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You can get the Mag blueprints pretty early on at the Mars boss. Might need to play further into Saturn/Jupiter though for some of the crafting materials.
Oh hey Stalker appeared out of fucking nowhere and owned me. :/



Also i'm not sure he's so offended by myself killing those bosses.

Yeah I didn't know what a Stalker was when I first got killed by him. I was just playing a mission, screen went black and dude said I was gonna die. I'm on my level 10 rhino and out of no where pops in this level 35 stalker and im like wtfffffffff and bam im dead.

didn't even realize he was overleveled too.

Makes sense on how he was able to easily wipe the floor with me (coupled with my shock/panic/inexperience) lol.

hopefully i'll be better prepared next time so i will use Miktar's tip of keeping a max rank equipment with you just in case

You can get the Mag blueprints pretty early on at the Mars boss. Might need to play further into Saturn/Jupiter though for some of the crafting materials.

also might go for a mag frame also since i do have mars unlocked and it never hurts having another warframe blueprint but i want to "finish" the other planets first (save for the archwing stuff which i'll get to do later due to currently being on the quest).

Got a Oberon Systems blueprint as well.
How long will that Prime Pack be available? The weapons seem pretty cool based off of the Giant Bomb quicklook.

I'm not sure. Is it a pack through the in-game store, or through Steam? Something worth doing is keeping an eye on the Steam DLC page for the game during sales - that's how I got the $20 Initiate pack for $9, which gave me enough plat to make space for a whole bunch of frames and weapons.

As for the "lights flickering" thing, you're gonna hate it later in the game when the Syndicates come into play. Flickering lights could mean a whole bunch of different things, depending on who you play with. When you level a Syndicate, you piss off other Syndicates, and they start sending things after you. It can really spice up a mission when suddenly out of nowhere, a whole squad of bad guys drop in.
I'm not sure. Is it a pack through the in-game store, or through Steam? Something worth doing is keeping an eye on the Steam DLC page for the game during sales - that's how I got the $20 Initiate pack for $9, which gave me enough plat to make space for a whole bunch of frames and weapons.

its starts the in-game store, then goes to the warframe website where you pay for it through steam (due to the site detecting its a steam copy)

As for the "lights flickering" thing, you're gonna hate it later in the game when the Syndicates come into play. Flickering lights could mean a whole bunch of different things, depending on who you play with. When you level a Syndicate, you piss off other Syndicates, and they start sending things after you. It can really spice up a mission when suddenly out of nowhere, a whole squad of bad guys drop in.

god dammit :/


What playing as Mesa feels like (sometimes)


so that's what that frame was :O

saw it a few times while playing defense with some randoms and wondering how she/he is going all Equilibrium on those asses.

Such a fun movie


Saint Nic
its starts the in-game store, then goes to the warframe website where you pay for it through steam (due to the site detecting its a steam copy)

Yeah, this.

Also, been playing random missions to open up the maps I have available a bit more. Got to do the Vor fight (not the story quest version, although the fight was nearly the same), and it was rad. Got the blueprint for Seer and now I need to farm him for the parts. I'm enjoying this game more and more. It's a really good mashup of Destiny, PSO, and something I can't quite put my finger on (maybe Gears?). Great fun, though.


so that's what that frame was :O

saw it a few times while playing defense with some randoms and wondering how she/he is going all Equilibrium on those asses.

Such a fun movie

Mesa is a monster on defense missions. Her Regulators are autohit and hit like a pair of freight trains. Feed her a bit of energy and she murders entire waves (I'm slotted for energy efficiency on Mesa).

Just press 4 and keep clicking.

Pairing her up with a Nova and/or augmented Limbo is just cruel
Yeah, this.

Also, been playing random missions to open up the maps I have available a bit more. Got to do the Vor fight (not the story quest version, although the fight was nearly the same), and it was rad. Got the blueprint for Seer and now I need to farm him for the parts. I'm enjoying this game more and more. It's a really good mashup of Destiny, PSO, and something I can't quite put my finger on (maybe Gears?). Great fun, though.

