all the time.

Hell, if Warframe's stamina worked the way it did in Vanquish, you'd lose the ability to run for a minute once it runs out... after a single punch.


10.3 hotfix went up ~ hotfix-1003/


Stamina System tweaks:

- Reduced delay on stamina recharge.
- Increased stamina recharge rate.
- Decreased cost of stamina required for sprinting.
- Dodging now uses stamina and has reduced damage while dodging
- Dodges are executed slightly faster.

Ignis Buffs - Longer range, More damage, bigger AOE effect.

- Fix for bug where "Buy Slots" would appear in gear menu after sell.
- Fix for resources not dropping from The Void or Derelict Regions (this includes Mutagen).
- Fix for Orokin Glass not being reflective.
- Fix for Metallic look of Mod frames/borders.
- Fixed doors shutting down on players once they failed challenge in Orokin Derelicts.
- Fixed gap in Orokin Derelict level.
- Fixed clients not being able to see generator hallway effects.
The Ignis buff is so nice. The range must be 2-3x longer. Now my only complaint about it is that it sends all loot flying like a leaf blower. Feels like I'm in a ticket blaster at Chuck E Cheeses sometimes.


Oh jeeze I am getting trashed, I guess jumpin in again was not a good idea, starting a new warframe with new weapons makes more sense? I have no idea what I am doing wrong but my warframe should be in the lvl range of those missions, hm.


It can be tough to get into the groove I imagine. Which warframe are you using? Some are easier to hop into then others. For instance, I always have an easy time with Ash (cloak) & Rhino (iron skin). Those are my go-to characters. I'd imagine Loki & Volt shouldn't be too bad either (building Volt atm and still havent collected all the pieces to build Loki). there's also a sentinel that grants cloak which I have yet to use (built it just yesterday)

If you are soloing it can still be a challenge acquiring the blue berries (energy orbs) at the very beginning sometimes. Sometimes I think the game is a bit too harsh in regards to energy buildup. At least when its only 1-2 players. For some reason those blueberries just don't want to popup when you need it the most (small team)


so in the last few days they've put up almost every aura mod card as an alert, and I've gone from just having Pistol Scavenger to having almost all the mods. Except the one I want, of course. So since I've got to leave for around 3 hours tonight I'm expecting Energy Siphon to go up around then.

Anyways, I'm glad I was able to get all the Nekros parts so fast. Kind of makes all the complaints about grinding to get keys seem ridiculous now, but I guess we had no way of knowing that the parts were a guaranteed drop.


Anyways, I'm glad I was able to get all the Nekros parts so fast. Kind of makes all the complaints about grinding to get keys seem ridiculous now, but I guess we had no way of knowing that the parts were a guaranteed drop.
Hell no. All those complaints are the reason they changed their original design from a shitty time-wasting scheme Zynga would be ashamed of, to something only mildly scumbaggy.
Put yourself in the position of someone who isn't in a clan with a bunch of dedicated freeloaders, or even someone who joins the clan once this Nekros craze dies down and everyone's supply of keys runs out. Nekros will never be easier to get than he is right now and we have people going through ten+ Golem runs and not collecting the full set. That's 30+ hours of Golem key baking time alone.


Hell no. All those complaints are the reason they changed their original design from a shitty time-wasting scheme Zynga would be ashamed of, to something only mildly scumbaggy.
Put yourself in the position of someone who isn't in a clan with a bunch of dedicated freeloaders, or even someone who joins the clan once this Nekros craze dies down and everyone's supply of keys runs out. Nekros will never be easier to get than he is right now and we have people going through ten+ Golem runs and not collecting the full set. That's 30+ hours of Golem key baking time alone.

Definitely agree with this, the past couple of days I haven't even gotten to the golem boss yet, I've mostly been playing by myself and with 1 other friend, and it's ridiculous to try and find groups, avoid lag issues and still get there. Personally I'd like to see the keys be a little more expensive and be permanent, that way the grind is a bit more worthwhile. Yes permanent keys would remove the attrition of materials, but being reasonably new and still trying to collect a lot of stuff and level everything up, I don't need attrition on that scale. I need the ability to sell my ridiculous amounts of salvage and nano spores, but everything else I'm nearly out of. I'm actually glad I used some spare plat I had lying around to buy Nekros, because I'm enjoying playing him, but probably wouldn't be able to get him for a fair while if I was farming him. (Not that I've gotten many other frames recently, except I finally got the last piece I needed for Trinity.)

