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I'm jealous, between juggling ArcheAge and WF I might just grind out for Nyx prime and take a brief break off queue-sim. Prime armor cosmetics look totes awesome, but will probably put off till I have the cash to splurge. It's been sometime since I've gotten platinum, since the whole Perfect World thing, seems like that's passed and they might've just been publishing WF in China. So I guess DE deserves a good tip for my 881 hours in their game.


To be fair, I took advantage of a payrise at work to grab Nyx Prime. I used the plat to stock up on other primes through trading and the odd void run. I have every Prime frame except Excalibur.


My actual full list of stuff looks like this:

Ash (30)
Ember Prime (30)
Excalibur (30)
Frost Prime (30)
Hydroid (U)
Loki Prime (30)
Mag (8)
Mag Prime (30)
Mirage (7)
Nekros (10)
Nova (30)
Nyx (25)
Nyx Prime (21)
Oberon (13)
Valkyr (18)
Vauban (30)
Volt (30)
Zephyr (30)

Rhino Prime is in the oven.

Attica (15)
Boar Prime (30)
Boltor (30)
Boltor Prime (30)
Burston Prime (30)
Cernos (14)
Dera (30)
Drakgoon (U)
Dread (30)
Glaxion (22)
Latron (30)
Latron Prime (30)
Latron Wrath (30)
Ogris (U) - Only just finished
Paris Prime (U)
Penta (30)
Soma (30)
Strun (18)
Sybaris (30)
Tigris (30) - The only weapon I've Forma'd. I really like this gun.
Vectis (30)

Akbronco Prime (30)
Akmagnus (U)
Akvasto (30)
Akzani (U)
Ballistica (15)
Bolto (30)
Despair (12)
Dex Furis (8)
Hikou Prime (17)
Kunai (30)
Lato Vandal (17)
Lex Prime (30)
Magnus (30)
Pyrana (U)
Sicarus (23)
Sicarus Prime (30)
Vasto (30)

Ankyros Prime (12)
Bo Prime (U)
Dragon Nikana (30)
Dual Ether (30)
Dual Zoren (12)
Ether Sword (4)
Fang Prime (14)
Galatine (30)
Glaive (30)
Glaive Prime (30)
Gram (U)
Hate (9)
Kronen (30)
Orthos (30)
Orthos Prime (30)
Plasma Sword (U)
Prova (5)
Reaper Prime (30)
Scindo Prime (U)
Sheev (19)
Silva & Aegis (U)
Skana (16)

...ok, I think I might have a bit of a WF problem.
I just started playing so that list above looks crazy.

Any good tips for a noob? I actually have about 5-6 other friends who have all picked up the game at the same time and we've started a clan, and a couple of us are crafting clan keys. Are resource extractors worth using? I just bought the blueprint for the Titan one.


Are people around here still playing this game? I just started and it's pretty fun. If there's a GAF clan, I'd love an invite. My ign is producerofdeath.
still a few people running around randomly. Not sure who/how much check this thread though.

Hopefully someone cause I need help transferring items from my alt to my main cough 180p for no reason cough.


I am still about.
I occasionally poke my head in to do warlordy things and grind a few weapon ranks, but after 2000 hours, I just cant play for longer than 30 minutes.
Looks like U15 will bring me back in for a while though.
See you in space, Tenno.


I am still about.
I occasionally poke my head in to do warlordy things and grind a few weapon ranks, but after 2000 hours, I just cant play for longer than 30 minutes.
Looks like U15 will bring me back in for a while though.
See you in space, Tenno.

Right there with you dude.

The game still looks and plays nice but that grind..... :p

Although to be honest I really haven't seen much about U15.

Maybe I'll look into trying it out when it finally drops.
Update 15 is out!

Get a new game mode Arc Wing, new frame Limbo, a side quest/faction mechanic with ability mod... mods! new weapons of course, and some great new fixes/enhancements all over.

though I did get kicked and cannot log in after farming the arcwing parts in one go lol. But in general seems like a great update to check out. And get tons of hot fixes through the day I'm sure.


I am still about.
I occasionally poke my head in to do warlordy things and grind a few weapon ranks, but after 2000 hours, I just cant play for longer than 30 minutes.
Looks like U15 will bring me back in for a while though.
See you in space, Tenno.

