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Trying this build on my Saryn:


Seems to work pretty well for survival! + Pearbot gathering all the energy orbs for me is a big help.

Also! Livestream soon!

DERebecca said:
What? A Dev Q&A session! Join us as we talk and showcase Update 10! We will take questions from the forums and chat.

We will also be giving away three 1000 Platinum Prizes!

Who? Scott, Geoff, Sheldon, Dave and Rebecca! Corey will be providing game play to showcase Update 10!

When? Sept. 18th at 2 PM EDT (6 PM GMT)! Find your timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/

Where? http://www.twitch.tv/warframe


Pro-tip: Don't ever log into F2P games when you're drunk.

I had some friends around today, and we had a few beers. When they left, I wanted to check what the foundry was doing, so I logged on. Shit wasn't done yet, but I noticed I didn't have enough room for my new stuff in my inventory, and I was all out of potatoes. So I bought some inventory slots and potatoes using platinum (real money). Content, I looked in my inventory - just to remember how pissed I was that my black and pink color scheme didn't work, because my black wasn't black enough. Drunk as I was, I finally gave in and bought the smoke palette, to get a nice, deep black. For 75 platinum (€3,49 or something - at least I think that's how much I paid). And I only wanted fucking black. So I was left with 61 platinum. Not enough to buy anything worthwhile outside of potatoes, forma and inventory slots, but I just bought or have enough of those. But I kinda wanted a scarf. Now I have one. And now I'm all out of platinum.

It's not buyers remorse, I actually wanted all those things for quite some time. But I didn't buy them because they were not essential (outside of the slots). Still, cosmetic shit is really tempting if you like a game and if it's readily available. I don't regret buying that stuff, but I'm glad I didn't have more platinum on my account, and had my credit card in another room. Who knows what else I would have bought otherwise...
Lol wsip. Yeah, good thing you were separated from your card! It takes all my willpower to not buy a ton of formas.

On another note, hotfix went out.
- Changes to Void Reward distribution for Mag Prime, removed ciphers from all survival rewards.
Maybe this is the end of the 1000 Mag Prime Helm curse!

More changes listed here.


Lol wsip. Yeah, good thing you were separated from your card! It takes all my willpower to not buy a ton of formas.

On another note, hotfix went out.

Maybe this is the end of the 1000 Mag Prime Helm curse!

More changes listed here.

Maybe I'll be able to get my full Mag Prime! Though I doubt it, RNG hates me and I have 20 ciphers from running around 20 survival missions outside the void. Suffice to say, I'm glad to see those going from the rewards table, as I barely used them anyway.

I also have the forma problem, though I got myself a founder pack for the money->plat ratio being better. Ended up blowing some of it recently on Nekros, despite trying to hold myself out and only buy slots, reactors, catalysts, forma and cosmetics with it. I'm finding it really difficult to not put catalysts and reactors into things I get as well, weapons and frames are just so horrible without them, mostly because I can only get 2-3 mods into them before they're full (aside from abilities). They really need to increase the rate of some alert rewards, or put them up during the 3-4 hours I get to play. :p

Also, is that a...buff to the gole...Lephantis? I've done the boss once now, and I found it to be quite a challenge, that said it was only me and one other person. The amount of poison floating around in the area during the second phase was insane. Definitely reminded me of a Raid boss from my WoW days. Few more bosses like that and I'll feel like there's some form of end-game :p

Speaking of end-game, what could they really put behind an end-game wall? Slightly upgraded versions of weapons? Better mods? I mean, yeah they've got Nightmare, but really, if you do a low enough level mission with nightmare mode, you still get dual mods and you can do it with mid-game gear.


