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How does one come by the Kubrow imprint items? Do they drop somewhere?

Also, the new foundry interface is just awful. Slow and horrid.


How does one come by the Kubrow imprint items? Do they drop somewhere?

Also, the new foundry interface is just awful. Slow and horrid.

You buy the Imprint BP in the Market (50K IIRC) then you make it in the Foundry, 10K + whatever resources a pop, then you use it on your Kubrow to take an imprint, then you brave the wild waters of trade to try and swap it or sell it (or alternately use it yourself ;) ). The BP isnt consumed when you make the item.

I think DE may have added the ability to trade too many things, while I think Prime BP's should be tradeable I think you can now trade so many things that spamming chat isnt super feasible, they should probably add an AH down the line.

Personally I find the new foundry much quicker than the old one which always took ages to load for me.


Could I get a clan invite as well? In-game name: Ganaha

Anybody have early weapon recommendations? I feel like I should get better stuff for solo unlocking missions, so I can build Rhino sooner. I was looking over the Dual Heat/Ether/Zorens but most discussion I can find about them is before the overhaul. Also possibly the Dual Ichors but that's a clan BP. I have no clue about primaries / sidearms.

My current inventory is: R15 Burston / R28 Lato Vandal / R7 Cronus.
I also have R30 MK1-Braton, R30 Skana, and R2 Lato but they're just sitting there for mastery / selling once I need weapon slots.


A gift from the Lotus !

Warframe Colour Customization Changes:
We have recently discovered our Warframe Colour Customization choices are not gamma corrected when applied. We have rectified this issue, but you will see the difference in Steve’s Developer Workshop post here: https://forums.warfr...80#entry3155980
We are in the process of inboxing a free desaturated colour picker to those who preferred the desaturated look. Stand by as we finish this process - it’ll be available for you to get for free for the next 2 weeks just by logging in!

Could I get a clan invite as well? In-game name: Ganaha

Anybody have early weapon recommendations? I feel like I should get better stuff for solo unlocking missions, so I can build Rhino sooner. I was looking over the Dual Heat/Ether/Zorens but most discussion I can find about them is before the overhaul. Also possibly the Dual Ichors but that's a clan BP. I have no clue about primaries / sidearms.

My current inventory is: R15 Burston / R28 Lato Vandal / R7 Cronus.
I also have R30 MK1-Braton, R30 Skana, and R2 Lato but they're just sitting there for mastery / selling once I need weapon slots.

^^^ Invite sent

And as said Uthred a few posts ago "So you're using the MK1-Braton and the Skana? You can/should upgrade to the normal Braton which you can get from the Market (Market->Weapons->Primary Weapons) for 25,000 credits. For your secondary weapon you can buy either the Aklato (25,000) or the Lex (50,000) from the market and for melee weapons threres no "direct" upgrade so you'll need to pick a recipe and farm the materials. However melee weapons, while much better, are stilll a little lacklustre before you get a stance for them."

I suppose you already know that but I feel like I should say it just in case, definitively don't sell your Vandal weapons, because if you do, you'll never be able to get another one.

Do i ever play co-op with people? Just signed up..

Are there lobbies with folks anywhere..?

You can change your settings to set if you want to play solo or with people. Playing solo can help with certain missions or if you hate human beings but it can get boring and some missiions will be impossibly hard just by yourself.

Whenever you click on a planet's node it will automatically create a lobby and search players for you. Another way to find people is via the recruiting tab on the chat.


Is the trade station only on the bottom floor? If so, can someone move it to the main floor? It's a hassle just going down there to trade.


So, I've been playing for 15 hours and I'm having a lot of fun. I wanted to support the developers for a job well done so I bought some platinum.

Now, as far as I understand, I should only buy cosmetic stuff and slots, correct? Everything else can be built in-game.

I already bought a potato for the only frame that I have and the clan emblem with the initial 70 platinum they give you.

Anything else I should buy before buying scarfs, decorations and stuff?


why is gaf so dead? :(

its so lonely every time I get on
I got kinda burned out after 418 hours (if Steam is to be believed), last time I played was when U12 just came out or something. It's been a while, so I'm currently updating and plan to give it another spin later - not like there's much else to play right now. :)


So, how does the matchmaking work? I've been going solo up to this point because I didn't want to screw up when playing online.

I set it to public and went to the first boss. Every other player were way too higher level than me and the boss became level 35 or so. I felt so useless.


Hey how are you ? I can't talk for the others but I'm fine.