Yeah, I'm getting kind of exhausted at just 300 hours. Great game but mainly come back for the major updates. U15 looks really fun so far, the archewing grind is small too.


I forget what half of my old warframe builds were like now that they changed the ability slots in the new update. I just slapped on a quick thinking or equilibrium to all of them and enjoy the free forma.

Haven't tried the archwing stuff yet. The Sydicate mods look mad disappointing so far.


Hi there, another new Warframe player. I had played like 4-5 hours some months ago and now gave the game another shot after I saw the Archwing update.

Those few first hours were the worst, though. The beginning weapons are such trash and you don't really get resources for blueprints in the first few planets, it was such absolute microtransaction hell.

Now that I got far enough to get some half-decent weapon and warframe variety, I've been enjoying the game quite a bit. In fact I'm a little hooked now, though not enough to hurry my Nyx warframe production. That 72 hours wait tho, yikes
Boy I should have looked up this thread a while ago. Slow as it may be, it's nice to see that there are some gaffers here too.

Archwing is one of the best additions this game has had in a long time, other than the enemies getting stuck on some surfaces. It's a shame farming the pieces for the alternate Archwing is so annoyingly tough.


By the way Glitches, do you play on PC? I remember sending you a friend request a while back. Might still be pending.

Also, the sudden combo of limited weapon and warframe slots, and inability to get points towards mastery unless you're leveling new gear, just KO'ed me a bit. Might have to get into trading if I don't want to wait for next discount on Initiate Pack
By the way Glitches, do you play on PC? I remember sending you a friend request a while back. Might still be pending.

Also, the sudden combo of limited weapon and warframe slots, and inability to get points towards mastery unless you're leveling new gear, just KO'ed me a bit. Might have to get into trading if I don't want to wait for next discount on Initiate Pack

Oh, I do. If you sent a friend request I probably rejected it because I forgot that someone on Gaf added me, and I don't accept "random" requests/I tend to clean out my friends list from people who haven't played in 2 or more weeks.. Sorry!

Send it again if you sent it some time ago. Glitchesarecool.

I've filled my Warframe slots with everyone I will ever want to play as (with Primes replacing their regular versions, and no Zypher because I just don't feel that frame), and I have two free slots open for leveling weapons on Affinity Booster days. I need to rebuild Banshee since it sounds like they've fixed the problems with Sonar just not working, since it's the main reason to use her.

By the way, if people didn't notice you can stack Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude now. Rhino, Saryn, and Frost too stronk.


Eeh no worries. Besides, I'm like rank 3 with no formas or potatos used, so it's not really like we'll play much together :p

Tried Tier 1 Void Survival with a rather friendly experienced group, but ended up being almost a burden (only fell down once or twice through the thing), since by level 35 my damage became minimal and Excalibur's super didn't one-shot trash anymore.

So I kept hopping around the halls with the dual heat blades' burning aoe drop attack like I was a seizelessly discharging jumping bean. Thank god I at least had that little bit of crowd control
If you're taking Excal into high level play, you should be using Radial Blind instead. Max duration + range build. Scales infinitely and stops enemies in their tracks for the rest of your team to take down.

Shame they nerfed it so that it doesn't pass through walls any more.


Oh, once radial javelin stopped killing all lesser enemies in the room I switched to using radial blind. I kept getting all my spent energy back almost every time I used radial javelin (as panic button), so maybe if energy pick ups persist through the whole mission, it might've been more energy-efficient to use radial blind from the start.
Update 15.2.0 dropped tonight.

Tenno Reinforcements:
RATHBONE: Archwing Melee
Using Archwing’s jets for thrust, this massive hammer crushes anything in its path.

VELOCITUS: Archwing Primary
When fully charged, the magnetized barrel of the Velocitus accelerates a metal slug to tremendous speeds, piercing hulls and obliterating armor.

New Player Quest: Introduction to Infested:
Once Awake
Intercepted Grineer communications reveal that Grineer have been experimenting with some sort of bio weapon. You must investigate.

