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^Drastic steps there Saavedro my friend! I do agree however.
I am also taking an extended break, at the moment a lot of real life stuff going on, and a lack of enthusiasm for gaming in general right now.
I expect to come back for every major update, but right now, just cooling off.
Keep fighting the good fight guys!
I'll be back!

*Damn, this is not how I wanted to start a new page :(


Damn I actually uninstalled it too a few days ago, exams are approaching and playing this game really feels like a waste of time after a while, farming has its limits and I think i reached them. I too will keep an eye on the events and next updates, until then take care ya'll !


Well, I've gone and uninstalled Warframe for a while.

I don't know how to put this gently, but, I'm washing my hands of the game and this thread until further notice.

I feel like I just need to completely detach for a bit.

Metalshade and MightyKAC are still leaders the last time I checked. GAF Gold members can invite and promote, and everyone can start new research in the labs. Hope that suffices.


but I recently got to meet you, y u do dis


Feeling burnt out as well on the game. Dark sectors were fun for a bit but there isn't really anything new to it since it's just another Void tileset, especially with it being changed to mobile defense, I'm not fond of spending 5-10 minutes shooting down just Moas and Ospreys with just 2-4 Spectres found per run then being baiting into a 0 credit reward, this has been better with the hotfixes but seems like Alliances don't know what they're doing besides Eclipse. With really no way for Alliances to organize against bigger threats like Eclipse, these wars will always go to one who can reliably pay me well enough for my time to help their control of a node. With irony, it always seems to be Eclipse that makes a couple runs for them worth it.


What a bummer to come back to the thread a year after the last time and see you guys all burned out. :(

I left the game on 05-26-2013, yesterday I was checking my Youtube subscriptions and watched a video about Update 13.0; I am excited to play it again, will probably do it next week, don't even know If i am still in the clan.

You will be missed Saavedro.

PS: Not in the clan, my Steam user is RICHO http://steamcommunity.com/id/RICHO/
Plenty of us still playing, plus the alliance we are a member of is extremely active, and provides another place to get into a group.

I can appreciate there is probably a decent amount of people hitting a burned-out stage, particularly if they've been at it from the beginning. But say what you will about the state of the content when it hits, but DE delivers a constant stream of it, so there's always something that might draw the vets back in who may be taking the break, at some point.

Saavedro left our dojo in a good state, and I'm sure we can keep up with any upgrades they drop on us for the immediate future.




Some new stuff, update 13.3, I assume its coming within the next few hours.

Edit: because I can, jeepers, Nightwing!

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Hey hello, I'm from the ps4 side of things, got a question.

In regards to arcane helmets, do you trade the blueprints or do you have to actually build them?


I'm thinking of trying this out. Anyone have a quick link or rundown of how revenue is generated? Is there lots of stuff behind a paywall or is it still pretty fun when playing free?


Hey hello, I'm from the ps4 side of things, got a question.

In regards to arcane helmets, do you trade the blueprints or do you have to actually build them?

Arcane Helmets you build in the foundry, then change out helmets for what frame they go to in the Appearance menus. I think right now on PS4 you can still get Arcane helmets from alerts, but can't be traded till after they remove them from the alert rotations, which I don't know when that is.

I'm thinking of trying this out. Anyone have a quick link or rundown of how revenue is generated? Is there lots of stuff behind a paywall or is it still pretty fun when playing free?

The paywall isn't bad considering you can make some good platinum (their premium currency) from trading in-game, and everything besides cosmetics are obtainable in-game (with some grinding/farming which isn't bad since you can trade stuff). Only things you will need to use platinum on are extra inventory space for more characters and weapons. Even then, daily login will do a roulette that can net you a 25%-75% off platinum purchases.

All you really gotta do is play the game, read up on the wiki for locations to farm and work towards getting your gear to end-game hard missions where the pretty awesome stuff really is.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Arcane Helmets you build in the foundry, then change out helmets for what frame they go to in the Appearance menus. I think right now on PS4 you can still get Arcane helmets from alerts, but can't be traded till after they remove them from the alert rotations, which I don't know when that is.

i know, just i heard they're tradeable in the pc and i am asking wether you trade the blueprint or the built helm.


