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Anyone encounter the new stalker yet? Apparently his entrance is a lot more terrifying. Can't find any videos.

The original terrifies me lol. Every time he shows up he's decimated me in under 10 seconds. Also I had no idea what was going on the first time which was pretty amazing.

I managed to complete all but one of the Invasion missions last night. Took my Valkyr from like lvl15 to 27 and my Ignis from about lvl 6 to almost maxed in the process. I can feel the carpal tunnel setting in.
Some good stuff in the dev stream.

Some highlights that I remember off the top of my head:
-New Location (overgrown jungle-y Earth)
-Event for new tile set ^ (Involves scanning)
-New Warframe (Paladin.... Who totally looks more like a druid)
-Elemental Warframe tweaks to work within Dmg 2.0 (Ember, Saryn, Volt)
-New HUD (looks great)
-Melee 2.0 (make melee more significant in a ninja based game)
-Loads more info to be added to the Codex (Void drop tables, lore)
-A heartfelt remembrance of Brian, one of the artists at DE, who sadly passed away (RIP)


yea the new warframe definetly looks more like a druid... he has HOOFS for cyring out loud...Did they say anything about his abilities? I wonder if they're gonna add a new healing frame

edit: watching the VOD of the stream... man that hud looks good, makes the current HUD look like garbage. Also, I've only been playing for like a month, but I am continually shocked by how much content they are adding to the game.... they make a lot of bigger games/dev teams look really slow.
So I've been trying to play this and in between getting frustrated that I cannot progress due to this infection thing and seems like the only frame I was interested in takes a long time to get, its been pretty fun.

If the Neogaf clan is still going can someone add me? I play sporadically but try to chip away at it a few times a week.

valkerion77 is the ingame name.

had a good morning in game today!

Banshee and Paris Prime in the oven!
Grats! Those two will go hand in hand.

yea the new warframe definetly looks more like a druid... he has HOOFS for cyring out loud...Did they say anything about his abilities? I wonder if they're gonna add a new healing frame

edit: watching the VOD of the stream... man that hud looks good, makes the current HUD look like garbage. Also, I've only been playing for like a month, but I am continually shocked by how much content they are adding to the game.... they make a lot of bigger games/dev teams look really slow.
I think Scott said he'll be just like a Paladin that's half support, half offense. They do crank out content at a blazing speed these days! I wonder how long I played when it was just the Corpus ship tileset... Now there's what?... 6 or 7 more with a new one on the way? Not to mention the explosion of Warframes, weapons, mission types, mods... So much stuff added in the year I've been playing!

Looking to join the clan.

Steam ID: Grim Technique
Warframe ID: Chisato


I love that there's still more people joining! We should do an organized guild thing/event.

Couple ideas I had were:

Two four man groups do the same survival or endless defense mission, which ever team lasts longer wins and gets a prize.

Or group up to do an endless defense until we get a key, and then (since 4 people got a key) do that key 4 times... Could also be done as a race with two teams for a prize.

Or make a level one alt account and then carry that person through a hard as mission to see if we can get him through without dying. Could be done as a competition between two teams for least amount of "down but not out" / revives.

Just an idea.

We could maybe do small amount plat prizes or rare mods or keys or something... Would need people willing to donate though.
Yeah, but for every one that joins, another seems to never log in again...

100 capped Storm tier clan
~50 members
~15 active-ish players
~20 haven't logged in for over 50 days (M.I.A. rank), with some nearing 200 days since last log in.

I wish I had not felt guilty kicking people out and just kept the clan 30 capped for the lesser research costs. May the Lloyd help us if they introduce a slew of new Clan-tech weapons all at once. Maybe DE will introduce a way to downgrade some day.

I hate to say it, while the PS4 launch did help us get a few more members, I'm not too optimistic for the clan being any more active than it already is... Which is kind of disheartening for me, because I always hoped one day we'd be a strong force that could rank in the top 10s in the event leaderboards.


Any who, a clan event sounds cool. See who can get the farthest in Survival or Defense sounds good enough to me. Maybe add a rule for no Novas or Trinitys :p


Man, what a downer.

Maybe if we do a clan night or two it'll get some of the less active guys to log in a bit more. So much more fun when you get a good group and actually struggle through a hard mission.


Not played for ages. Just getting back into this. Got myself Volt and its kinda cool. Not sure why my little Sentinel MAG thing is not levelling. Must be missing something.


Not played for ages. Just getting back into this. Got myself Volt and its kinda cool. Not sure why my little Sentinel MAG thing is not levelling. Must be missing something.

the sentinel's basic attack is actually a mod, and if you don't have it equiped it won't attack and maybe that's why it's not gaining xp. Look through it's loadout and make sure you have that "attack" mod equiped.... it should say something like "will attack any enemy in range" or "will only attack after the owner is attack" or something like that.


the sentinel's basic attack is actually a mod, and if you don't have it equiped it won't attack and maybe that's why it's not gaining xp. Look through it's loadout and make sure you have that "attack" mod equiped.... it should say something like "will attack any enemy in range" or "will only attack after the owner is attack" or something like that.

