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Here, have a map of our Dojo.


Hello new page!
So how do you get new weapons and stuff without platinum? The wiki says the only way to get platinum is with real money, and when I look on the market everything only has a platinum price.

I can't even customize my character's colors..

It's a fun game but is it pretty much required to spend real money on this game, even for something as small as character customization?

Other parts have been answered but this one confused me too. Go to the 'Classic' palette and you'll see that the middle column (only) is unlocked. There's about 16 colours to choose from, it's not great but at least it's something. I'm rolling aubergine/moss-green at the moment and it looks grand.


Other parts have been answered but this one confused me too. Go to the 'Classic' palette and you'll see that the middle column (only) is unlocked. There's about 16 colours to choose from, it's not great but at least it's something. I'm rolling aubergine/moss-green at the moment and it looks grand.

For holiday promotions the Devs sometime put out special palettes, most recent being Easter with pale easter colors. I'm thinking this'll be annual and we'll see more as the year moves into it's more holiday filled half.


who can i bug for the .png file of the clan emblem? it looks washed out on the PS4 and i wanted to see if i could touch it up somehow to make it pop more.


Dark Sector conflicts are becoming interesting with Alliances learning about how important taxes are for battlepay rewards to entice players. Did a few runs for The Solar Coalition for 10k and got a Rage mod drop from a Tenno Spectre. Not a fan of playing with a PUG for Solar Rails since they end up drawing too much aggro from the alarms, forever invisible Loki gets the job done.

Its interesting to see the Alliances play out. In the end I end up working for whoever can reward me well enough for my time to do some missions for them. Amprex is totes fun to use on those Orokin Shield Drones.
Dark Sector conflicts are becoming interesting with Alliances learning about how important taxes are for battlepay rewards to entice players. Did a few runs for The Solar Coalition for 10k and got a Rage mod drop from a Tenno Spectre. Not a fan of playing with a PUG for Solar Rails since they end up drawing too much aggro from the alarms, forever invisible Loki gets the job done.

Its interesting to see the Alliances play out. In the end I end up working for whoever can reward me well enough for my time to do some missions for them. Amprex is totes fun to use on those Orokin Shield Drones.


So if you guys and gals need credits go to Pluto-Sechura, it's a defense mission in the dark sectors with 0% taxes on creds and resources, you're guaranteed to get 23 000 credits after the mandatory first 5 waves. Then quit and repeat.
So in the event that they do make the switch over to making stat-less helmets, I started crafting some of what were the more useful helmets (my impression from past developer talks is they intend to let people have the option of keeping any stat helms they have and swapping for stat-less helms?). Anyhow, I found this list elsewhere and just wanted to get some feedback on if it seemed pretty accurate, or if anybody had anything to add.

Banshee Chorus +10% Power Efficiency -5% Stamina Max
Excalibur Pendragon +15% Power Strength -5% Armor
Frost Squall +15% Power Strength -5% Shield Max
Loki Essence +15% Power Efficiency -5% Armor
Loki Swindle +15% Power Range -5% Health Max
Mag Coil +25% Power Range -5% Shield Max
Nyx Vespa +15% Power Efficiency -5% Armor
Rhino Vanguard +25% Movement Speed -5% Power Strength
Saryn Hemlock +10% Movement Speed -5% Health Max
Trinity Aura +25% Power Duration -5% Health Max
Volt Storm +10% Power Strength -5% Stamina Max
Volt Pulse +10% Power Duration -5% Shield Max

Ash Locust +20% (+20) Energy Max -3% Movement Speed
Ember Phoenix +25% (+37) Energy Max -5% Shield Max
Frost Aurora +25% (+47) Armor -5% Health Max
Mag Gauss +25% (+25) Energy Max -3% Movement Speed
Rhino Thrak +25% (+25) Health Max -5% Sprint Speed
Saryn Chlora +10% (+10) Stamina Max -5% Power Duration
(less power duration is generally a good thing on Saryn if you use her ult)

Ash Scorpion +25% (+20) Stamina Max -5% Power Efficiency
Banshee Reverb +10% (+15) Energy Max -5% Health Max
Ember Backdraft +15% (+15) Health Max -3% Movement Speed
Excalibur Avalon +25% (+25) Shield Max -5% Health Max
Nova Flux +10% (+8) Stamina Max -5% Health Max
Nyx Menticide +25% (+20) Stamina Max -5% Shield Max
Trinity Meridian +15% (+15) Shield Max -5% Power Efficiency
Vauban Esprit +10% (+15) Energy Max -10% Shield Max
Vauban Gambit +10% (+8) Stamina Max -10% Power Duration
Hey guys, glad you like my entry!