Arcane Helmets you build in the foundry, then change out helmets for what frame they go to in the Appearance menus. I think right now on PS4 you can still get Arcane helmets from alerts, but can't be traded till after they remove them from the alert rotations, which I don't know when that is.

The paywall isn't bad considering you can make some good platinum (their premium currency) from trading in-game, and everything besides cosmetics are obtainable in-game (with some grinding/farming which isn't bad since you can trade stuff). Only things you will need to use platinum on are extra inventory space for more characters and weapons. Even then, daily login will do a roulette that can net you a 25%-75% off platinum purchases.

All you really gotta do is play the game, read up on the wiki for locations to farm and work towards getting your gear to end-game hard missions where the pretty awesome stuff really is.

Thanks for this. Downloaded it last night. Looking to try it out later this week.


I started playing about a month ago, and I like it so far. I'm looking for a clan, and wouldn't mind joining GAF. Right now, I'm just in a dead clan with rl friends who mostly don't play.

Space Ninja Username: jfoul


To all the people who don't play the game anymore but still want to do the events, well there is apparently an event going on until Thursday June 26 at 12 PM EDT. Rewards are a badge, 4 Dual stats fire mod and Prova Vandal.


To all the people who don't play the game anymore but still want to do the events, well there is apparently an event going on until Thursday June 26 at 12 PM EDT. Rewards are a badge, 4 Dual stats fire mod and Prova Vandal.

^ i can verify the worthness of this.


I hope that a few people in the clan still need to do the event, or are willing to do it again. Actually I hope there are still people in the clan :D


Picked this up again after I played it very briefly last year. At the time, I liked the general concept, but the game just felt janky as hell.

Now it... still feels kinda janky, but it's way, way more fun :D

It's also one of the friendliest f2p games I've seen in some time, better than World of Tanks which I consider pretty solid - you can get damn near everything in-game without spending a dime, and in fact with some effort, you can even trade for the real money currency with other players.

Basically if you like the concept of slicing, shooting, and slaying strange enemies in the far dark science future as a ninja space assassin magician, this is the game for you.

First things first - join the clan, or at least, join a clan. This game is miserable for newbies, and the early game sucks, but once you're over the hump (just takes a few hours) it gets progressively more and more fun

Your options expand constantly until you have a massive arsenal of toys. There are Warframes that are stealthy, brawlers, casters, and other stranger sorts that defy simple description. There are dozens of weapons, with many, many different types of firearms represented, both the expected and the very, very strange. There are also a ton of melee weapons with insanely cool animations (entirely melee is a very viable playstyle).

Heck, you can take a bow, a katana, and a set of kunai and play as a literal space ninja.

Or you can take a rocket launcher and a hand cannon and blast faces.

Or you can destroy everything in sight with raging infernos, corroding poison, or violent tornadoes.

It is not what I would call a sharply polished game, but the breadth of gameplay options are considerable, and it's simply great fun in coop in the various endless mission modes where you can fight waves of progressively tougher enemies together. On top of all the fun stuff you can do solo, team setups produce even more wildly broken and powerful combinations, which let you devastate hundreds of enemies playing as a very active combatant or a very passive supporting role, whatever suits you.

It's also really damn pretty, and runs great. You may even find yourself looking to disable some graphical options because the intensity during 4 player brawls in late endless mission modes can get downright crazy.

Oh, and on the topic of newbies, the next big update is supposed to be focused largely around improving the new player experience, and is also adding player owned ships and some reallllly cool (and more friendly) ui stuff and 'quests' to ease you into the game. And space puppies. That grow into waist high space warhounds.

Anyway, that's my two cents on Warframe. I would not be surprised at all that there are a lot of burnt out vets here or in the clan now, but if you haven't tried the game before, do so, it's worth your time. I've found a group of similarly new players and we're having a ball.