For the nova access stuff i could possibly see myself getting the 80 dollar pack tbh since i like nova, the game has been fun so far and for supporting the devs. But i'm really strapped right now sadly plus the usual second guessing thing.

i haven't beaten him since the intro quest lol

should do some runs and see if he drops his equipment but man is Stalker gonna be pissed (or does Vor not count) :p

Mesa is a monster on defense missions. Her Regulators are autohit and hit like a pair of freight trains. Feed her a bit of energy and she murders entire waves (I'm slotted for energy efficiency on Mesa).

Just press 4 and keep clicking.

Pairing her up with a Nova and/or augmented Limbo is just cruel

Nice. Definitely high on the list of frames to acquire but man i just realized how much of a credit sink it is to create these things (mainly due to not knowing i had to buy the blueprint for the entire frame and it wont build with just with the components.

after that comment from Saprol about range and stuff i started reading up of the power efficiency stuff.

And oh man :O @ that bold especially
after seeing that Nova move for the first time. That whole thing sounds insane.

Also was it you that was in a squad earlier today along with Miktar? If so could i add you as a friend since it was fun (i was 123Space)


That new Mesa Frame looks like Hawt FI-YA!

But I REALLLLLY don't wanna get back into the grind that is this game tho.

God damn it......


Saint Nic
OK, so I need some tips from you veterans.

I'm working my way through the quests to get my Archwing. The first part of it has me doing an Excavation mission on Venus. Despite having reasonably high ranks in my warframe and guns (Volt 19, Braton 17, Mk-1 Kunai 15), I simply can't stay alive. The enemies are the little Moa walkers and the dudes that look like welders (the ones with the helmets). I can't kill them all fast enough and end up getting overrun while trying to protect the excavators and such.

Is it a matter of farming for better mods (which would mean I just run other missions, right?), or is there something else I should be doing to make those guys easier to kill. They're only rank 10 or so, so it's not like they're over my level.
I had a LOT of problems with those Archewing excavation missions solo. I ended up enlisting the help of friends to get through. I think they're tweaked for players who're basically already at 'end game', since Archewing is kind of 'new content after you're done with all the existing content' in a way. The Quest system doesn't really differentiate between new and old players, so you can run face first into a brick wall. Like the Alad V quest, the mission to secure all three science ships. Without three friends, I would have never made it.

If you're online and want some help, shoot me a message.


Are you running the excavation mission with other people? Because that is pretty much a must.
But yeah, run some lower level mission to level up your gear and get some mods.
You're not gonna be able to do the rest of the Archwing requirements before you're way into levelling your second set of gear, anyway.


One tip for excavation if you're doing it solo: you can leave the mission after the first excavation (look for the green marker on your mini-map). Granted, you only get one item (instead of three), but at least you get something. The biggest issue is that you'll have to do it over and over until you have all three items, which can be frustrating since the item you get is purely random (I have like 4 wings now, but no harness).
funnily enough i've been holding off that mission for some time now so i didn't even know it was one of those excavation missions. :/

if you need a helping hand nicoga i could join as well since i'm also in the same boat of wanting to clear that mission and a extra hand is usually better.
the wiki claimed it was the first logical upgrade from Skana (since it apparently used to be an auto drop from Vor) but i'm not sure how it fares against the other stuff.

I just want another sword to eventually level up. :p

When you finish one of the quests, forget which one, you get a Heat Sword. It's pretty boss.
When you finish one of the quests, forget which one, you get a Heat Sword. It's pretty boss.

i already got the heat sword but i just need a neural sensor before i can build it. :/

Good to know that its awesome though for whenever i finally get the chance to.

iirc it was the final mission in the quest that introduced the infested.
Opinions on Latron Prime?

Also, how do I get Reactors/Catalysts?

i got a blueprint from an alert mission.

other ways apparently include (from the wiki) :

as a possible login reward

during invasions (i guess as a possible reward for siding with whoever or clearing the infested)

plus the usual buy them for real money


Yeah a dude just gave me all the components for the Latron Prime and was like "Here's something to help you out :)"

Warframe, even without this particular instance, does have a fairly friendly community in my experience.