As you maybe read this last update has been somewhat disappointing, After trying the new stuff I decided to uninstall the game again, not convinced by their latest additions (new UI and Kubrows).

Are you ready to jump back in ?
I'm fine as well!

Disappointing, eh? :-\

I heard they finally added Vor's Prize and was curious as I love story modes. Was tempted to install again, but ehhhh... After reading a bit of this thread, maybe I should wait for U15? haha.


I love story modes too but you're not really missing much, the quest system could have been great too but is too unintuitive right now. They tried to put too many stuff in this update and as a result nothing is as good as it should have been.

I don't know if you should wait for U15 but waiting for at least a few hotfixes could be a good idea...


I'm fine as well!

Disappointing, eh? :-\

I heard they finally added Vor's Prize and was curious as I love story modes. Was tempted to install again, but ehhhh... After reading a bit of this thread, maybe I should wait for U15? haha.

The quest "system" is feels more like a preview to what they want to do to add more lore to the game. U14 seemed like it was rushed out so they can start hotfixing and doing QoL updates. Some of my thoughts on the update:

  • Dark Sector Conflicts (PvP) - totally broken, Valkyrs with Hysteria on all over and lots of issues. No tutorial for how it works and throws you right into it with no prompts on what objectives you're supposed to do, besides take down the other team. Disappointing but WF was never known for it's PvP.
  • Player Ship UI - better now with hotfixes and QoL updates, gotten used to how to use it by now. Will admit that this new UI seems like it's perfect for consoles but odd for PC users. New star-chart is terrible compared to the one before, but people exaggerate how bad it is with not wanting to learn how to use it.
  • Mirage - new warframe obtainable by doing her quest. Her "Hall of Mirrors" is mess with different weapons, but favorite is the Stugg with it. She's easily the best part of the update for me.
  • Kubrows - doges in warframe, new companion to replace sentinels. Kubrow eggs seem to be pretty rare to obtain, but really their grind comes from getting their new mods. Still haven't managed to get their rare universal mods. Of the four breeds, I got a Sunika, which is the one that specializes in attacking/takedowns. New hotfixes helped with color correction and found that my Sunika isn't pure white but white with pink tiger stripes. Been seeing different fur patters/color since this hotfix (from blue to black fur, spots and stripe patterns). For viability in-game, my attacking type does well enough in regular missions. Avoid infested when using them though, that poison proc. Still haven't taken him to the Void yet, but considering how well mine did against the newly claimed Infested Xini node up to wave 20, I'm sure he'll do well enough in the Void.


I started to play today, anyway i can play with gaf?

i really dont understand some thing like, how to play with random players in missions
Sounds like they were overly ambitious with U14! Warframe, the forever beta game.

Guess I'll continue to sit out then.

I won't lie that I'm starting to get the itch to play again, though. Maybe Around the Corner™?!
Just sit out Saav, it's not that good. Sure its pretty and doges and everything, but it's short on content so far. Things are still being changed/balanced.
I haven't played this game in a long time. Holy shit, it's completely different now. I have no clue what is going on in these menus, and now I have a ship? Weird stuff. Feel like should just buy a new frame and start from the beginning since it's been so long.

How do you tell which levels you haven't completed yet?


I haven't played this game in a long time. Holy shit, it's completely different now. I have no clue what is going on in these menus, and now I have a ship? Weird stuff. Feel like should just buy a new frame and start from the beginning since it's been so long.

How do you tell which levels you haven't completed yet?
Completed levels are plain blue, levels you haven't completed have a flashing white outline, and inaccessible levels have a slightly darker shade of blue and a noisy texture.


So, how does the matchmaking work? I've been going solo up to this point because I didn't want to screw up when playing online.

I set it to public and went to the first boss. Every other player were way too higher level than me and the boss became level 35 or so. I felt so useless.

I've never paid close attention to the subtleties of how the matchmaking works but I think the required level shown on every node is supposed to tell you how difficult it's gonna be, no matter who is in your team. As long as you're not an asshole or a leech (waiting for people to finish the mission for you) you're not gonna screw up anything don't worry.

I started to play today, anyway i can play with gaf?

i really dont understand some thing like, how to play with random players in missions

I uninstalled the game so I can't invite you sorry ! If no one sent you an invitation don't hesitate to ask again.
You can play with random players by enabling "public" in the matchmaking options, I think it's located on the top left of the screen when you press Esc. If public is enabled you just have to click on a node and the game will search players for you. If it doesn't find anyone it can mean 2 things : no one is playing this mission right now OR your network settings are messed up.