Good to know about the Developer presentation and possible 1000 platnuim prize. I dont think I'll be able to watch it then. But good to know


- Fixed News & Alerts panel disappearing randomly while traversing the UI
- Fixed clients receiving bottom-tiered rewards from Survival missions
- Reduced cost of Team Totem blueprints, also changed resource requirements to Ferrite and Salvage only
- Reduced crafting costs of Clan Tech items: Heal, Ammo, Shield, and Energy now 500cr
- Fixed room prerequistites not being checked when attempting to construct new dojo rooms
- Fixed "power in use" bug that could occur when using Desecrate
- Added prevention for unintentionally selling last remaining sentinel weapon
- Fixed damage numbers not appearing for Overheat
- Fixed names for Rebound and Quick Return mods being switched


24hr Forma AND Reactor alerts. Have ~23hrs left to grab them as of this post!

Well, it looks like I know what I'm doing when I get home from work. Won't be home for another 9 hours though! I totally might miss them... lol, definitely need that forma at least.


After trying to push forward with research in my clan and hitting a recent brick wall with mutagen samples, I'm kinda wishing my friends were a bit more active. I'm also annoyed that they removed mutagen samples from everywhere but the derelict ships. Either way, now I've had to farm derelict keys for Mutagen samples for research and haven't really been able to use any to make anything for myself. I really want an acrid as well! And the Djinn, in a few days when it's finished researching. Oh well, weekend coming up, time to farm...a lot... and level my trinity I guess.
Patch went out:

DERebecca said:
Hotfix 10.1.0


Added new conclave for 1500-2500.


End-of-mission Orokin Void Rewards have been properly rectified, see here for more information on what went wrong with Update 10’s drops: https://forums.warfr...474-an-apology/

Resource requirement changes for:

Dual Ichors:
Mutagen: 10 to 4
Forma: 2 to 1

Mutagen: 7 to 5
Forma: 2 to 1

Mutagen: 11 to 5
Forma 3 to 2

Mutagen: 15 to 6
Forma: 3 to 2

Derelict keys:

Into the Derelict: 1 hour to 1 minute.
Into the Assassination mission aka Boss Fight: 3 hours to 1 hour (3 hours to 1 hour)


Fix for Lato Prime not being color-able.
Fixed Bastille affecting fewer targets than expected when immune enemies (turrets, cameras, drones) are nearby
Fix for Miter not taking energy color attributes.
Fix for pickups not working in Conclave.
Fix for crash that would occur if Dethcube vaporizes opponent in the Conclaves.

Thank the Lloyd for the reduced costs of the new Clan weapons, lol.

Also, everyone is receiving a free Mutagen Mass and 50 plat. Read this to find out why:
An Apology


Patch went out:

Thank the Lloyd for the reduced costs of the new Clan weapons, lol.

Also, everyone is receiving a free Mutagen Mass and 50 plat. Read this to find out why:
An Apology
This is a really nice and unexpected gesture. And I think I need the new crossbow.

Anyway, the loot system is still ass. I killed several bosses today, including Ambulas, Kril and some other dudes, and they all dropped shitty mods. It's a bit of a joke when Ambulas, one of the highest level bosses in the game, drops Molten Impact, after some random mook in the same mission dropped Ravage just a minute earlier. Makes no fucking sense.
we played about 50 hours with a friend and we just found out about dojo. We plan to create one but then I tough maybe there is a gaf one we can profit ? How is it working ?
we played about 50 hours with a friend and we just found out about dojo. We plan to create one but then I tough maybe there is a gaf one we can profit ? How is it working ?

Yeah, we have a Dojo large enough for some to get lost in, complete with nearly all the weapon research. Still have a few things being contributed to, though. The only thing is you'd have to leave your current clan (if you're in one), but, you and your friends are welcome to join us to gain access!
Yeah, we have a Dojo large enough for some to get lost in, complete with nearly all the weapon research. Still have a few things being contributed to, though. The only thing is you'd have to leave your current clan (if you're in one), but, you and your friends are welcome to join us to gain access!

How do we join ?


This is probably a really dumb question, but how exactly do the level recommendations for different missions work? I routinely see missions for levels well above the level 30 cap of each frame, so is that recommendation for the number of available mod points that your frame has, or is it some combination of your frame and weapon levels?


I assume you mean the "30-34" and stuff when you hover over missions? Those are just the enemy levels. :p
...and that makes far more sense. I was thinking it was some sort of player level recommendation and clearly overthinking it. I'd see missions for level 50+ and just wonder how I was supposed to deal with it effectively.