Hrmm...I see the Warrior Mod but I cannot equip it on my MAG. Says 0. Am I supposed to un-equip something for it to work. Never seen them before now. :D

Grim Technique

Neo Member
Anyone encounter the new stalker yet? Apparently his entrance is a lot more terrifying. Can't find any videos.

The lights start to flicker, but only a few times, so you may not notice it if you're in the middle of intense combat. Then nothing for a a little bit. The flickering returns, becoming much frequent, and the stalker will start talking smack before appearing. Seems to take him a few moments after spawning to come after you. I've encountered him three times while playing solo, and once while in a group (mobile defense mission of all times, ugh). Was destroyed while playing solo, but managed to survive him in a group even after he targeted me. I could see how his entrance could be seen as terrifying, but I just find him annoying, lol.

Much appreciated. I'm an active player, and I log in at least a half an hour each night to deploy an extractor or complete alert missions (maybe I'll score some Vauban parts sometime this lifetime). Been having a blast leveling up weapons and a new frame in the events. I've never been in a clan before, so please excuse my noobiness in this aspect of Warframe.

Hrmm...I see the Warrior Mod but I cannot equip it on my MAG. Says 0. Am I supposed to un-equip something for it to work. Never seen them before now. :D

Yeah, you're going to have to unequip some mods or user lower costing ones to get enough points to equip the warrior mod. To reduce the cost to equip mods, make sure you try to match the polarity (little symbol on the top right of the mod card) of your mod cards with that of your mod slots that have matching polarities, if any. Conversely, try to avoid placing cards in slots with different polarities, or that'll bump up the cost to equip the card. Finally, you should upgrade your sentinel with an Orokin Reactor to double its mod capacity.

I'm maining a volt right now myself, it's so awesome.


Yeah, you're going to have to unequip some mods or user lower costing ones to get enough points to equip the warrior mod. To reduce the cost to equip mods, make sure you try to match the polarity (little symbol on the top right of the mod card) of your mod cards with that of your mod slots that have matching polarities, if any. Conversely, try to avoid placing cards in slots with different polarities, or that'll bump up the cost to equip the card. Finally, you should upgrade your sentinel with an Orokin Reactor to double its mod capacity.

I'm maining a volt right now myself, it's so awesome.

Ahh I see. Most of the UI has swapped around since I last played, so I am pretty much starting from scratch. :D

So the idea is based upon how many slots my suit has free in order for the Sentinel to work?

Grim Technique

Neo Member
I want to get myself into Warframe but finding it kinda difficult. It seems like such a grind. How do I get cool weapons/gear? D:

Admittedly, the grind is pretty bad starting out, but it'll get better once you level up your weapons enough to throws some good mods on them and/or get enough cash to get new weapons. It's much easier if you can roll with some buddies/clan mates, but even randoms are okay most of the time. Most of the cool weapons that you'll never see in the market can only be acquired by joining a clan, which is why I just joined Gaf's clan. :D But what you really need are mods, because the base stats of the weapons are actually pretty crappy. Same thing applies to your warframe and sentinel (if you don't have one, get one asap). At higher levels, without mods, your guns might as well be marshmallow cannons, and your melee weapons foam noodles. The best way to get mods is to farm them on survival/defense missions, or participate in alert missions and events where mods are offered as rewards.

Ahh I see. Most of the UI has swapped around since I last played, so I am pretty much starting from scratch. :D

So the idea is based upon how many slots my suit has free in order for the Sentinel to work?

I know what you mean. Had to relearn the game after going on a hiatus the a month after the game released. Yes, you're limited by the number of slots and your mod capacity. The higher your mod capacity, the more higher level mods that you can place in your slots. You increase the mod capacity by leveling from combat, and you can increase the level of your mod cards by fusion (mod menu). The benefit of leveling your mod cards is to improve their effects.
I want to get myself into Warframe but finding it kinda difficult. It seems like such a grind. How do I get cool weapons/gear? D:

Warframe is a grind. A grind that is strangely addictive and enjoyable. More so when playing with friends.

Buy weapon blueprints off the market, play missions, get credits and materials, then craft!


I want to get myself into Warframe but finding it kinda difficult. It seems like such a grind. How do I get cool weapons/gear? D:

Once you get past Earth, it really opens up quite a bit. Think of leveling your starter frame as sort of the tutorial... once you get to the point where you can do missions on any of the planets connected to earth you'll be able to farm any materials you'd require to build pretty much anything, AND you'll easily be within reach of getting almost any frame or weapon you want.

