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Any chance I can get an invite to TennoGAF? Coming back to WF after a longish abscence (about oh, 4, 5 months? before the new ship stuff) IGN is Muskieratboi. Rank 7 with a damn near Maxed out Rhino (and a Soma which is so Overpowered it's insane.)


So I heard Jeff talking about this game on the bomb cast and saying its got some bits that are better than destiny, so I decided to check it out again.

Played the first mission and I thought it was pretty great. I was just curious as to what the "end game" really consists of? are there raids, dungeons, bosses, loot etc? I was pretty disappointed with destiny in this regard.

So I heard Jeff talking about this game on the bomb cast and saying its got some bits that are better than destiny, so I decided to check it out again.

Played the first mission and I thought it was pretty great. I was just curious as to what the "end game" really consists of? are there raids, dungeons, bosses, loot etc? I was pretty disappointed with destiny in this regard.


End game is basically just the game, but more of it. Farming specific bosses to get frames/weapons you want, taking on difficult challenges that appear or that you get access to with items. There are also "story" quests that are regularly added, like the Kubrouw thing, getting Archwings, this thing with Alad V and his special brand of Infested, and now this stuff with the Formicants and defending the player hub Relays.

Ever since they added the "quest" system that lets them string missions together, we've seen regular content updates, it's quite nice. There are no raids though, and I guess Void missions could count as dungeons to get nice loot. I wouldn't say it's better or worse than Destiny, just different - though Warframe does let you unlock more vareity, I guess, by getting more frames - since each frame is its own class, and there are like 30 of the things. I started with Excalibur, got myself a Rhino, and now I'm running Nova - and all three play so differently it's pretty interesting. It's also useful to be able to pick the right frame for the job.


Is the GAF clan still around? I'd like an invite. Destiny burned me out and the Bombcast piqued my interest.



Did they fix controller support for the PC version of the game? I haven't played Warframe since it launched and also would like to see how it actually stacks up to destiny.
Did they fix controller support for the PC version of the game? I haven't played Warframe since it launched and also would like to see how it actually stacks up to destiny.

I play it exclusively with a 360 pad. You still have to use a mouse and keyboard for the more complex menus, like mod combinations and setting up equipment, but during actual missions playing with a gamepad is a joy. They recently retooled all the buttons and such, so it's much better now than it was a few months back. You have full access to all the movement 2.0 moves, without needing to contort your fingers.


I just started playing this on the PS4. Chose mag as my first frame. Played through the first level and ended up on the ship in an Excalibur which sucks. Did I do something wrong? It won't let me change it for my mag.


Played this again last night after a like 1 year break. Man this has changed a lot. Have not unlocked all the modules for the ship yet. It's still confusing in places but fun!

edit: One question I could not find an answer to.
Can you play on console and pc with the same account and keep progress across the systems?


edit: One question I could not find an answer to.
Can you play on console and pc with the same account and keep progress across the systems?
No, patches are often released and tested on PC before being rolled out to the console versions.
I just started getting into this a bit after only briefly trying out the beta a long time ago. If anyone is able to send me a clan invite my in game name is: Ryu_Elessar


I still have one big issue with this game and it's the health and shield system. It's so hard to tell when you are about to die. Sometimes my warframe just suddenly falls to the ground without me noticing any significant incoming damage. The feedback is really bad imo...
I was having the same problem until I built a Rhino - the Iron Skin ability of the Rhino helped me get a better "feel" for how damage works in Warframe, but at higher levels there are still things that just one-shot you from half a mile away, with an aura or something. I think the game's damage display could do with a bit of cleaning up, and better audio cues for when shields are down.


Ok I am a total noob to this game and downloaded it for PS4. I like the game so far but have no idea what anything is for and what I am doing. I understand the leveling mechanics for guns, but do not understand how to mod my warframe. I went into the arsenal machine and couldn't figure out how to apply my mod I fused. It will only let me change the colors on my warframe.. do I need it to be a certain level? I am level 4 right now on my first frame. I am still on the story mode I guess where I am trying to deactivate some worm in my head. Oops saw that there is a PS4 OT, I will see my way out.


Just started playing again and wanted to join gaf clan and read the forum post... Is it still worth it to invest time in this game? Is the clan still active?
Just started playing again and wanted to join gaf clan and read the forum post... Is it still worth it to invest time in this game? Is the clan still active?

