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Strange! No idea how to help, sorry :( I've heard the term "strict NAT" thrown around on livestreams more than once... Maybe that's the issue.
My buddy and I had strict nat issues with torchlight 2 as well. Tried later and it worked. So odd. Going to get him on a static ip and forward those ports though. At least torchlight worked as long as I hosted.


Where is the best place to find Focus, Streamline, or Fleeting expertise abilities ?

Captain Vor
Infested T3 Defense Reward
Tier 1 Survival Reward

Grineer Arid Lancer
Grineer Lancer
Grineer T3 Defense Reward

Fleeting Expertise
Orokin Vault


Since he asked the best ...

Captain Vor
Infested T3 Defense Reward

Tier 1 Survival Reward (6.67% each 5 mins reward starting at 20 mins) Just grind Appolodorus-Mercury for it. Pretty easy to do 30 mins with a good group.

Grineer Arid Lancer
Grineer Lancer
Grineer T3 Defense Reward The defenses in Phobos are pretty easy to do. It's your best bet at 2% chance. Do 5 waves then quit. Use a mass murderer warframe to get the job done quick like Nova or Rhino.
J3-Golem He's about to get bumped out of Jupiter so ...

Fleeting Expertise
Orokin Vault It's the only place to get it. Do Exterminates since they have a finite amount of people to go through then you can search at your leisure for the vault.


Event over, Alad V, Gas City and Valkyr unlocked. And another hotfix, because Alad was broken, making him the easiest boss in the game for a few minutes.


So any other freebies for participating? Cool emblem?

Just got an emblem when I log in.

I forgot when the last time I played this game (I still log in everyday to get login reward though lol). Just started playing again with update 11.

Just started making new frames: Frost Prime, Nekros, and Valkyr (got all BPs in 3 run and before they fixed him woo!)
Alright everyone, our Dojo is complete until they add more stuff!

Here's a map I lovingly spent 9000 hours in MSpaint to make:

Sweet! Can't wait to give the obstacle course a go. I might be down for some Void runs later tonight if anyone's down. I have like 3 Tower 1 keys and a Tower 2 key.

EDIT: Also, I have an Orokin Reactor that should be done by tomorrow. Should I use that on my maxed Excalibur or would it be better to use it on the Rhino I'm about to build? Is it worth it to use on early level warframes so I can put better mods in sooner, or should I just use it on my Excal so I can farm easier?

Hyun Sai

Well well, if anyone want to help me farming survival in Mercury (30 minutes runs) in order to find some focus mod, I'll be up starting 9 PM East.

By the way, seems like the new boss Alad V drops it too.
Any thoughts on this:

EDIT: Also, I have an Orokin Reactor that should be done by tomorrow. Should I use that on my maxed Excalibur or would it be better to use it on the Rhino I'm about to build? Is it worth it to use on early level warframes so I can put better mods in sooner, or should I just use it on my Excal so I can farm easier?
Had fun playing with the clan last night!

Still debating on whether or not to pick up that 50% of pack on Amazon. Any idea when\if the Steam Winter sale is coming? Half the reason I got back in to this is because I picked up the $40 pack for $15 during the Summer Sale.
what are the packs? just platinum?

Starter Pack: $39.99 $19.99

  • 500 platinum and 100,000 credits to start stocking up on equipment immediately.
  • 6 random Common MOD Cards to being to upgrade your Warframes and weapons right away.
  • 4 random RARE MOD Cards for extra powerful modifications to your equipment.
  • The Affinity Booster will rank up your equipment at a faster rate for a few days.
  • The Credit Booster will allow you to gather credits much quicker for a few days.
Gift Pack: $39.99 $19.99

  • 500 platinum and 50,000 credits to acquire many of the desirable weapons and Warframes right away.
  • 7 random MOD Cards to begin upgrading your Warframes and weapons.
  • PLUS, the Affinity Booster to rank up your equipment at a faster rate for a few days.
Tenno Pack: $99.99 $49.99

  • 1500 platinum and 100,000 credits to buy all the best equipment.
  • 14 random Common MOD Cards.
  • 6 random RARE MOD Cards.
  • The Affinity Booster will rank up your equipment at a faster rate for a few days.
  • The Credit Booster will allow you to gather credits much quicker for a few days.

Don't know why anyone would get the Gift Pack. I guess there's a chance you could get rare mods but the extra 50k credits and credit booster would be a lot more useful. I swear there used to be a $20-ish pack you could get and that's what that one sounds like.
Don't know why anyone would get the Gift Pack. I guess there's a chance you could get rare mods but the extra 50k credits and credit booster would be a lot more useful. I swear there used to be a $20-ish pack you could get and that's what that one sounds like.

Might be specifically for gifting.


Think I'm gonna forma my ash as soon as he hits 30. I like him quite a bit... He just seems a little weak... Maybe it's just his lack of utility. He's super fast and with the right weapon he could do a ton of damage... Crit an ancient for 3800 with an orthos charge attack.... That's pretty good I think. I just don't like the look of the weapon on him... Doesn't really fit his style I think.