Now I just need 4 Orokin Cells to make it.
Yeah a dude just gave me all the components for the Latron Prime and was like "Here's something to help you out :)"

Warframe, even without this particular instance, does have a fairly friendly community in my experience.

Now I just need 4 Orokin Cells to make it.

that's pretty awesome

plus yea gotta grind those missions i guess to get them cells
Wave 10 Tower I Defense. Were doing hot so far, suddenly, all the infested everywhere! All three of us downed, but not before I threw out a shield drone. That kept the thing we had to defend alive long enough for me to revive, pop Nova's ultimate, and the other two Excalibur Ultimated and everything was clear. Talk about skin of our teeth, was pretty badass.
Wave 10 Tower I Defense. Were doing hot so far, suddenly, all the infested everywhere! All three of us downed, but not before I threw out a shield drone. That kept the thing we had to defend alive long enough for me to revive, pop Nova's ultimate, and the other two Excalibur Ultimated and everything was clear. Talk about skin of our teeth, was pretty badass.

:O :O :O :O

so that's what was keeping the thing because with the amount of shit swarming it i honestly expected the mission failed screen before bleeding out. Luckily i had some revives (usually i do dumb shit and waste them before getting serious) so i could try and get back in the fray quickly to help out.

But man we were this close to losing it all, mad props to that big play, mad props.

Also now i see why you weren't sure if we could take a defense mission in there because holy shit at that.


Saint Nic
Did some mission that popped up on Venus to escort the hostage. It was hard as nails, but thankfully, my group carried my weak ass through it and I got some Mirage Helmet blueprint out of it. :)

One of the frames was popping down these rectangular door/teleport/swirl looking things. Any idea what they were?


A good little thing I keep in mind when choosing weapons against certain factions. There are three damage types; slash, puncture and impact that most weapons have. Some weapons excel in one damage type and aren't so effect against certain factions. An example; Slash damage is very good against infected enemy types, while it is terrible against armored grineer enemy types and shielded corpus types. I like to remember this when choosing weapon by their damage type for missions; slash for cutting flesh, puncture for heavy armor, and impact for shattering sheilds.

Now elemental damage is another bonus you keep in mind. Sometimes it's preference based on the effect a certain elemental combo will do. Either way, you sould always keep in mind to add elemental damage to your weapons, because it ADDS to the overall damage your weapon will do with one hit.

Each element damage mod gives an inherent effect to them when they proc on hit with a weapon. Note that there is a "Status chance" on every weapon, this determines the chance for whatever element a weapon has on it to take effect. The base elemental mods and their effects are:

-Fire- chance to cause fire damage over 6 seconds that is equal to 50% of your weapon's base damage and causes them to panic while the dot is active
-Electricity- chance to trigger a small AoE electric shock proc that is 50% of your weapon's base damage and stuns enemies for a short time
-Toxin- chance to proc a damage over time that is 50% of your weapon's base damage
-Cold- chance to slow an enemy's fire-rate and movement speed by 50% for 6 seconds

From these base elemental damage types there are elemental combos that further enhance weapon damage towards specific enemy types. Some of these elemental combos give some great late-game utility and offer great advantages against tough enemies. To get elemental combos you would place elemental damage mods and according to their order they would make the combo. The order is read from left to right, top to bottom, with innate elemental damage being read as the bottom most right position of your mod layouts.

Blast - Cold+Fire - Blast damage's status effect is an area of effect knockdown.
Corrosive - Electric+Toxin - Corrosive damage's unique status effect is Corrosion, which permanently degrades enemy armor by 25%, causing affected units to take more damage.
Gas - Fire+Toxin - does a Toxin AoE that deals 50% of your weapon or power's base damage in a small area around the affected enemy with a 100% status chance. As such, enemies damaged by this Toxin burst will also be affected by a Toxin DoT that inflicts 50% of the AoE damage per tick (9 ticks over 8 seconds).
Viral - Cold+Toxin - Viral reduces a target's maximum health to 50% for 6 seconds
Radiation - This elemental damage causes confusion, enemies under the effect will also be targeted by their own allies. It is similar to but less reliable than Nyx's Chaos ability. The status effect is visually noticeable as blue flashes on the affected unit.
Magnetic - Cold+Electric - When this damage type procs, the target's current shields and maximum shield capacity will be reduced by 75% over a duration of 4 seconds. After the effect expires, the target's shields and maximum shield capacity will be restored. Should multiple Magnetic status effects occur while one is already active, the duration will be extended, and the target's shields will be permanently reduced when the effect expires.

