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I'm so confused by this game...Is there a beginners guide? I have leveled up my armor and main gun a few times - do I get to pick skills with them or do they just level up? Right now I'm just going mission to mission killing the same 3 enemy types. Not sure what I should be doing.
I'm so confused by this game...Is there a beginners guide? I have leveled up my armor and main gun a few times - do I get to pick skills with them or do they just level up? Right now I'm just going mission to mission killing the same 3 enemy types. Not sure what I should be doing.


I'm sure someone on here knows a good YouTube channel to go over the basics... Unfortunately, I don't, sorry. But as you level, you equip mods on your gear. Do that from the Arsenal menu. Look into fusing mods!

Also, oh my goodness at U11. The lighting looks better and the sounds... So many new sounds everywhere! Props to the sound team!



I'm sure someone on here knows a good YouTube channel to go over the basics... Unfortunately, I don't, sorry. But as you level, you equip mods on your gear. Do that from the Arsenal menu. Look into fusing mods!

Also, oh my goodness at U11. The lighting looks better and the sounds... So many new sounds everywhere! Props to the sound team!

Thanks for the link! I was kind of meh on it until I got to my first defense mission on mercury. So intense - so fun! Then after that we fought Captain Vor, great fight.

Yeah I'll stick with it - just have to do some research on how to progress properly. Thanks!


Thanks for the link! I was kind of meh on it until I got to my first defense mission on mercury. So intense - so fun! Then after that we fought Captain Vor, great fight.

Yeah I'll stick with it - just have to do some research on how to progress properly. Thanks!

Here's a really good guide that got me on my way: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/80851-updated-98guide-getting-started/

It's a little "cookie cutter" but there's really good advice in there.

I think starting out what you want to do is figure what frame and weapons you think are cool and want to get. Then you look to see where the materials you need to craft that those things drop.

Most materials just require you to do basic missions from specific planets, so you'll need to have the right planets unlocked. But some materials, like frame chassis or rifle barrels or whatever only drop from specific bosses or as as rewards for lasting long in defense or survival msns.

All the while you'll be finding progressively better and better mods to slit into your equipment. This lets customize your gear, and is really the most fun part of the game. For example, the first weapon I got was "orthos" the double bladed staff melee weapon I'm sure you've seen a bunch of people using. It has long reach and a very powerful charge attack. So I modded it to have even further reach and much faster charge speed so I can spam the charge attack on huge groups if enemies. You can do the same sort of thing with whatever weapons or frame you want, just check out the wiki if your unsure about specifics.

And then on top of all that there are much harder special missions that can be accessed with tower keys or by beating all the missions on one planet, these give you the chance to find even rarer mods and crafting material. So you get cool shit, mod it to make it even cooler, then take down some nightmare missions to get even cooler mods to make even cooler shit to take down even harder missions... etc.


Even unranked, the new whip seems quite sweet. Very fast, good range, hits multiple targets. Damage 2.0 also seems to work. I'm surprised. Didn't notice any massive balancing issues so far. Then again, Jupiter is low level, and I haven't done any high level stuff yet. Soma certainly seems nerfed at lower levels, but at the end of the day, it's all about scaling.


Here's a really good guide that got me on my way: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/80851-updated-98guide-getting-started/

It's a little "cookie cutter" but there's really good advice in there.

I think starting out what you want to do is figure what frame and weapons you think are cool and want to get. Then you look to see where the materials you need to craft that those things drop.

Most materials just require you to do basic missions from specific planets, so you'll need to have the right planets unlocked. But some materials, like frame chassis or rifle barrels or whatever only drop from specific bosses or as as rewards for lasting long in defense or survival msns.

All the while you'll be finding progressively better and better mods to slit into your equipment. This lets customize your gear, and is really the most fun part of the game. For example, the first weapon I got was "orthos" the double bladed staff melee weapon I'm sure you've seen a bunch of people using. It has long reach and a very powerful charge attack. So I modded it to have even further reach and much faster charge speed so I can spam the charge attack on huge groups if enemies. You can do the same sort of thing with whatever weapons or frame you want, just check out the wiki if your unsure about specifics.