Here's a good guide I used when starting out, really solid advice: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/80851-updated-98guide-getting-started/


I wish I could reset my account. I spent my Platinum a while back on random things and did not actually think I needed it for more important things. :D


Figured out what my Sentinel problem was. I solo a bit and you have to do an Online match or two to get it levelled.

Do we have a GAF guild? Did a few defender matches and its kinda fun. :D

RaideUK is my ingame name.
^ There was a way to reset your account if you've never donated to a Dojo... I just don't know where it is or if it's even still available... It might be in the account section on the Warframe website.

Invite sent


^ There was a way to reset your account if you've never donated to a Dojo... I just don't know where it is or if it's even still available... It might be in the account section on the Warframe website.

Invite sent

Thank Ye.

I think I am slowly getting a hang of things. Learning when to take it slow and when to run like mad seems to be the key. Felt like I was grinding the first planet a bit too much but now I am progressing ok. Still learning the ins and outs of crafting and the marketplace but I am enjoying it.


Started playing a bit a couple of days ago, surprised at how satisfying the gunplay feels.

Just ran the second Venus mission mostly solo until three other guys connected, took almost an hour since it seemed to be a double.

Naturally one man disconnected right at the end and the hostage must have died because MISSION FAILED flashed across the screen and the gazillion things that dropped disappeared into the aether.

Does the game feel this tragic often?


Started playing a bit a couple of days ago, surprised at how satisfying the gunplay feels.

Just ran the second Venus mission mostly solo until three other guys connected, took almost an hour since it seemed to be a double.

Naturally one man disconnected right at the end and the hostage must have died because MISSION FAILED flashed across the screen and the gazillion things that dropped disappeared into the aether.

Does the game feel this tragic often?

Yes it can feel a little tragic. Much of it is based around how you play, since running into all fights guns blazing can lead to very quick deaths and running out of revives. Knowing when to hang back and pick a few off and when to run like hell can mean much to your progress.

It does train you to think a little more before you engage. Also, teaming up with people can either be awesome fun or annoying as hell. :D


Yea pubs can get really annoying... people with highly survivable or really fast frames will just run straight to the end and leave you to fend for yourself... it's just so ughhhh. But when those same people run ahead and then you see the "JohnyImpatient is down" message, it always makes me smile.


Yeah, more and more parties just seem to run to the end as I get a bit further into Venus.

Don't worry, eventually one of those morons will die and you can be like "Sorry, I can't catch up in time, just use a revive"

Also those people are dumb because they're missing materials, mods, and xp by not killing dudes and looting things.

I think there's a big lump of them right there in the early mid-game, where they're just finally strong enough to rush through a level, but still new enough to not realize how dumb that makes them. After you get past earth and branch out it's not as bad.... although it still happens.


For the amount of people that were killing themselves with the penta during my survival runs, I was under the impression that you had to be really careful just like with the ogris. After finishing a couple of weapons and starting out with it, I'm amazed at those people. I mean really, you have to right click to detonate. How hard can it be to track the flashy things in the air or on the ground ?

Still this is one of the few fun weapons they've added in a while in the game.
Don't worry, eventually one of those morons will die and you can be like "Sorry, I can't catch up in time, just use a revive"

Also those people are dumb because they're missing materials, mods, and xp by not killing dudes and looting things.

I think there's a big lump of them right there in the early mid-game, where they're just finally strong enough to rush through a level, but still new enough to not realize how dumb that makes them. After you get past earth and branch out it's not as bad.... although it still happens.

Ok, this is good to hear. I was of the assumption that maybe I was wasting my time stopping for chests and crates since so many higher level players just run right by them. I figured they knew something I didn't. I mean, it makes sense when we're talking about having to do 5 Invasion missions with battle payouts, but still. It takes a few extra seconds here and there to grab that stuff.


Ok, this is good to hear. I was of the assumption that maybe I was wasting my time stopping for chests and crates since so many higher level players just run right by them. I figured they knew something I didn't. I mean, it makes sense when we're talking about having to do 5 Invasion missions with battle payouts, but still. It takes a few extra seconds here and there to grab that stuff.

Speaking from a higher level player perspective (mastery rank 11.75) but it's a waste of time for me to stop and smell the roses because the payout for cash in crate is negligible (around 30 to 150 credits when I have over a million in the bank), I have more resources than I ever need because I crafted everything anyway (over 100k for commons and over 100 for rares) and Carrier scoops up whatever I lack on the ground when everything is dead.

With that said I still try to hang around lower level players when I'm paired with them to help them along. It's stupid to pull far away in front especially with dual zorens when you know other people don't have access to fast mobility and will have trouble fending themselves.