Nice list, 2 Slice.

I don't get why they're having such a hiccup over the helm stat issue. To me, I think a simple solution would be to just put them in the Dojo.

Wipe the stats off all the helms, make a handful of the stats researchable, and let us apply them to our helms on our own.


Move Vanguard up to GODLIKE Tier haha :) I found it to be quite the gamechanger, I could never imagine using Rhino without it these days.


Wow Saav, that painting is awesome. I like that the inspiration behind it is so obvious too, it looks great. It has to be nigh on impossible you don't get picked!


Other parts have been answered but this one confused me too. Go to the 'Classic' palette and you'll see that the middle column (only) is unlocked. There's about 16 colours to choose from, it's not great but at least it's something. I'm rolling aubergine/moss-green at the moment and it looks grand.

The other palettes must be bought using Platinum, but be sure to get on during any holiday, they often give out a free color palette that you get to keep. Currently I have Valentines Day, St. Patrick's day, and Halloween.
Move Vanguard up to GODLIKE Tier haha :) I found it to be quite the gamechanger, I could never imagine using Rhino without it these days.

One of the few that I don't have, driving me insane! I don't use my Rhino frame for much other than Nightmare runs because I'm leveling all the other frames, so switching back to him for the odd mission is just irritating.
Thank god one of the high level rescues is on a Corpus tileset, not having to worry about arc traps made running them so much easier. I kind of like the butterfly wings.

On the other hand I missed the Vanguard helmet on alert again. Sigh.
10 days of vacation a year and they slip a week short ever with 2 cosmetics as reward whe I'm gone.

At least the scarf looks bad... Hope the badge isn't amazing.


Thank god one of the high level rescues is on a Corpus tileset, not having to worry about arc traps made running them so much easier. I kind of like the butterfly wings.

On the other hand I missed the Vanguard helmet on alert again. Sigh.

Buy it if you really want it. Speed on Rhino is vital


This game confuses me I want to get into it but cant. Levels take over an hour to complete, enemies take tons of damage I'm dying constantly. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm choosing maps appropriate to my level, why does the game have to be so hard.
This game confuses me I want to get into it but cant. Levels take over an hour to complete, enemies take tons of damage I'm dying constantly. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm choosing maps appropriate to my level, why does the game have to be so hard.

Guessing you just started.
This game confuses me I want to get into it but cant. Levels take over an hour to complete, enemies take tons of damage I'm dying constantly. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm choosing maps appropriate to my level, why does the game have to be so hard.

-Are you modding your gear and/or ranking up said mods? Adding dmg to your weapons and survivability to your frame is crucial!

-Are you soloing? The game can be a bit hard to solo as you progress, especially if you're just starting out.

-A good thing to do would be to ditch the starter weapons as soon as you can. Really, anything would be better than the starting stuff.

Check out the tutorials from the codex if you need more help.


Or, if you want, give us your name and we can add you to the GAF clan and you can ask in-game!


Guessing you just started.

Technically I started playing it when it was in beta I couldnt get into then. I can tell they've improved alot since, though its still as unfathomable as ever.

-Are you modding your gear and/or ranking up said mods? Adding dmg to your weapons and survivability to your frame is crucial!

-Are you soloing? The game can be a bit hard to solo as you progress, especially if you're just starting out.

-A good thing to do would be to ditch the starter weapons as soon as you can. Really, anything would be better than the starting stuff.

Check out the tutorials from the codex if you need more help.

Yeah I've figured out how to add mods now, I and I was mostly soloing I guess that's not a good idea.
Technically I started playing it when it was in beta I couldnt get into then. I can tell they've improved alot since, though its still as unfathomable as ever.

Yeah I've figured out how to add mods now, I and I was mostly soloing I guess that's not a good idea.

Once you start getting good mods, weapons, and warframes you like everything moves faster.
Well, here's something that has been rattling around in my head for a while.

I'd like to officially hand off the NeoGAF clan to someone else.

I created this clan way back in Closed Beta. I've watched it grow from just me playing all by my lonesome (so ronery) to the 90 some person clan it is today (albeit only maybe 30 play with any kind of regularity), with a full Dojo with all the bells and whistles. I've put a lot of time and effort into Warframe, the clan, and this thread. I've had a lot of fun doing it, but, I'm just getting... tired. Maybe because I created this OT and the clan I feel somewhat obligated to keep things updated and running. But yeah... The game has been really wearing me down lately.