I like the fangs, but they don't do enough damage. I want to get fang primes and I hope the dual kamas are good. Early reports on the Kamas is that they aren't so good. Although they have ridiculously high status chance for a weapon that attacks that fast. I might try a status build on them.


Been ranking up my Loki frame, having a blast with him. Have increased power efficiency, capacity, and duration as well as stamina capacity. So I use Loki for codex log work with his invisibility lasting quite long. I'm running with a glaive with increased channel speed and damage with specific glaive mods (less bounces, increased flight speed) along with melee channel so when I cast a power, the next melee attack I do does extra damage.

TLDR: Been playing Loki as an invisible photographer that cuts enemies in half after I've taken their photo.


Hello! Could I get an invite to the clan?

In game name is hoggert

Edit: Thanks for the invite! I have a few void keys saved up from before I took a 4-5 month break if anyone's interested in watch me die to point blank firing a rocket at a Corrupted Drone,
How's this game? I downloaded it at launch and never got around to checking it out. I was hoping to play it later.

Fun stuff! So easy to just pop in and feel like a badass killing everything that moves.

Speaking of killing everything that moves, my Ogris does 2461 blast dmg right now, lol. I need to Forma it a few more times and get a Heavy Caliber on this baby! I can't wait to die more to my own shots!


Fun stuff! So easy to just pop in and feel like a badass killing everything that moves.

Speaking of killing everything that moves, my Ogris does 2461 blast dmg right now, lol. I need to Forma it a few more times and get a Heavy Caliber on this baby! I can't wait to die more to my own shots!

Dude, Ogris+Valkyr's Ripline to websling during defense missions looks so fun haha.


Contributed some mutagen samples to complete research. Also contributed some salvage and circuits to one of the reactors. Hope that helps out a bit.

Anyone know of any guides for trading? I have no idea what anything is worth.


So, just getting back into this, in 4 tower runs I got my Frost Prime BP, and the full Mag Prime. Pretty happy with that, considering I got nothing of value due to a glitch in one of the survival runs. Frost Prime now in the oven, Mag Prime pieces are cooking and then I'll build Mag Prime.

The new damage system is taking me a bit to get used to for some reason, and the change in the levels displayed. Took me a while to realise that level 30 was high now, until I looked at the map and saw that the highest level area I could find was 35.

The codex system is awesome though, once you get all your scanning done. Knowing what weaknesses and drops enemies have is awesome. Gives you an edge in the late game to some extent, plus makes farming easier.
Dude, Ogris+Valkyr's Ripline to websling during defense missions looks so fun haha.
Oh my goodness. That is BRILLIANT!
Could i get an invite to the clan please, name is Blackfoster. Thanks alot.
Contributed some mutagen samples to complete research. Also contributed some salvage and circuits to one of the reactors. Hope that helps out a bit.

Anyone know of any guides for trading? I have no idea what anything is worth.
Every bit helps, thanks! No idea about trading guides. So far only traded between clan mates. I also have global chat disabled so I never see what's going on :p
So, just getting back into this, in 4 tower runs I got my Frost Prime BP, and the full Mag Prime. Pretty happy with that, considering I got nothing of value due to a glitch in one of the survival runs. Frost Prime now in the oven, Mag Prime pieces are cooking and then I'll build Mag Prime.

The new damage system is taking me a bit to get used to for some reason, and the change in the levels displayed. Took me a while to realise that level 30 was high now, until I looked at the map and saw that the highest level area I could find was 35.

The codex system is awesome though, once you get all your scanning done. Knowing what weaknesses and drops enemies have is awesome. Gives you an edge in the late game to some extent, plus makes farming easier.
I'm still getting used to dmg 2.0. All I can say is that it really sucks now if you try and bring some unranked weapons into high level areas, 'cause your skills won't necessarily save your ass anymore, haha!

I'm digging the codex system, but it can be a pain in the ass to actually scan stuff. I was hoping more for a dart tagging thing, not a "stand there and be shot at while GODDAMNIT STOP MOVING" system.


I'm digging the codex system, but it can be a pain in the ass to actually scan stuff. I was hoping more for a dart tagging thing, not a "stand there and be shot at while GODDAMNIT STOP MOVING" system.

I plan to do a specialized Vauban bastille build specifically for that purpose. The nerf to 12 enemies will complicate things but nothing a vortex on the side won't help things along. I'm already dreading scanning lech krill. Thankfully it's only three runs.

Ospreys are the real pain to scan especially the corrupted one. So small yet so fast and random.


Contributed al of my mutagens....133. That made a pretty sizeable leap in the progress bar lol, now you wont have to worry about how many more days it will take Saavedro.

Also, for using Valkyr, it seems that you either want to ripline to a safe spot to long range attack, or spam warcry then hysteria for incredible melee power! Great for leveling up all those redundant melee weapons.
just started playing again and its still a lot of fun. but im afraid i just have the mag and no idea how to progress from here. there is no crossplatform gaming i assume.
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