Yea, the crates are pretty negligible, once you have hundreds of thousands of all the materials, but even then they can still drop mods.

There are times when rushing makes sense, but people act like it's a racing game.

My advice would be, if you want to speed run, if you're just trying to clear nodes or whatever, then go solo/private mode.

If you're actually progressing through the missions like a normal person then slow down, get your XP, get your loot, don't waste revives

edit: Orokin reactor on alert right now, 30 mins left


Quick question. If I buy a Frame blueprint from the store, do I have to build the 3 pieces separately or does it build it in 1 go?


Quick question. If I buy a Frame blueprint from the store, do I have to build the 3 pieces separately or does it build it in 1 go?

You have to build the three pieces separately.

So the "Helm", "Chassis", and "System" are all blueprints that create their respective items. And then the frame blueprint (bought from the market) is a recipe that requires 1x Helm, 1x Chassis, 1x System and a morphics or orokin cell or something. They each have their own build time, 12 hours for the components and then 72!!!!! hours for the frame itself.

Edit: Pug'd the Orokin reactor alert, which was a lvl 50-53 grineer deception. We beat it without killing anybody. We tried to fight in the first room and all of us combined could barely take off a sliver of health from one dude. So (I was on trinity) and popped blessing and we just ran past everyone (speaking of rushing!). I have so much +Power duration that I only needed to use the skill 3 times for us to get all the way to the nav computer and back. Felt so dirty, but so good.


Just started playing this. I don't really know much of what I'm doing but I can see myself having fun with it despite the grind.

In-game ID: ZulyGD


Anyone else have the problem where the game just stays at the black screen when starting up? This is my first time playing on my new comp, and it just stays black after I press play. I have to alt+tab out to exit, but when I'm back at the desktop and with the game minimized, the music starts going.

Anyone know what I can do to fix this?


Thanks ! I'll probably need some advices on which weapons to get in the near future. I played it safe with my Excalibur- Boltor/Akbolto/Gram, but I want to try more original things now, I forged some Furax for my Valkyr but haven't decided yet on which Primary and Secondary I should get...
Yay stayed up til 5am farming the last two items for my first non starter frame!!!!!!!! Took awhile to realize that the key thingys are items that take you to an area where you can get rare gear without grinding to Jupiter and Mars, game really needs some in game tips lol. Anyway, took like an hour and a half to beat an extermination mission and get my control module between running out of ammo and energy lol. Really liked the key mission but was way to hard to do alone... or at least time consuming.

Decided to go with Ember since it was the first one to catch my eye when I started, even though I was planning on going Rhino for the past few days. Started crafting the base parts then gotta wait 3 damn days (seriously thats a bit excessive.) Really want Saryn too but thats a project for later.

Game got very fun and addicting these last few days, like someone else said, it really opens up after Earth.


You have to build the three pieces separately.

So the "Helm", "Chassis", and "System" are all blueprints that create their respective items. And then the frame blueprint (bought from the market) is a recipe that requires 1x Helm, 1x Chassis, 1x System and a morphics or orokin cell or something. They each have their own build time, 12 hours for the components and then 72!!!!! hours for the frame itself.

Edit: Pug'd the Orokin reactor alert, which was a lvl 50-53 grineer deception. We beat it without killing anybody. We tried to fight in the first room and all of us combined could barely take off a sliver of health from one dude. So (I was on trinity) and popped blessing and we just ran past everyone (speaking of rushing!). I have so much +Power duration that I only needed to use the skill 3 times for us to get all the way to the nav computer and back. Felt so dirty, but so good.

Oh yikes! That's a good time investment into making the entire suit. I think I should just save up materials atm and then think about new stuff. :D


Wow it's nice to see so many new people in here!
Sorry I haven't been about much the last few days, things are going crazy here at the moment, but I try to log on and play a few missions with a few of the clannies whenever I get the chance.
I haven't been able to take care of any Warlordy type stuff, thanks Ketch for being on the ball with invites and things.
Anywho, hopefully things will cool down soon, look forward to seeing you all in game!
Also, keep an eye on Artistdude, he has been slipping away to play minecraft, the heretic!


Oh yikes! That's a good time investment into making the entire suit. I think I should just save up materials atm and then think about new stuff. :D

If you've maxed the frame you're in you should definitely build a new one. Doing missions with max level frame/gear means you're not earning any xp towards mastery (which unlocks more weapons).

It's the longest craft in the game, but collecting new frames is the best part of the game... so it kind of evens out. You can craft the 3 component pieces at the same time.

Must have been when my friend asked me to play with him. Is there a way to vacate?

Same thing happened to me, I think you can right click your name in the guild member list and say leave clan.... otherwise try "/?" to see if there's a slash command for it.
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