I'm not quitting the game entirely, though. I just want to pass the reigns.

Let me know if you're interested :)


Well, here's something that has been rattling around in my head for a while.

I'd like to officially hand off the NeoGAF clan to someone else.

I created this clan way back in Closed Beta. I've watched it grow from just me playing all by my lonesome (so ronery) to the 90 some person clan it is today (albeit only maybe 30 play with any kind of regularity), with a full Dojo with all the bells and whistles. I've put a lot of time and effort into Warframe, the clan, and this thread. I've had a lot of fun doing it, but, I'm just getting... tired. Maybe because I created this OT and the clan I feel somewhat obligated to keep things updated and running. But yeah... The game has been really wearing me down lately.

I'm not quitting the game entirely, though. I just want to pass the reigns.

Let me know if you're interested :)

Your time and efforts will not be forgotten Tenno *roleplaying*. I won't be a candidate for the reigns though, because that would mean the end of my social life and I already spend too much time on this game. Even if no one feels like being the new boss don't force yourself to keep things alive, you being completely burned out on the game would actually be the worst thing that could happen to the clan.


This game confuses me I want to get into it but cant. Levels take over an hour to complete, enemies take tons of damage I'm dying constantly. I'd love to know what I'm doing wrong. I think I'm choosing maps appropriate to my level, why does the game have to be so hard.

Mods, mods, mods. Equip mods to do more damage as well as different types of damage. Equip mods to your frame to increase its health, shields, and armor, or get shredded like wet single-sheet toilet paper from a stray bullet or two. When modded weapons cant do enough damage for you to take on certain enemies, you probably need a new weapon with better base stats. Also, some enemies depending on faction respond better to some types of damage than others.


I have a bit weird question.... maybe some GAFer can help me.

I found €5 in my EU PSN account today (the last time I added found to this account was in 2011) and now I want to expend this money on Warframe but my use to play it the US PSN account (my master account).

1. If I purchase Platinum on EU PSN account it will show on my Warframe account (US PSN)?

2. Are there any way to transfer this money or Platinum from one account to another?

I won't be a candidate for the reigns though, because that would mean the end of my social life and I already spend too much time on this game..

There's really not much to do after the Dojo rebuild. I kind of wanted that to be my last "hurrah". Keeping the MOTD and this thread updated, and sending invites if people ask would be the bare minimum requirements haha. Our clan doesn't deal with anything Alliance related other than sending the head guy a bi-weekly check-in PM on the Warframe forums. Anything else would be of your own motivation!

I have a bit weird question.... maybe some GAFer can help me.

I found €5 in my EU PSN account today (the last time I added found to this account was in 2011) and now I want to expend this money on Warframe but my use to play it the US PSN account (my master account).

1. If I purchase Platinum on EU PSN account it will show on my Warframe account (US PSN)?

2. Are there any way to transfer this money or Platinum from one account to another?


I've no idea about how PSN works. Try asking the PS4 WF OT :)

Hyun Sai

I also will take some break for a while, with the 50% sale on Guild Wars 2, it was time I jumped on this. Not much to do at high level anyway.

I will still check the updates to see if DE is going in a direction I can enjoy, because in those last few months, I've been very disappointed by some nonsensical decisions.

I will donate some of my plats to whoever is in charge when I ll log.


So does anyone have some suggestions for good things to buy? I thought I may as well spend some money to get some plats while there cheap.
I seem to have lost the drive for the game too sadly. Haven't played properly in about 6 weeks now. At first I told myself it was because new games I wanted to play had just released (Titanfall, Diablo, Dark Souls) but the reality is I don't feel like logging in to play anymore. I never really tested the melee update out, never leveled my favorite prime (rhino) to 30... I don't know. I think hearing about their future 'endgame' plans is what disappointed me the most... stuff like focus feels like another set of bars to fill without actually designing something new. Hopefully in the future they will do something for folks like me who have seen almost everything the game has to offer currently.

So does anyone have some suggestions for good things to buy? I thought I may as well spend some money to get some plats while there cheap.

Save your platinum for warframe and weapon slots. Almost everything else of importance can be obtained by just playing. After you have some experience with the game you'll be in a better position to if/when you want to buy xp/resource boosters or potatoes etc.
Well, I've gone and uninstalled Warframe for a while.

I don't know how to put this gently, but, I'm washing my hands of the game and this thread until further notice.

I feel like I just need to completely detach for a bit.

Metalshade and MightyKAC are still leaders the last time I checked. GAF Gold members can invite and promote, and everyone can start new research in the labs. Hope that suffices.

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