This new quest will be immediately available to any player who has completed Vor’s Prize, and can be accepted directly from the Codex. It will also be made available to players who skipped Vor’s Prize when the quest system was first implemented, meaning that only players who are yet to complete Vor’s Prize and are brand new to Warframe will need to wait to play!
Enemies targeted by Nyx’s Mind Control no longer take friendly damage until the duration of the ability ends, at which point all accumulated damage to the target is applied at once.

Vauban’s Tesla beam from the Tesla Link Mod has received an improved visual effect to reduce visual clutter when cast multiple times and Vauban’s Tesla beam from the Tesla Link Mod should now properly deal Slash damage.

Excalibur’s Radial Javelin and Mag’s Shield Polarize will now check for line of sight when targeting enemies.

Trinity’s Energy Vampire now only benefits teammates who can see or can be seen by the targeted victim (victims remember who they have seen for a short duration).

Banish / Rift Walk will no longer stack energy regeneration when used on targets in a Cataclysm bubble.
Optimized Dojo memory use to improve performance and load times.
Optimized game code to improve loading times and performance.
HUD will now display the correct button mapping when using a controller with a remapped button layout.
Enemy spawn points are now spread into clusters in Dark Sector Conflicts.
Removed brown fog from Archwing missions.
Made small adjustments to flaming debris in Archwing Trench Run missions.
Previewing the front sigil will now display the default color for the sigil you are viewing without changing the color of your equipped back sigil.
Huras Kubrow Hunt Mod will now prompt Kubrow to pick an enemy near other enemies (since the charge is AoE).
Added knockdown to Huras Kubrow charge that should make enemies hit suffer an entertaining knockback.
Gilded Truth Mod will now provide a multiplier of 1.2 instead of a multiplier of 0.2.
Moved Vor’s transmissions during Vor’s Prize to sit on the right hand side of the screen to reduce obstruction.
Adjusted timers on special effects particles to prevent lingering FX (ie. smoke from destroyed crates).
Removed Neural Sensor Requirements from Large Restore Crafting Recipes.
Eximus units in the Void now require 3 scans for a Codex entry, as opposed to the original 20.
Changed all entries of ‘Fire’, ‘Poison’ or ‘Freeze’ damage elements to ‘Heat’, ‘Toxin’ and ‘Cold’ respectively to remove inconsistency.
Points can no longer sit neutral, they must be owned by either AI or players.
Score now scaled directly by the number of points you have, instead of being reduced if the AI owns more.
Abandoned points (eg. was capturing but left point before completing the capture) now start to drain faster (5 seconds after leaving from 10 seconds) and drain back to the original state far quicker (at a rate of 25% per second)
Updated all point prefabs so the points will start captured by the AI and must be taken by the player, score does not start accruing until a player captures a point
Archwing Fixes:
Fixed description for Elytron’s Core Vent ability incorrectly stated that it hurts enemies.
Fixed an issue with Archwing melee weapons not extending when viewed in the Arsenal.
Fixed color changes on Archwing weapons appearing to revert when modified in Arsenal, changes now correctly saved.
Fixed Archwing parts loading into non-archwing missions.
Fixed Odonata’s Disarray not affecting Dreg Spheres.
Fixed Elytron’s Core Vent not affecting Dreg Spheres.
Fixed the activation of Odonata Archwing abilities not properly issuing 25/50/75/100 Affinity respective of ability used (1/2/3/4).
Fixed an issue with a checkered wall blocking progression on certain areas of the Infested Ship tileset.
Fixed a UI Bug that made Affinity Orbs appear to give 100 Affinity in the ‘pickup ticker’ when a Affinity Booster is active, when 200 Affinity was in fact being rewarded.
Fixed pause menu becoming inaccessible when viewing mission progress.
Fixed a crash that would occur for players with pending recipes available on login.
Fixed an error where Kubrow would still be heard when using Arsenal or when muted.
Fixed issue where using the search bar for Mods would always display Fusion Cores in the results.
Fixed a game freeze that could occur when selecting an event from the World State Window.
Fixed scrollbar inaccuracies in Events tab of World State Window.
Fixed inbox messages breaking after transmissions have played.
Fixed some profiles appearing incorrectly as Grand Master.
Fixed Trench Run minimap issues to correctly display objective marker and load correct room.
Fixed issue with Huras Kubrow Hunt Mod where charge would end after 5 frames of no movement.
Fixed issue with Huras Kubrow Hunt Mod where all Kubrow in mission would share the same cooldown recharge time.
Fixed issue that caused Sigils to never display warframe energy color.
Fixed issue that caused planets to not zoom in when on Solar Map, also reduced lingering on the full map once a planet/node has been selected.
Fixed dual wielded secondary weapons appearing in players hands in Archwing Arsenal.
Fixed menu tabs not displaying correctly when player switches quickly from one tab to the next.
Fixed login screen not displaying last used Warframe, should now be corrected after one login.
Fixed defense objective on Ceres alerts spawning off the lift, breaking enemy pathing.
Fixed loading issue with Grineer shipyard zones.
Fixed Europa incorrectly displaying 500-1200 conclave requirement, now properly reads 500-1000.
Fixed pathing error on Infested Corpus Ship tileset that would occur when entering certain hallways.
Fixed various gameplay freezes and crashes.
Fixed continued issues with Stalker not spawning properly.
Localized the Limbo Theorem and Archwing quest summaries for Russian and Japanese.
Localized final Archwing mission transmissions to French.
Resized Syndicate names to not be so long in Russian.
Various localization fixes and updates.