Speaking of which, has anyone seen pieces of the Mag Prime? I've been doing a couple of tower survival runs here and there and haven't seen it at all yet. Possibly just unlucky, the RNG gods have been hating on me for a while.


Raxum what was the last piece for Trinity you needed? Was it Trinity Systems?

I must have like 5+ helms & 5+ chasis. Her system won't drop for me for nothing. I really do hate RNG. I understand and appreciate the benefits. I'm helping newbies farm the trinity boss, etc. However, in Dark Souls people would help other players kill their bosses all the time. I must've helped people kill Orstein & Smog like 50 times and I always got the same exact reward

Fun game but I'm already a bit burned out on RNG from Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Might cut back on my game time unfortunately. If the game would've been like:

"Hey, you have like 2% chance to get Trinity System"

I would've been fine with paying plat. But I'm not cool with getting my time wasted like this

[edit] Just recalled I do have Volt, Mag, & Nyx coming out of the oven. Probably shouldn't whine so much. Had an easy time farming those warframes. Trinity is the 1st brick wall I've hit


Raxum what was the last piece for Trinity you needed? Was it Trinity Systems?

I must have like 5+ helms & 5+ chasis. Her system won't drop for me for nothing. I really do hate RNG. I understand and appreciate the benefits. I'm helping newbies farm the trinity boss, etc. However, in Dark Souls people would help other players kill their bosses all the time. I must've helped people kill Orstein & Smog like 50 times and I always got the same exact reward

Fun game but I'm already a bit burned out on RNG from Mass Effect 3 multiplayer. Might cut back on my game time unfortunately. If the game would've been like:

"Hey, you have like 2% chance to get Trinity System"

I would've been fine with paying plat. But I'm not cool with getting my time wasted like this

[edit] Just recalled I do have Volt, Mag, & Nyx coming out of the oven. Probably shouldn't whine so much. Had an easy time farming those warframes. Trinity is the 1st brick wall I've hit

The last piece I needed was the Helmet actually, which is odd. However I got the systems as my first drop, the first time I ever ran the boss. Haven't been that lucky since. I have been trying to farm for Nova as well and have done around 20-30 runs and not gotten a single piece. Nothing. At all. A bit ridiculous to be honest.

Mag Prime being from mostly T2 Survival is going to be annoying. I don't know if I can solo that, might be able to barely last 5 minutes. That said, I'll also need a lot of keys. I enjoy playing the Mag, so the prime would be nice to get. I get annoyed with survival in the void though, all those puzzle rooms you can't really do because of time constraints!


The last piece I needed was the Helmet actually, which is odd. However I got the systems as my first drop, the first time I ever ran the boss. Haven't been that lucky since. I have been trying to farm for Nova as well and have done around 20-30 runs and not gotten a single piece. Nothing. At all. A bit ridiculous to be honest.

Mag Prime being from mostly T2 Survival is going to be annoying. I don't know if I can solo that, might be able to barely last 5 minutes. That said, I'll also need a lot of keys. I enjoy playing the Mag, so the prime would be nice to get. I get annoyed with survival in the void though, all those puzzle rooms you can't really do because of time constraints!

You could always get randoms in recruiting if there aren't enough people in clan when you doing it. There really isn't a danger with pugs being terrible since you can just run to extraction at the 5 minute mark. But RNG is RNG and I have like 4 helms for mag prime.

Edit: and you can do puzzle rooms before you hit the switch to start survival. Now with pugs that might not always work as desired....


Btw if anyone needs Nekros parts I have a key to burn. I already have all the parts but ill help whomever needs it.. Ill be on 10:30 est


You could always get randoms in recruiting if there aren't enough people in clan when you doing it. There really isn't a danger with pugs being terrible since you can just run to extraction at the 5 minute mark. But RNG is RNG and I have like 4 helms for mag prime.

Edit: and you can do puzzle rooms before you hit the switch to start survival. Now with pugs that might not always work as desired....

Oh damn, why didn't I think of that? Will do that next time I do a survival, and might see if I can do it with 1 of my friends, just because doing puzzle rooms with pugs is annoying. I'd really like to get Mag Prime, just to save a forma.

On the RNG note though, I got one of the new sentinel mods, Sanctuary. So useful for doing any mission. That shield when reviving people is awesome.
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