Picked the game up again for the Breeding Grounds event. Man...when you have a high total score (at 900+ now) the Infested don't mess around. They just keep coming at you. Even with my Rhino, I found myself running and gunning from room to room. That's how I imagined the Infested would be, over swarming you. Ended up with a score of 52 after I decided to solo the mission since people kept leaving, so got my event rewards sorted.


Picked the game up again for the Breeding Grounds event. Man...when you have a high total score (at 900+ now) the Infested don't mess around. They just keep coming at you. Even with my Rhino, I found myself running and gunning from room to room. That's how I imagined the Infested would be, over swarming you. Ended up with a score of 52 after I decided to solo the mission since people kept leaving, so got my event rewards sorted.

I got to a reasonable score with this at about 1,500, at by that point I couldn't deal with the numbers even with a Rhino. I was getting almost one-hit through Iron Skin, which was just painful. I figured out too late that you should be running through with a group of decent Loki with max rank Energy Siphons and spam invis and ignore the enemies. Or at least that's how I *think* people were getting those ridiculous scores. I can't imagine how they were getting nearly 1000 points in a single run, my best was around 80.

Fortunately my life is too active to get burned out by this game. I have 3 frames cooking too. Vauban, Zephyr, and Loki lol

I'm so annoyed right now, another Vauban Helmet alert while I was asleep at 4am local time for me. I just can not seem to get that last piece I need for it! And I'm only missing him and Hydroid at the moment... Seriously considering just fronting the plat for it. Every alert for the helmet I've seen recently has been really early morning my time, which is usually when I'm asleep so I can work the next day.


For anyone not following the alerts twitter or anything, there is a vauban chassis up for another 30 mins, there's been 3 vauban alerts today, 2 chassis and a systems, so now might be a time to look into alerts tracking if you want vauban.


Havent played in a few months, got lured back by shiny new prime frames, decided to farm some ferrite with the old lazy mans room cleaner aka Nova. Wow, they fairly nerfed Molecular Prime into the ground, it used to such fun now it has a weird "infection" effect? Not a fan.


Havent played in a few months, got lured back by shiny new prime frames, decided to farm some ferrite with the old lazy mans room cleaner aka Nova. Wow, they fairly nerfed Molecular Prime into the ground, it used to such fun now it has a weird "infection" effect? Not a fan.

I think it's good they nerfed her Molecular Prime, it was annoying to do missions with Novas (unless T3/T4 missions). Made things too easy, could argue even with the nerf she's still overpowered if spamming it. Then again I run a Radial Disarm Loki so I have no real ground to stand on.


I think it's good they nerfed her Molecular Prime, it was annoying to do missions with Novas (unless T3/T4 missions). Made things too easy, could argue even with the nerf she's still overpowered if spamming it. Then again I run a Radial Disarm Loki so I have no real ground to stand on.

It always felt fairly useless at higher levels where antimattter drop became the real workhorse, I usually used it for blowing off steam cheesing out low level areas when farming mats. Read around a bit and seems it can still be decent but you have to build (and employ) it differently

Edit: Do people bother putting a potato in their sentinel? Cant use anything other than sweeper and the awesome vacuum but he seems to die all the fucking time these days

Weird seeing people trading platinum for stuff on the steam market (rubdeo skins, etc) that sells for a lot less than the plats worth. Though speaking of steam it would be nice if the game "redeemed" the item as opposed to having to leave it sitting in your inventory.

The Vay Hek key, and by extension the Hydroid warframe, is the only frame in the game where it just feels like total bullshit to try and farm it.


Was hoping this came out on Wednesday as usual, with the Destiny Beta also starting Thursday not sure how much time I'll have for it


My jaw was open when I booted this back up.

Holy changes everywhere.

Also I can't play it! Someone always disconnects and ruins my change of getting into a mission.


It's already better now that the servers are properly functioning, but the UI while looking "cool" is terribly unintuitive. Before we had everythig we needed in one screen, now you need at least an extra click /button press for almost everything you want to do. Even the solar map is confusing.

I don't like it, at all.


Hey everybody, I'm new to Warframe(just got my PS4 on Wednesday), and I've progressed quite a bit during the beginning mercury area.