The damage system is pretty fun to play with once you get the elemental mods into the mix on weapons. Too bad most of the time you barely have space to put base damage...we need more catalyst alerts.


So if your playing this on PC with a controller you should use the DS4 with the DS4tool because you can use the touch pad like a mouse, it makes navigating the ship menus really handy.

It's really nutty playing this game now as compared to what I played in the beta a few years ago they've really built themselves out something cool. There is still element of polish in the shooting that Destiny has over this game but what destiny lacks in soul this game makes up for it.

I like the arcade nature of this game a little more I don't know what it is but it gives me both an arcade vibe and is much more PSO than what people claim destiny is.

Also the enemy character designs are really fucking weird and dope. Everything has a nice other worldly feel to it.

Thanks Jeff Gertsman for reminding me that Warframe is a thing that is worth going back to.


Saint Nic
So if your playing this on PC with a controller you should use the DS4 with the DS4tool because you can use the touch pad like a mouse, it makes navigating the ship menus really handy.

It's really nutty playing this game now as compared to what I played in the beta a few years ago they've really built themselves out something cool. There is still element of polish in the shooting that Destiny has over this game but what destiny lacks in soul this game makes up for it.

I like the arcade nature of this game a little more I don't know what it is but it gives me both an arcade vibe and is much more PSO than what people claim destiny is.

Also the enemy character designs are really fucking weird and dope. Everything has a nice other worldly feel to it.

Thanks Jeff Gertsman for reminding me that Warframe is a thing that is worth going back to.

The Destiny thing is more the fact that it's a loot driven space shooter. I agree that the PSO nature of it is a LOT heavier, which I'm happy about. PSO had a lot more color and excitement regarding drop hunting, but this game does a pretty great job of replicating that with the F2P mechanics it employs.
Something that keeps drawing me back to Warframe is how unique it is, visually. Everything from the weird frame designs with Vibrams toeshoe feets, to the Gaelic-mythology-in-space archetypes of some of the frames like Oberon.

Western sci-fi tends to be incredibly bland, or overly cartoony, yet Warframe straddles a weird line between cartoony and exotic. I don't know which lead artist or designer is responsible for Warframe's weirdness, but I'm glad for it.

Also helps that the game is, visually, rather impressive. Lots of good effects, that don't impact framerate to a degree where I'd want to turn them off.



The Destiny thing is more the fact that it's a loot driven space shooter. I agree that the PSO nature of it is a LOT heavier, which I'm happy about. PSO had a lot more color and excitement regarding drop hunting, but this game does a pretty great job of replicating that with the F2P mechanics it employs.

I think the the level structures and zones very much ape PSO but in different ways with Warfarme mimicking the better things and also bringing those PSO things into the modern world.


I've started playing with the Valkyr warframe, but it just feels so damn squishy. The huge amount of armor she has doesn't seem to do anything for her tank-wise. Do I have to keep up the Warcry buff at all times, or do any of you have some experience with Valkyr?


I've started playing with the Valkyr warframe, but it just feels so damn squishy. The huge amount of armor she has doesn't seem to do anything for her tank-wise. Do I have to keep up the Warcry buff at all times, or do any of you have some experience with Valkyr?

Valkyr really shines with the steel fiber mod, it adds to your base armor stat. I build mine with a focus on duration and pure health/armor. An amazing mod to get for her is Rage, which gives you energy based on bow much health damage you recieve. Most of Valkyr's skills benefit from duration mods. Pushing upwards of 20+ seconds of invincibility is nice.
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