And then on top of all that there are much harder special missions that can be accessed with tower keys or by beating all the missions on one planet, these give you the chance to find even rarer mods and crafting material. So you get cool shit, mod it to make it even cooler, then take down some nightmare missions to get even cooler mods to make even cooler shit to take down even harder missions... etc.

Thanks so much for that info. Me and a couple of my friends are going to jump in and play some more tonight. I'm all about loot games lately. Marvel Heroes, D3, and this have taken all my gaming time. Thanks again!


So I'm crafting ash right now. Thought I'd try a little stealth game play. Not sure if ill like him as much as rhino though. Like, how do you even not rhino?

I think I'm gonna use him to level up my starter gear that I never got to 30. Hopefully get 2 or 3 mastery levels out of it.


So I'm crafting ash right now. Thought I'd try a little stealth game play. Not sure if ill like him as much as rhino though. Like, how do you even not rhino?

I think I'm gonna use him to level up my starter gear that I never got to 30. Hopefully get 2 or 3 mastery levels out of it.

Ash is not that fun until you get some duration mods in and power mods too. He's the more durable and harder hitting cousin of Loki.


Hey y'all, I just started this game on Monday and it's pretty awesome! I'd like to join the GAF clan if that's alright. I'm pretty terrible however! Name is Ninblaque. Hope to play with y'all soon!

The trading kiosk has been built! It's right in the entrance room of the Dojo!

Hey y'all, I just started this game on Monday and it's pretty awesome! I'd like to join the GAF clan if that's alright. I'm pretty terrible however! Name is Ninblaque. Hope to play with y'all soon!


Hyun Sai

Thanks for the invite !

By the way, the best way to aquire control modules is void missions ? I need one for building dethcube sentinel.


My Ash craft is under way.... Only 72hrs to go!

Also got the fang blue print, and I'm thinking about trying the glaive. Think maybe ill do fangs on ash and then maybe I'll get trinity and put glaive on trinity.

What would be really cool is a silenced machine gun. MP5 style.

Would really love to do some coordinated guild runs this weekend. I had to ditch on that one defense mission we tried cus people were in my house. But I'd be willing to buy one of those blueprints.

Does anyone have a killing blow mod for trade.
^ And now begins the waiting game :p

Fangs are crazy fast and are the only daggers in the game I've actually enjoyed using. Glaive is awesome too! As for the silenced gun, there are silencer mods. Also Banshee has a skill where you can pretty much snipe a guy in a crowd of people and not alert others nearby. The only thing is that in multiplayer, it's pretty useless because everyone just runs and guns. haha!

Always up for some clan runs, and I'm pretty sure I have tons of Killing Blow mods!

PS: I'm banking on DE auto-converting elevators like they did the labs, so I'm just going to go ahead and build the rest of the place up.

PSS: Cross posting this from the PS4 OT:

A player on the official forums made a pretty comprehensive guide to the new damage system

Monitoring two OTs is becoming a hassle.


After reading that, I'm really digging the new damage system... seems to be you can actually build weapons for specific purposes instead of just having a one size fits all... so it's kind of a bummer that I'm gonna need a bunch of different weapons, and a bunch of different mods. But I imagine, eventually I'll have one or two primaries/secondaries/melees with the A/B/C loadouts configured, and that I'll just be a simple swapout to be ready for any mission type.

Also, I guess I had a killing blow in my inventory, now my orthos does 625 charge damage, with like less then a second charge time, and massive range... Can't wait to get sick ash crits on 5 dudes at once with it.


Also, I guess I had a killing blow in my inventory, now my orthos does 625 charge damage, with like less then a second charge time, and massive range... Can't wait to get sick ash crits on 5 dudes at once with it.

It gets even better when you'll get the orthos prime.


Has anyone tried the auto block and knock down on block mods? Does that stuff work?

Also I feel like you could really do some serious damage with a good group composition and some mumble chat. Coordinated ultimates and stuff

Hyun Sai

Great session yesterday night with the clan, thanks you all.

I've got the ressource to forge both Dethcube and Carrier sentinel, I would like your advice for Mag. Vaccum aside, what is the sentinel that protects the most, especially after a pull that didn't kill powerful enemies ? ^^



Can I get an invite to the clan now that I know what I'm doing? Name is Baliun in game.