I'd say the game is way better now than it's ever been, and is a great shooter with lots of content, but I have no idea as to the status of the GAF clan. This thread seems pretty dead, and I don't know if the people who've been asking to be added to the clan are actually getting added. (I'm not in the gaf clan).


I'm running the game on a 5750, it hitches and stutters, but still awesome to play.

And I haven't been invited to the clan, so it might be dead/dormant.


The Gaf PC clan is pretty much non existent anymore. I wouldnt hold your breath for an invite, really someone just needs to make a new one for all the new people coming back or just starting.

Game is ridiculously pretty, and doesn't really strain my 750 at 1920x1080. I'm glad they added the personal ship, it's actually a cool way to interface with the game. I do wish there were free cosmetics to place in the ship, not just things to pay real money for. Like things you can find in the world.


Even though I see them so much, I still like the 'everyone enters through a non-existent grate' intros, since it can make it look like something big is about to go down.


I never cared much for PhysX before, until I saw it being used in Warframe. The way enemies explode into particles that bounce off the terrain and melt, is just too good.
The big problem I have with the game right now is that it's difficult to advance because I don't have great gear. I'll get blueprints for better stuff, but then the parts I need are in areas that I can't really manage. I guess that's where the f2p comes in

Edit: And yeah, this came can look really nice at times. I wish there were more outside environments and enemy variety
The big problem I have with the game right now is that it's difficult to advance because I don't have great gear. I'll get blueprints for better stuff, but then the parts I need are in areas that I can't really manage. I guess that's where the f2p comes in

Edit: And yeah, this came can look really nice at times. I wish there were more outside environments and enemy variety

There are actually a lot more outdoor than indoor environments, I felt - but you need to have like 10 planets unlocked to get that feeling. Archewing missions also take place in space, so that's pretty cool.

I played 120 hours before I decided to spend any money on the game - it can be a bit rough at first, which is why I recommend farming a Rhino frame from Jackal (Fossa, Venus). Once you have a Rhino, you'll make a lot more progress forward, especially solo.

The game is pretty much designed for co-op, so unless you team up with randoms or friends, it can be slow going. If you need any help, I'm "Miktar" in Warframe. If I'm online, I'd be more than happy to help you progress through a few planets. I always have a lower-level frame that I need to level.


I play it exclusively with a 360 pad. You still have to use a mouse and keyboard for the more complex menus, like mod combinations and setting up equipment, but during actual missions playing with a gamepad is a joy.

Yeah, it works great, but since there are no on-screen button indicators, I would've been completely lost if I hadn't played the Xbox One version first.
The Gaf PC clan is pretty much non existent anymore. I wouldnt hold your breath for an invite, really someone just needs to make a new one for all the new people coming back or just starting.

That makes me extremely sad... The clan was never super active, but there was usually people on... Plus I think I made a pretty sweet Dojo before I quit. :p

Would be a shame for our Dojo, emblem, platinum, etc, to go to waste...

I've no idea who is in charge of the thing after Metal left, though.


Weird, sometimes a clan management button (that I can't use anyway) replaces the button to check what each rank can do. Yeah, it's at least GAF Gold to invite.


I have not found a Warframe that's fitting me yet. My highest level is Trinity but the healing is incredible unsatisfying wihtout any feedback. Is stealth even useful in this game if you do not solo?
Started this up recent due to my curiosity and the Bombcast and i'm really digging it so far but its sucks to hear the Clan might be inactive.

i need some help though with a defense mission (which is part of a quest) but i guess other players are hardly on the planet anymore. :(

Also due to a public match i got some orokin keys to do some of those those void missons eventually.
Started this up recent due to my curiosity and the Bombcast and i'm really digging it so far but its sucks to hear the Clan might be inactive.

i need some help though with a defense mission (which is part of a quest) but i guess other players are hardly on the planet anymore. :(

Also due to a public match i got some orokin keys to do some of those those void missons eventually.

If you're still on, I could help with the defense mission: just add "Miktar" in game.
If you're still on, I could help with the defense mission: just add "Miktar" in game.

Nah i'm at work currently but i would add you later once i'm home (you can add as a friend right?) if you don't mind.

