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Finally got the last piece of Frost Prime cooking in the oven (the stupid chassis of all things). After that's done then the 72 hour wait begins and then hopefully by Saturday I will have myself a brand spanking new Frosty P.

Cannot wait. :)


It's official: Dual Kamas are f*cking legit.

1200 damage yellow crits on lvl 30 ancients with normal swings.... and that was before I added 151 elemental damage.


I'm officially in love with the freeze mod on my melee weapon. Infested just don't stand a chance. I'm a mobile blades of a million deaths Ginsu. I leave maps now with ammo left for my rifle!


can we link our accounts yet? i'm holding off to play until then

If you're talking about linking your PC account to your PS4 then I think it's already possible, but it's not a link, it's a one time transfer.... you can't go back.

Also, I think I'm gonna be farming some fever strike mods on phobos... apparently, they're fairly common on a couple phobos missions, but they're selling for like 100-200 platinum in the trade chat. Crazy.


Vauban parts in the oven after I got the systems this morning. Can't wait to tear up some Defense/Survival missions with him.


If you're talking about linking your PC account to your PS4 then I think it's already possible, but it's not a link, it's a one time transfer.... you can't go back.

Ehhh that's not the way it's setup right now. It's more of a one way split. You keep your PC account as it is but they duplicate its state once to PS4. You can play on both account but you'll duplicate your efforts. Also no the builds are not in sync right now so the copy still can't be done for now.

Lots of fixes and changes listed here. Armor buffs for everyone!

Also, 12 hour Nekros Shroud alt helm alert.
PS4 launch reminded me that this game exists, so I've been putting time into my PC char.
Any way to get an invite to the PC clan?

Wouldn't mind grouping with anyone running around in Jupiter, I need to grind for some more parts to build Rhino.
Got a lot of stuff building now. The new bow, the Magnus, Glaive, and 2nd detonite injector so I can build the Ignis. Rhino is finished and I finally got to start playing it today (awesome btw). Now I have all the blueprints for both the Mag and the Valkyr and I'm trying to decide which one to do next.


Neo Member
Dont know if everyone knows this beacase I havent seen it mentioned(and I havent combed thru every topic) but there is a free starter pack if you have playstation plus. It gives you like 100 plats and 50,000 credits!!!


Dont know if everyone knows this beacase I havent seen it mentioned(and I havent combed thru every topic) but there is a free starter pack if you have playstation plus. It gives you like 100 plats and 50,000 credits!!!

I'm guessing it's only actually usable on the ps4
Had a CRAZY run last night. I was doing a fairly easy Survival mission on Earth with 3 randoms to farm some Ferrite. A little over 20 minutes in, we're not having that much trouble with the enemies but I notice we're having a hard time keeping up the life support so I start kind of heading towards the Extraction point. 24 minutes in, the game freezes longer than I've ever seen it before.

I start to freak out thinking I've just completely lost 24 minutes of, at the very least, experience until finally the host migration screen pops up and I breathe a sigh of relief. Except when the game starts back up, I realize I'm completely alone (don't know if I was the only one to get back in or if everyone else got instanced off alone as well), I'm in the middle of those super tight ventilation tubes, surrounded by enemies, with 10% of life support left and draining fast.

So I use the last of my energy to pop my Rhino's Iron Skin and start beelining it to extraction. Life support completely runs out as I get lost through those confusing Earth corridors but I finally find the wall I have to run up as my life starts dropping. I find the Extration point and hit the zipline towards it with 5 hit points left and, on my way down, I get the T3 key reward for hitting the 25 minute mark as I just BARELY get the Mission Complete. Fucking exhilarating.
Sounds like a doozy of a time, Guitar!

I was checking the wiki on abilities to make sure I have good mods equipped, and it looks like mods now give negative affects towards Warframe abilities! Like a maxed Stretch might make an ability not last as long, etc.

Hmmm... Good for min/maxers I guess, but this adds another layer of complexity I'm not sure if I want, lol.

PS: I'm finally use to the ESDF keyboard setup, yay!

PSS: DE_Steve posted some exciting stuff in the forums yesterday.
The Nexus app has been rewritten and includes a mobile version of the Codex. The performance issues have been resolved and now we're anxious to hook this up to your account/live data.
Ohhh man. This is good to hear. I've been thinking about this for a while but if this game had a much more featured app, it would be amazingly beneficial. If you could do all the menu stuff short of actually playing the game (Codex, Alert/Invasion notifications, Inventory management, Access to the store, and specifically access to the Foundry) it would be amazing. Like imagine if you could access the store, buy a few materials you were missing or a blueprint, and then start building it all from your phone while you're at work so you could manage the build time more efficiently.


Sounds like a doozy of a time, Guitar!

I was checking the wiki on abilities to make sure I have good mods equipped, and it looks like mods now give negative affects towards Warframe abilities! Like a maxed Stretch might make an ability not last as long, etc.

Hmmm... Good for min/maxers I guess, but this adds another layer of complexity I'm not sure if I want, lol.
. You mean corrupted mods?

Hyun Sai

Well, I was a bit surprised as I didn't see any penalties on my frame, but you need several mods of the same type to reach the maximum. For exemple, we need Focus and Blind rage to reach the max when penalty might be applied.

It also depends of the characters. Mag got the highest cap for Power range (160%), but you need Overextended, Stretch, and Coil Mag helmet to reach it.
Hey guys any chance of a clan invite? Im still noobing it up but would rather play with gaf than randoms

PSN: davidbloop (same as gaf un)
In aus timezone ACDT


So are there rare cards for every version? I ask because I have two cards called Bladestorm for Ash. Both have the same text but one is uncommon and the other is rare. Also C10 vs. C50. Everything else looks the same. is this a universal thing, a fluke or insanity on my part?
So are there rare cards for every version? I ask because I have two cards called Bladestorm for Ash. Both have the same text but one is uncommon and the other is rare. Also C10 vs. C50. Everything else looks the same. is this a universal thing, a fluke or insanity on my part?

Nope. Something must've fudged up in your game, haha. Bladestorm is a rare skill only as far as I know!

Maybe you can keep it for trading as a goofed up mod and trade it to a collector later on, if that ever becomes a thing :p


Livestream #19: Dev Q&A, 2013 in review, and what’s next for Warframe!

Who? Sheldon, Scott, Steve, and Geoff join Rebecca on the couch for a Developer Q&A.
What: We will be doing a Q&A session, discussing 2013 in review plus, what’s next for Warframe! We will also be giving out three 1000 Platinum Prizes!
Where? Tune in live at http://twitch.tv/warframe
When? Friday, December 13th at 2 PM EST! Find your Timezone here: http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
So I've been trying to play this and in between getting frustrated that I cannot progress due to this infection thing and seems like the only frame I was interested in takes a long time to get, its been pretty fun.

If the Neogaf clan is still going can someone add me? I play sporadically but try to chip away at it a few times a week.

valkerion77 is the ingame name.


As of update 11.3.2 Damage 2.0 has changed.

I made a quick list of what is most effective as of right now. This is likely to change very soon.
Most effective listed first, second most effective listed second etc.

Grineer. 75% Corrosive (Electric + Toxin.) 50% Puncture. 25% Toxin.

Corpus (Shields.) 75% Magnetic (Cold + Electric.) 50% Impact. 50% Cold.
Corpus (Robots.) 50% Electric. 25% Puncture. 25% Radiation (Heat + Electric.)

Infested. 75% Gas (Heat + Toxin.) 25% Impact. 25% Heat.
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