Got to Venus and bought a Braton and I'm crafting Cronus. Game is so fun. Wish people would not rush to leave during survival and defense missions though :/


There's an invasion mission giving a Reactor for battle pay on Amalthea. Going fast, mission's already 60% complete!

dang i missed it!

So... how do we get Sparring room in the dojo? I've got this forma here, and i was thinking about putting it in my orthos, but if forma is required for a sparring room then i'd rather donate it to the clan.

Also, what is your ingame name artist?
dang i missed it!

So... how do we get Sparring room in the dojo? I've got this forma here, and i was thinking about putting it in my orthos, but if forma is required for a sparring room then i'd rather donate it to the clan.

Also, what is your ingame name artist?

His name is "Saavedro"
Should I play this on PS4...need something to play on it. My PSN is plbelanger if I can get into gaf guild.Guess I will give it a try tomorrow and see what it's about.


I've started playing this again after forgetting about it for a few months. Looking for a clan invite if you've still got room. My name's boosh5 on there.
dang i missed it!

So... how do we get Sparring room in the dojo? I've got this forma here, and i was thinking about putting it in my orthos, but if forma is required for a sparring room then i'd rather donate it to the clan.

Also, what is your ingame name artist?
Soon as I get some stuff sorted out in the Dojo, I'll make a dueling room and obstacle course again. They'll be upstairs.

I'm Saavedro, but I've been passing out early lately. I'll probably be up later tonight because I can't miss my Walking Dead, haha!

As for Formas, we still have 10 or so in the clan vault from the previous Dojo, so no worries there! Go ahead and Forma your weapons :)

Should I play this on PS4...need something to play on it. My PSN is plbelanger if I can get into gaf guild.Guess I will give it a try tomorrow and see what it's about.
Sorry man, need to go to the other OT for PS4 GAF :)

I've started playing this again after forgetting about it for a few months. Looking for a clan invite if you've still got room. My name's boosh5 on there.


So last night a buddy and myself played a few hours together. Today when we try to join we get a "failed to join session" error. Any idea why that would happen? Nothing hardware related has changed, just can't join each other regardless of who invites.


So last night a buddy and myself played a few hours together. Today when we try to join we get a "failed to join session" error. Any idea why that would happen? Nothing hardware related has changed, just can't join each other regardless of who invites.

Connection issues. There's an option to adjust the Ping threshold in the menu somewhere.


Also the game is pretty buggy sometimes unfortunately. Last night we had three guys on one map who couldn't see or chat with each.
So last night a buddy and myself played a few hours together. Today when we try to join we get a "failed to join session" error. Any idea why that would happen? Nothing hardware related has changed, just can't join each other regardless of who invites.

If either of you are on routers, it wouldn't hurt to check your port openings. I think default is 3960-3962 UDP for Warframe, but you can change the port selection in Warframe's settings.


If either of you are on routers, it wouldn't hurt to check your port openings. I think default is 3960-3962 UDP for Warframe, but you can change the port selection in Warframe's settings.

Thanks man. Tried that and the game just flat out wouldn't load :(

Anyone interested in packs they are half off on amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Warframe-Splinter-Pack-Online-Game/dp/B00FMB3DG0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1385326884&sr=8-2&keywords=warframe

No idea if they are worth money and I haven't bought any but I figured I'd spread the word.


Thanks man. Tried that and the game just flat out wouldn't load :(

Anyone interested in packs they are half off on amazon - http://www.amazon.com/Warframe-Splinter-Pack-Online-Game/dp/B00FMB3DG0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1385326884&sr=8-2&keywords=warframe

No idea if they are worth money and I haven't bought any but I figured I'd spread the word.

I think $5 normally gets like 75 platinum I think. So $10 is probably a good deal for 250 plat, but the credits ands mods included in the pack wouldn't be worth spending any money on.


I think $5 normally gets like 75 platinum I think. So $10 is probably a good deal for 250 plat, but the credits ands mods included in the pack wouldn't be worth spending any money on.

Might have to get that 10 dollar pack then.

So what are the deal with the little flying guys I see some people with? Worth it? I looked in the codex and it appeared they all had the same stats so what are the differences? Thinking of crafting one after I make my first new warframe, which will probably be Rhino.
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