So, thanks to Saav for helping me with a bunch of runs, and a little bit of luck, I finally have my Nova cooking (or will do when I get home from work, the final piece is in progress), and I got my first Split Chamber a couple of nights ago. I'm pretty happy with that progress, though I still have a long way to go. Need Hammer Shot for my Soma, and Hell's Chamber for my Strun Wraith, and my Frost Prime BP, which apparently now resides in T1 Exterminate only, interesting change. And that's just the start...

This game has a ridiculous grind factor, but I still love it.


I gotta ask- does this game have some sort of 'community division' problem? Rather, I think all the warframe gamers are spread all over the universe. So it's tough to get a group together for the higher level missions in Ceres, etc. Need to ask for some help in Clan chat!



God mode: Quick Thinking + Rage, might as well add Energy Siphon for complete borkedness.

That is ridiculous, but would be decent for farming purposes in the early game, or on low level frames. Apparently doesn't work on level 80+ mobs though. I wonder how quickly that'll get fixed, or even how they'll fix it.

On another note, how rare are t1 exterminate keys now? I seriously can NOT seem to get one from a defense mission, and I'm even doing a lot of the earlier ones. Going to take a while to get the frost prime BP.
Too bad I have the worst of luck finding rare mods to get to try that.

@Rax everyone is after T1 keys and they are rare as heck for some reason, lol.


Too bad I have the worst of luck finding rare mods to get to try that.

@Rax everyone is after T1 keys and they are rare as heck for some reason, lol.

Well going by the wiki, T1 keys are for the initial BPs for every prime item now (at like a 25% chance or something), so it makes sense that everyone would be after them. But they only are a 3-9% chance to be a reward from T1 defense, which is only the first wave of any defense. It's a pretty slim chance, and you have to farm the first wave of low level defense missions for it. They probably need a more consistent way of being able to gain keys.
I just gave 27 mutagen and all my circuits (1622) and polymer (2073) for the Synapse. I know it's not much but It's my contribution. It's all I had for the researh
So now that a few weeks have passed, how's the Necro frame?

Nekros is "alright" in my books. He really shines in survival mode, in my opinion.
-Soul Punch is just a fun first ability. Can provide single target CC.
-Terrify reduces armor on enemies fleeing while also providing AoE CC.
-Desecrate makes health orbs pop out of bodies a majority of the time, occasionally the oxygen capsule thingies in survival, and gives a rare chance of mods. Works on the corpses of your Shadows, too!
-Shadows of the Dead is like having 9 decoys that actually deal damage.

My only gripe is that for being "shadows" of the dead, you can't walk or shoot through them. Can make attacking things slightly annoying when there's multiple Nekros, lol.


Finally!! At long last I have all the pieces to build Trinity. That boss gave me the most trouble for blueprints this far. Although, at some point I realized he also dropped Neurodes which was quite helpful
Finally!! At long last I have all the pieces to build Trinity. That boss gave me the most trouble for blueprints this far. Although, at some point I realized he also dropped Neurodes which was quite helpful

For whatever reason, it took me the longest to get Trin as well. Way more runs than it should have taken!

On another note, thanks for everyone contributing mutagens! The Djinn will be ours in 3 days!

Only the Synapse and the team health restore remains! But let's focus on that gun first ;)
For whatever reason, it took me the longest to get Trin as well. Way more runs than it should have taken!

On another note, thanks for everyone contributing mutagens! The Djinn will be ours in 3 days!

Only the Synapse and the team health restore remains! But let's focus on that gun first ;)

do those guns just spew acid?


Finally!! At long last I have all the pieces to build Trinity. That boss gave me the most trouble for blueprints this far. Although, at some point I realized he also dropped Neurodes which was quite helpful
For whatever reason, it took me the longest to get Trin as well. Way more runs than it should have taken!
Same here. Trinity was the toughest one to get, by far.
And that was even back when she was a laughable, useless frame, before we got the ability to awkwardly toggle team health display.
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