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They should have been clearer from the start about the winning conditions for the factions because I think lots of people flocked to grineer because of that. I was pumped for it at the start but it sort of fizzled out during the week-end. It's a nice easy way to grind mastery rank boosting weapons however.

Also Tharsis needs to be finished already ! I'm only missing one piece to finally build Vauban and it's the systems :(. I've been wondering if the energy lab has an interesting weapon to use other than the flux rifle. It seems that the bio lab has all the goodies to research.


The event does get a bit tiring but I did enjoy seeing a good number of npcs not shooting at me for once.

On the bright side, that wiki link alerted me of the 1 credit Halloween colour pack. Should still be there I believe for anyone else that missed it.


oh wow looks like different guys are posting now. Very cool!

I only log on every now and then for interesting alerts. I usually just watch the warframe twitter feed for cool stuff

Hit the jackpot last night and got the Vauban helm. Now I can finally bake that sucker :)


Ah that is indeed mixed news. Thank you very much for sharing that link. Now players will have to make the tough decision when to fork. Ouch
So the Vectis looks pretty damn beastly on paper :
- Ignore armor
- One bullet in the chamber (perfect for Prime/Charged Chamber)
- 25% crit chance
- Can use Critical Delay with no draw back (48% crit chance for free has it has no fire rate, only reload speed)
- Low zoom so not too useless in close to medium range.
- One V polarity out of the box !
- High base dmg (more than shitty Vulkar)

So, Serration, Split Chamber, Crit chance, Crit DMG, Critical Delay, Charged Chamber, Fast Reload and then whatever you want !
Vectis is pretty nice. Tempted to tater it, but I have so many sniper rifles already...

Alsoooo... Based on that little trailer clip for Alad V and piecing together some info from previous livestreams, I've come up with this theory on the new warframe:

The Berserker frame is Alad V's Zanuka Project, which is a Mag stripped of her frame and modified by Corpus tech.





Lol, I just saw the video for this on Youtube and recognized the character designs right away. I always thought the original idea for Dark Sector was great. This game looks awesome.
Attention Founders!

Honorable Founder,

It was just a year ago that we launched our Closed Beta for Warframe. This year has been a whirlwind: Open Beta, Steam launch, Tradeshows all over the world -- and next PlayStation®4 launch! The year has flown by faster than a Boltor shot.

We started Warframe as an experiment: a passion project that would step away from the way we had been making games for almost two decades. We would not be working for publishers anymore -- We would be working for players -- We would be working for you.
You stepped up. You supported us and it is because of you that Warframe has thrived. On behalf of the team and me personally, THANK YOU.

Onward Tenno!

Steve Sinclair
Creative Director

You have until November 18, 2013 at 9 AM EST to claim your Warframe swag! Log in at warframe.com and find the Founders Gift button on the front page.

Disciples & Hunters will receive:

Masters & Grand Masters will receive:


150 hours later ... I still don't have a freaking Continuity. I have all the multi shots and other cards that are hard to get but not that one. I wish we could buy a specific card for plat.
Yeah... Trading can't come fast enough.

Knowing DE though... I just hope they don't pull something stupid like making a trade take 12 hrs for it to go through with an option to pay plat to make it instant. Oh man, I can imagine the Warframe forums on fire if any kind of platinum spending is involed with trading.

On another note, I've reformatted my PC. Don't plan on downloading WF until U11 comes around. I'll see you guys then!


Hey guys, sorry I had to bail out on you all as abruptly as I did. My computer blue screened on me (might be this new video card I threw in). And I wasn't able to get it back up and running until much later.

Anyway I hope you guys were able to complete the mission without me and I'll prolly be on the same to tomorrow if you guy wanna make any other void runs.


With the launch of the PS4 coming out right around the corner, I guess we ought ask ourselves which side are we going to be mostly playing on. I myself would like to stay on the PC side since I enjoy the control scheme and the other performance benefits.

But obviously I'll go where everyone else ends up going to.

I've no plans of buying a console anytime soon. Unless that console is a working SNES for a decent price!

From the sounds of it PS4 crossovers won't be in a clan, so they'd have to start a new one? I'd have to recheck...


I'm going to be sticking with PC. I've tried (with a wired xbox) controller and it just felt too sluggish considering how many enemies can be on the screen at once during missions at times.

Only recently came back to WF a few weeks ago and really liking how far it has come. Kind of addicted to grinding for resources/parts...I really want a Prime frame...


With the launch of the PS4 coming out right around the corner, I guess we ought ask ourselves which side are we going to be mostly playing on. I myself would like to stay on the PC side since I enjoy the control scheme and the other performance benefits.

But obviously I'll go where everyone else ends up going to.


I'm sticking to PC. Pad control feels like turning in molasses.


So, I just started playing this game...and almost everything is behind a Platinum paywall.

Really dampening my excitement for this.
You can get everything in the game for free, except for weapon slots, frame slots, and a handful of market things like the clan emblem and scarves.

You just have to play
for it, and have a healthy dose of patience.

You might be missing the blueprints, which are always conveniently tucked away on the last pages of the in the market.


Posted this in the PS4 thread, but...

Just started playing this last night.

Get a friend. Stick together. Play some of the survival missions.

So much fun. We played from 8PM to 4AM last night. Every time a mod dropped we shouted "MOD" on Skype and booked it.

This game is amazing. So much fun. However, it is a little easy early on for the main missions.


I just started playing this. I'm like 10 hrs in and I just made it to earth. I don't understand the progression system. When or how do you get stuff?

Edit: is the GAF clan active? Can I get an invite?


I'm a little confused, too. I have a few mods for Sentinels, but how do you get them? Is it all random? Is there a higher chance from certain places/worlds?