Most significant to me is that Trinity nerf. So now you have to be in line of sight to get energy at all, which is problematic for teams that are trying to move around.

Admittedly the interception changes are also a pain.

Edit: Fuck me the more I look at this the worse it gets. Excal is completely mashed into the ground again, and limiting mod drops to 50 uncollected a mission is insane for anyone doing a long survival or defense!


I assume Nyx got a slight buff while Excalibur got nerfed? Weeeell now, guess what warframe transition I was about to make anyway and Foundry will finish within 2 days? Mind control here I come!

Also, I've been reading Codex entries for weaknesses completely wrong all this time. "Oh wow, armor's really resistant to corrosion!" Derp


Alright, little pissed off now. The archwing starter quest is bugged. I'm walking in space.

Happens every time too. I can't progress through this because the enemy ship's laser destroys me after a certain point


Hyun Sai

Honestly, I lurk sometimes in the official forums to see if anything could make me come back, but it's a big facepalm everytime.


Honestly, I lurk sometimes in the official forums to see if anything could make me come back, but it's a big facepalm everytime.

This is how I feel.

I have the middle founders pack and tonnes of maxed gear. I think I'm mastery 8 or 9.

Haven't played since the jungle map was added.

Have they made any major changes that might tempt me back? I was tired of it having no real endgame and simply being a loot treadmill.


This is how I feel.

I have the middle founders pack and tonnes of maxed gear. I think I'm mastery 8 or 9.

Haven't played since the jungle map was added.

Have they made any major changes that might tempt me back? I was tired of it having no real endgame and simply being a loot treadmill.
I played the most before any of the newest shit was introduced. I think they have completely destroyed their Mod interface, it is unusable for me now. So many updates are very poorly explained in the game. Shattered mods? No idea. Kubrow dying randomly. New squad mechanics that make very little sense.

I still sometimes log on and play a few rounds, but the game is now distinctly divided into two camps: über-players who are all primadonnas and refuse to revive you or disconnect if you cannot keep up with their fully upgraded speed and marathon mods. And the other side is beginners who are begging for taxiing all over the place. It is a very hostile and unpleasant environment for semi-casual play.
I still sometimes log on and play a few rounds, but the game is now distinctly divided into two camps: über-players who are all primadonnas and refuse to revive you or disconnect if you cannot keep up with their fully upgraded speed and marathon mods. And the other side is beginners who are begging for taxiing all over the place. It is a very hostile and unpleasant environment for semi-casual play.

I've not actually run into either of these groups and pretty much every interaction with people has been largely positive in game. In fact I distinctly recall being surprised by this because almost every online game is separated in such a way. The only time a revive was ignored was when a person had stayed back in spawn.

Perhaps people are miffed at this new update.
Digital Extremes needs to gather themselves and re-evaluate the direction this game is taking. I think I might make a Youtube video about this, but in short:

Veteran players are very valuable to DE, since Warframe isn't a one-time purchase game. Older players are actually more likely to offer platinum the more they enjoy the game. At the moment, veteran players' efforts are being neglected.