I haven't played this game in a long time. Holy shit, it's completely different now. I have no clue what is going on in these menus, and now I have a ship? Weird stuff. Feel like should just buy a new frame and start from the beginning since it's been so long.

How do you tell which levels you haven't completed yet?

Yes the menus are in my opinion less intuitive than before, but you'll get used to it eventually (hopefully). The levels you haven't done yet are highlighted in white. Be warned though, some levels stay white even after you completed them, it's due to a bug and you actually have to finish them in solo mode if you want to complete them for good.
I took a gander at the WF forums since PhaZZe linked to it, thought this was important to know since I didn't see it in this thread:


Until August 1st!


So, I was drunk and accidentally built a Penta - holy shit, that thing is fun! Immediately put a potato in, and I guess this will be the second weapon after the Soma I'll spend some Forma on. Though I'm a bit afraid to take it with me on defense or survival missions after blowing myself up a couple of times - does it damage other people's frames as well?
So, I was drunk and accidentally built a Penta - holy shit, that thing is fun! Immediately put a potato in, and I guess this will be the second weapon after the Soma I'll spend some Forma on. Though I'm a bit afraid to take it with me on defense or survival missions after blowing myself up a couple of times - does it damage other people's frames as well?

Only to yours.


Pretty fun game for what it is, but damn if it isn't buggy. Just found out that you can 'level up' your profile (no idea what it actually does) by doing a training mission. Wave 3, 1 guy left, 15 seconds on the clock and the fucker doesn't spawn. Mission failed, and I now have to wait 24 hours to try again.

Dick game is a dick.



Pretty fun game for what it is, but damn if it isn't buggy. Just found out that you can 'level up' your profile (no idea what it actually does) by doing a training mission. Wave 3, 1 guy left, 15 seconds on the clock and the fucker doesn't spawn. Mission failed, and I now have to wait 24 hours to try again.

Dick game is a dick.


Higher mastery ranks for your profile let you use more powerful weapons that are locked unless you're a certain rank. You also increase your amount of trades per day and amount of extractor drones you can deploy to planets.


That Archwing video made me reinstall. And I didn't recognise anything ingame holy shit. The new tutorial, the ui EVERYTHING. Is the clan still up?
Man really wish I came back in time for the Ice Mod set. Hope they add them soon. Also yay Rhino prime and Mirage. That should keep me busy for a while.
Hikou Prime... probably should have looked at the updates before blowing my resources on a Darka lol. Hikou is my favorite weapon, looks like I got something to farm for again.


I've been playing for 40 hours and I don't have a single prime weapon/frame yet. You get everything from the voids, right?

I need more friends :(
Well, after a few months break and coming back to play a bit and do the event... I have to say I find the game rather dull now. Beyond the fancy new UI, it's still the exact same grind.

I did, however, enjoy the quest to reassemble the ship and learn some lore. They definitely need more of that. It is a PvE game, after all!

I love Warframe, but I feel the game really needs to be overhauled. I also feel that DE is too far deep to make any real significant changes because the game is now across three platforms and who knows how much money they've gotten from purchases.

Maybe I need to shelve the game for an entire year and see how the game has evolved. It might even be out of beta then (lol)!


Well, after a few months break and coming back to play a bit and do the event... I have to say I find the game rather dull now. Beyond the fancy new UI, it's still the exact same grind.

I did, however, enjoy the quest to reassemble the ship and learn some lore. They definitely need more of that. It is a PvE game, after all!

I love Warframe, but I feel the game really needs to be overhauled. I also feel that DE is too far deep to make any real significant changes because the game is now across three platforms and who knows how much money they've gotten from purchases.

Maybe I need to shelve the game for an entire year and see how the game has evolved. It might even be out of beta then (lol)!

I'm actually finding the same problem, I seem to be okay if I have a group of friends playing and just want to veg out and chat while playing (you know, unless you're doing the most difficult stuff you can). But mostly it just feels same-y. I'm hoping the archwing update might add some new things to do in the game and give you something to do besides endless grind missions, but based on the current gameplay I'd say they'll just be another mission type that comes in that you have to endlessly grind for gear.

Hoping they can add in enough stuff to make the game have some more staying power but I've got about 300 hours of actual play time (from in warframe) and I can't see me playing it (nearly)solo too much longer.


My ingame name is Arkhanor.

I've returned to the game this week and for a brief time I though I'd lost everything but after the new prologue, everything was there. Now the story makes more sense.
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