I just started playing this. I'm like 10 hrs in and I just made it to earth. I don't understand the progression system. When or how do you get stuff?

The progression is a loot feedback loop. Certain areas gives you access to unique ressource, warframe blueprints or rare mods unavailable anywhere else in the early parts. It's a sandbox Diablo, in space, with ninjas, with bad ass powers and weapons that can decimate platoon of mobs, alone or with other badasses.

I'm a little confused, too.

The game doesn't explain a lot of stuff. You might want to check the community wiki for explanations on mods, frames and stuff. I'm serious, if you haven't checked it out this wiki is a gold mine of information for newcomers and veteran alike.

I have a few mods for Sentinels, but how do you get them?

Sentinels are a "companion weapon" so you either craft them by buying the blueprint with credits from the market or buy them outright with plat. If you want to start with one, aim for the Carrier sentinel. It will make you sort of lazy but it simplify resource gathering and has the best weapon of them all if you have good shotgun mods.

Is it all random?

The RNG (Random Number Generator) is god in Warframe. It dominates the overall gameplay from mod drops, alerts, enemy spawn, resources etc. It even warrants full announcement when there's a change to it.

Is there a higher chance from certain places/worlds?

Yes there is higher chance in certain mission for specific mods. Also sometimes certain mods can only be acquired from specific type of missions or places.


Thanks for the info. Next question is: what should I be trying to get? Farm specific areas for resources and blueprints, but to what end?


Thanks for the info. Next question is: what should I be trying to get? Farm specific areas for resources and blueprints, but to what end?

I would work on trying to complete missions you can handle to open your map out more and rank up for weapons/warframe.

Survival/Defense missions are usually the best to farm for resources/mods, but that's just if you generally need resources. If you need specific ones, assassination missions are best since the target (boss) have higher chances of producing rarer resources (as well as blueprints for weapons or new warframes).

My usual direction for what I do in game is as follows;

Need resources > farm defense/survival missions with my Main warframe
Need blueprints/parts/rare resources/mods > farm assassinations (check wiki for who drops what)


Thanks for the info. Next question is: what should I be trying to get? Farm specific areas for resources and blueprints, but to what end?

Well since this is mostly a sandbox it really depends on what you want to do. Want to get a specific frame ? Follow the mission tree until you can farm the boss for that frame. Want to have a specific weapon ? Grind the missions in the planet where it can drop. Want to have a specific mod ? Look up the wiki for location or enemy and do your prayers to the RNG god.

Where the game really shine is that it's really flexible. Any weapon can be made good with the right mod combination and even then there's a lot of approaches that can be done for different builds. Of course some weapon scale much better than others *cough* acrid or soma *cough* but you can experiment a lot and find your play style. Even if the weapon isn't the best you can put a forma on it and add enough polarities to close the gap if you so choose.

If you're really asking about end game content well it's a little anemic for now. You can do really long survivals runs, high wave defense runs, do orokin void runs and that's pretty much it. They recently added Lephantis to have a big ass monster in the roster but I can't really say it's end game content material. I still find it very fun to do over 30 mins survival runs because there's a lot of management that needs to be done and don't forget coordination too. I'm probably not giving the game enough justice but the vast array of options that are available to players is what sold me on it. One minute I can play as a tank that can be invincible for upwards of 24-25 seconds at a time while burning everything in sight with a flamethrower, the other I can call vortexes that suck every enemy in a large radius and cut a bunch of them in half with a he-man sized sword or just be invisible for a long time while shooting explosives arrows, kunais and uppercuting fools in space.


Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on recently.
I decided to take a bit of a break until U11 and as I have now logged over 700 hours, I thought maybe I should give my backlog a bit of love.
Glad to see that we have a new Warlord to take up the slack lol, congrats to NomNomWat.
Also glad to see some of our other members helping out some new guys, welcome and enjoy your stay with us.
I will be back with a vengeance when something interesting happens I promise, and we can all go back to reviving me for the 7th time per mission.

Carry on Tenno.
crap, vauban systems is up but i haven't unlocked enough of Ceres to access it. last bit i need, going to spend next 20 minutes trying to find someone to invite me.

edit: thanks for helping Tangmaster, that was some crazy fucked up lag unfortunately. All you guys on my map were just jogging on the spot way back near the start, had no idea where you actually were, kept seeing cupboards open by themselves etc. None of my attacks did any damage and I couldn't even pick up energy orbs etc. Was not to be I suppose. blah.
crap, vauban systems is up but i haven't unlocked enough of Ceres to access it. last bit i need, going to spend next 20 minutes trying to find someone to invite me.

edit: thanks for helping Tangmaster, that was some crazy fucked up lag unfortunately. All you guys on my map were just jogging on the spot way back near the start, had no idea where you actually were, kept seeing cupboards open by themselves etc. None of my attacks did any damage and I couldn't even pick up energy orbs etc. Was not to be I suppose. blah.

Next time try recruit channel in game always people to group there

also, Ember Prime, Glaive Prime and Sicarus Prime. You all saw it somewhere else but for prosperity and the good looks :



Still sad that they nerfed Ember way too much. At least they gave her a great coat of paint for her prime version.

Edit :

Speaking of nerf, I laughed pretty hard during the trailer while they were showing off Volt. Make the front guy in the group the lowest tier warframe currently in the game. Great sense of humor DE.


I'm I the process of crafting my first new warframe (rhino). 72hrs is a long ass craft.

Then I need to start working towards a mag, think ill get carrier first, I've already found a vacuum mod.

Once I start using the frame am I gonna have to go back a couple planets? Is it just like starting over since my frame will be lvl 1 again?

Is the next update supposed to come with the launch of the PS4 version? I'm still looking for a GAF clan invite.
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