There are too many weapons, resulting in redundancy and balance difficulties. There are complaints about the Supra, about the Braton Prime, Torid, etc. that are not getting addressed.

There are very few incentives to co-operative play in this game. Once you have a Rhino and a Boltor Prime, there's nothing a teammate can bring to the table other than simply killing things slightly faster. The entire structure of mission objectives, mods, and warframe abilities need to be changed to encourage greater cooperation rather than spamming 4.
Proper co-op is one of the best ways to bring natural longevity to the game, rather than artificially elongating playtime.

Not to mention many other questionable design decisions.

Essentially, at this point, the game needs an overhaul before it gets too bloated for any changes to occur (though some may argue that has already happened). Otherwise, I see a slow and steady decline first in player satisfaction, then in player participation.

As game devs, DE needs to be one step ahead of the game but they seem to be two steps behind. Some of the lead designers need to be replaced over there.


Update 15.2.0 dropped tonight.

Angry pitchforks being raised apparently because they're targeting the popular syndicate rep farm setup without actually stopping it. People are just going to use Saryn/Rhino/something else as long as Viver/reputation exists in its current form. I haven't done it myself since syndicate rewards look terrible and not worth the part sacrifices.

Sucks to see them gut three frames (especially reverting Excalibur to his previous state) while still sitting around on changing Limbo's ability to interfere with other players. Cataclysm is like a more annoying snow globe. You can't manually return yourself from being banished either.


Oh wow didn't know you could get pretty steep platinum discounts as log-in rewards. Got a 75% one. That's pretty cool

Bought 170 platinum to get some more weapon and warframe slots. Would have bought more buuuuut having your archwing finish after 2 days only to have the starter quest get broken by a patch on that day was not a fun experience


It's as if DE saw Mogamu's video according to these hotfix notes

Syndicate Changes

Added standing multiplier to Sigils - the higher the tier of Sigil, the higher the multiplier.
Added sigil multiplier to Syndicate mission bonus if sigil matches the Syndicate hosting the mission.
Syndicate Standing gain per day now capped at 2000 + (2000 x Mastery Rank Number).
For example, I am a Mastery Rank 15 player.
My personal Syndicate Reputation Cap is 2000 + (2000 x 15)
Using BEDMAS: 2000 + 30000
32000 is my Daily Syndicate Standing cap as a Mastery Rank 15 player.
(Coming in next build, missed build cutoff!) Base Syndicate standing gain is now ten times faster than before

Warframe Changes

Removed LOS checks for Radial Javelin, Energy Vampire, and Shield Polarize (reverted the 15.2.0 change).

Archwing Changes

Reduced AI ‘sprint’ acceleration and max ‘sprint’ speed to make enemies easier to target.
Updated Velocitus firing sounds.
Reduced lens flare effect on Velocitus.
Bigger hit effect on the Velocitus’ projectile.
Small buff to Velocitus’ damage, included ability to sweep a sphere giving some ‘slack’ on the shot.
Enemy spawns will be staggered so enemies are not as bunched together.
Small optimization made to AI pathing in Archwing.


Adjusted holster position for staff weapons on Hydroid.
Relocated capture and spawn points on Viver, Interception missions.
Improved the weapon trail on the Fragor/Brokk attack animations.
Viver, Eris is now a Infested Hive mission to return Eris to a purely Infested region.


Fixed Flappy Zephyr missing from leaderboards.
Fixed Rathbone requiring two handles to craft, now reduced to one handle.
Fixed Sigils not showing their proper selected color.
Fixed Rathbone having 9 Mod slots, reduced to 8.
Made improvements to Archwing enemy navigation, should no longer get stuck in asteroids when being fired at.
Fixed Gilded Truth Mod giving higher fire rate than intended, now gives up to 80% when fully maxed.
Fixed issue that caused Zephyr suddenly stopping mid air due to physics bug.
Fixed VIP not spawning in quest defense missions.
Fixed World State Window not accessing a Syndicate Mission on a planet you haven’t unlocked.
Fixed script error that would stop progress on Capture missions.
Fixed portions of Ice Planet tileset near crashed ship where players could fall out of map.
Various localization fixes and updates.
Fixed Interception point D on Corpus Ship, no longer floating off the ground.
Fixed issue regarding host-migration, items will no longer be lost during host-migration mid Defense or Interception missions.
Joining an Archwing mission that’s already in progress will no longer mute Archwing sounds.
Fixed inaccurate collision on crashed ship on Ice Planet tileset.
Fixed players not receiving Archwing during space extraction cinematic on Archwing quest mission.