Thank you as i don't think i'm ready to solo
10 waves of enemies yet


Can I get an invite to the clan? :) I think I was in one GAF clan once but I am not sure it exists anymore. Name is derFeef in game too.
I (and a lot of others have) put way too much effort in the GAF clan for it to die off! I will install the game on another PC if I have to, just give some invites out!

It'll just take a while... I have 2Mbps internet where I'm at...


I (and a lot of others have) put way too much effort in the GAF clan for it to die off! I will install the game on another PC if I have to, just give some invites out!

It'll just take a while... I have 2Mbps internet where I'm at...

I still have the game installed and the power to invite to the clan. Tell me who to invite and I'll do it right now
Kinda wish the game would let you be in multiple clans at once. This whole 'one clan for your whole account' business just isn't workable. I'm in a clan with friends, but I'd like to be in the GAF clan too.
I still have the game installed and the power to invite to the clan. Tell me who to invite and I'll do it right now


My man!

From what I've gathered:



alright, I invited Saften and derFeef.

I also tried to invite Voxtex, Muskieratboi, and Lady_Siara, but got the error message "user is already in a clan". So if you guys want to come back to GAF clan please post here and I'll invite you.

There used to be an issue where even if you weren't in a different clan, but had an unanswered clan invite in your inbox, you couldn't be invited to another clan. So if you're one of the ones I tried to invite, but the game things you're already in a clan, then check your inbox and make sure there's no invite from a different clan sitting there.

edit: alright, I'll go through the rest of that list now.

edit #2: Invited ThePhazzer, Strazy, Atruvius, Fabuulous, and Ryu_Elessar. Got the "already in a clan" message back from producerofdeath and miktar

Kinda wish the game would let you be in multiple clans at once. This whole 'one clan for your whole account' business just isn't workable. I'm in a clan with friends, but I'd like to be in the GAF clan too.

Yea, it's kind of lame. But if you're RL friends want to be in GAF clan that's fine also. I know it's kind of dead ish, but there's a bunch of new people now, and we pretty much have all of the clan tech gear and upgrades and stuff unlocked already so if you guys are being troubled by the clan grind you can switch over. Just let me know.

Also, while I might play a bit more now if the clan is more active, I'm still kind of over the hump on the game... and if Saav and metal are gone we'll need someone to step up to a leadership position.... kind of hard to pick one since everybody is new though.

also, I'm all fucked up on cold medicine right now and noticed a bunch of grammar spelling mistakes in my post but too fucked to care. sorry. I'm not an idiot i swar.
No need to invite me to the GAF Clan. I don't think my friends would want to abandon the clan they've spent the last few years on, either. They've been playing daily since beta, so they're pretty set up.

I'd like to join, but I don't want to leave the clan I'm in and pardon my saying, but GAF can be really fair-weather, so I'm not expecting the current resurgence to last long. GAF clans have a history of just petering out and fading away in most games, with only one or two rare exceptions. It takes a very particular kind of enthusiastic and regular-playing core group to keep a clan alive. It's understandable that life/work/reality can get in the way, but a niche game like Warframe is already on the losing side of keeping enough of an interest from the average GAF player, I feel.


No need to invite me to the GAF Clan. I don't think my friends would want to abandon the clan they've spent the last few years on, either. They've been playing daily since beta, so they're pretty set up.

I'd like to join, but I don't want to leave the clan I'm in and pardon my saying, but GAF can be really fair-weather, so I'm not expecting the current resurgence to last long. GAF clans have a history of just petering out and fading away in most games, with only one or two rare exceptions. It takes a very particular kind of enthusiastic and regular-playing core group to keep a clan alive. It's understandable that life/work/reality can get in the way, but a niche game like Warframe is already on the losing side of keeping enough of an interest from the average GAF player, I feel.

yea, if they're already set up with everything then there's really no point.
Finally got the damn Ember systems blueprint today, after two days of the boss that drops it having been replaced with that Infested Invasion boss that drops Nyx prints instead. So that's finally cooking. Been really enjoying Nova ever since I got her, Molecular Priming is a damn nice skill, especially for group play.

Decided to spend some of the Plat I got in the Initiate Pack that was on sale for $9 on Steam a while back, to get the Skana that looks kinda like a lizard tail, which is cool. Up until now, I've only been using the Plat to unlock space for frames as I build them. The game only really starts to open up once you have four or so frames. I do wish it was a bit more solo friendly though, been stuck on the same planet for weeks.
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