However, I've hit a snag against the first big boss battle, I get absolutely destroyed, and my guns don't seem to work well enough(the two starting guns you have).

Is there a better gun I can buy with credits in the marketplace, or an easy to make blueprint?

Heck, the machete blueprint the game gave me doesn't seem to be easy to complete.


I'm sort of torn on the new UI, it looks cool and generally opens quicker than the old one for me, some stuff is easier to see/access and some stuff is more of a pain in the arse so it all sort of "evens out". I would like if they added shortcuts so you could go straight to where you wanted. I also wish theyd add the ability to see the total amount of resources you have back to the foundry when youre making an item e.g. if I have 5 and it takes 1 show 5/1 not the current 1/1.

Hey everybody, I'm new to Warframe(just got my PS4 on Wednesday), and I've progressed quite a bit during the beginning mercury area.

However, I've hit a snag against the first big boss battle, I get absolutely destroyed, and my guns don't seem to work well enough(the two starting guns you have).

Is there a better gun I can buy with credits in the marketplace, or an easy to make blueprint?

Heck, the machete blueprint the game gave me doesn't seem to be easy to complete.

So you're using the MK1-Braton and the Skana? You can/should upgrade to the normal Braton which you can get from the Market (Market->Weapons->Primary Weapons) for 25,000 credits. For your secondary weapon you can buy either the Aklato (25,000) or the Lex (50,000) from the market and for melee weapons threres no "direct" upgrade so you'll need to pick a recipe and farm the materials. However melee weapons, while much better, are stilll a little lacklustre before you get a stance for them.

The Braton should see you through a fair bit of content, certainly enough to farm up the materials for one of the other guns.


While the new user experience looks sleek and a bit more intuitive, and the quest system addition is a huge plus for those looking for a bit more from warframe in terms of building its characters, the UI is a bit slower than what im used to. I used to be able to set mods in their slots, and then simply get to the upgrade menu with a push of a button. Now I have to set the mods, then walk over to the mod station and then fuse whatever mod I wanted. Something that used to take less than 1 second, now takes 5-6 seconds. Even the short cut method still takes more time.


The ability to save full frame and weapon loadouts is great and something the game has needed for a while

Now I have to set the mods, then walk over to the mod station and then fuse whatever mod I wanted. Something that used to take less than 1 second, now takes 5-6 seconds. Even the short cut method still takes more time.

Its exactly the same, from the weapon/frame upgrade menu select mods, it opens the mods menu, then select fusion, select your mod. Exactly the same amount of steps as the old process.


Decided to take another look at this. I'm not really sure what I'm doing after the prologue. Not liking the star map.

How do I unlock more cells? Why do some levels flash white even after I've done them? I thought the game used to tell you how many people are available in certain regions as well for matchmaking.

Edit: Apparently it's a bug forcing you to either play solo or be the mission host. Great way to introduce the new update. :/


The updated GUI looks very flashy, but I have problems with it.
  • The ship is very cramped, almost claustrophobic. Plus the fact that your Tenno walks by default when in the ship. I suppose I can always hit Escape and select my desired view from the menu, but it feels more disjointed than before. Growing pains, I suppose.
  • Mods overview/fusion is either very bugged or just poorly thought out. I have more than 1000 mods and this new navigation is a mess. Not to mention that my Ember's helmet covers up one fifth of the upper left hand corner of the menu at all times.
  • The new navigation map is worse. First, those planets are now all the exact same size, which makes locating the one you need a pain. When in planet/moon view, it is difficult to twist the planet to see all available missions. No more sequence/order?
  • Mod conflict messages are weird and ambiguous now.
  • All ship interface views could benefit from a 1.4 FoV increase.
  • Scrolling does not seem to work in the first post-mission results table. Once you're back on your ship, it works like it should.
  • Give me an option to disable mission loading screens/3D animations in favor of just the loading bar.
Lots of problems for me, but the core game play is still the same and it feels like they've fixed some of the netcode which was bugged for me before this update.

And I finally got a Loki Systems BP drop from the hyenas. I missed out Loki the first time around, now I can finally get it.

Can we start building some manner of pet now?
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