Base standing gain now ten times faster than before (for real this time!)


Fixed instance when Molt’s decoy would not properly die at the end of the ability.
Fixed unintentional cap on Syndicate bonus standing gain. (This fix will manifest after login resets at 7PM EST).
Yeah, these changes to the faction grind is great. I'm getting about a thousand faction points per mission with my MR+Sigil.

I hate what they've done to interception though, it's impossible to win on large maps unless you're playing very low levels.


Yeah, these changes to the faction grind is great. I'm getting about a thousand faction points per mission with my MR+Sigil.
I'm a little concerned about the increased faction points loss though. Before I knew it, 2 angry factions were spawning squads of Eximus right on my head. And the requirement to join a syndicate is only achieving Rank 2. My team and I have to suffer potential sudden failure... for just a few measly special specters? Really?
You need to check those reward tiers. Yes at the start their specters (which, by the way, can be stacked with each other), but I'm almost able to get the Large Team Energy Restore BP from the Arbiters and their ability augments aren't terrible.

Plus they have the Burston Prime fire rate booster and that's going to be awesome.


Yes but you're punished already at 10-20 syndicate represented missions in, is my point. An Eximus squad is already enough to ruin everything in 5 seconds if my team's not fully prepared for it, and at the decent rewards you're fighting a battallion?

It's a little nuts. Not to mention since it's 10 times easier to reach now, making the mechanic much more appealing rewardwise, you'll have plenty more of newer people such as me either being targets or teaming up with targets


Hello everyone!
I have a question if I may. I just installed the game with my boyfriend. We just got to our own spaceship (yay!), but we cannot invite each other to our party. Is co-op unlocked until later, or is there something we haven't done?
Did you complete the opening tutorial (assembling the pieces of the ship)? I believe the Quest is singleplayer only to get you used to the basic mechanics before you can introduce another person.


Did you complete the opening tutorial (assembling the pieces of the ship)? I believe the Quest is singleplayer only to get you used to the basic mechanics before you can introduce another person.

Well, there are still pieces missing from my ship, so I think maybe I haven't.

We'll just keep going, then! Thanks, and sorry for the stupid question!


Hmm, launched up today(from steam) and it looks like they finally moved to the new launcher, looks much better. Also, appears I got a refund from drop chance boosters, did anyone read why we got that? Were they not working properly or something?

Been really trying to get back into the game lately but finding my old community is pretty dead and I'm lacking motivation. Really should try to finish off my collections, I'm now missing 2 warframes (nyx prime and Limbo) and still heaps of weapons, and the second archwing... So much farming to do.


Also, appears I got a refund from drop chance boosters, did anyone read why we got that? Were they not working properly or something?
Turns out they didn't work at all. So people got in-game mail notifications and were given their platinum back.


This game is really not very solo friendly, is it? There are so many instances where I'm suddenly overrun by a huge mob of enemies. During an infestation defend mission, there were suddenly 10-15 enemies on top of me. It was going well right up until wave 3 or so, where they just came out of nowhere. They took down the object I was to defend and myself in a matter of seconds. Is it my build or can't I do any defend missions solo without a specific frame? It's the same with the excavation archwing mission. I keep either getting overwhelmed by a giant mob of enemies, or else no power carriers will spawn near the excavator, and when I'm out looking for it suddenly mobs have spawned near the excavator and has crushed it before I get there. I can't even wait for the enemies to spawn on the excavator, because apparently they don't. Waited there 10 minutes and not a single enemy came - untill I went away to look for power, and I failed the objective.

I've more or less given up on playing with my partner, since we've gotten the message "unable to join session" every single day - and we're both far beyond the intro. :(
Is it because I've activated another quest (the stupid archwing quest) and it's keeping me from joining a squad?

This game seems so amazing, but I've found it to be a really frustrating experience so far. :(
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